
Add missing files to Cabal package description.
Separate module for the ParagraphLayout type.
Test removing spaces around lines.
Remove collapsible spaces at beginning of lines.
Ensure tests do not pass with missing files.
Add script for manual testing.
Allow empty lines when hard line breaking.
Support hard line breaks.
Bump version to
Include fontInfo in the repository.

This should make it possible to use the sample test outputs straight
from the repository, without having to build and run the tests.
Add shaped runs for demo.
Allow custom font options outside FontLoader.
Improve test readability with runIO.
Add internal functions for "shaped runs" output.
Allow polymorphism in writing golden tests.
Refactor pretty printing for golden tests.
Test effect of paragraph prefix.
Document considerations for beginsText/endsText.
Add test for Devanagari.
Reduce test dependencies on fonts.