Test struts in textless box.
Test vertical alignment vs line breaking interaction.
Test struts on paragraph with offset middle box.
Add paragraphLines to Rich ParagraphLayout.
BREAKING: The paragraphLines field of ParagraphLayout must be preserved
for pagination.
BREAKING: The width of a rich text ParagraphLayout will now remain
unchanged after pagination.
BREAKING: Empty space at the top of the first line and at the bottom
of the last line in a ParagraphLayout will now be preserved.
Test mixed line height with varied alignment.
Add content rect to Fragment.
Test preservation of lines with boxes.
Test boxes with no text or only a space.
Allow trimmed whitespace to generate empty fragments.
BREAKING: Output may now contain more fragments with zero glyphs,
representing runs of whitespace that was trimmed away. These runs may
also start a box at the end of a line, instead of the beginning of the
next line.
BREAKING: Trimmed whitespace now affects line height.
Test with AlignStart by default.
Allow paragraphRect without point 0,0.
Test right-aligned paragraph.
Test handling of empty lines.
Improve BiDi handling of numbers and neutrals.
Test with only directionally neutral characters.
Test mirrored neutral characters.
Add tests for mixed text direction.