
d5253a67c07ac5f110471f7644c55b5ef40695ba — Jaro 1 year, 3 months ago 85383d4
Do not pass around text direction unnecessarily.
1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs +20 -16
@@ 172,9 172,8 @@ verticalAlignment originY pl = (bottomY, PL.mapFragments setOrigin pl)
            boxVerticalAlignment (RB.boxOptions rb) == AlignLineBottom
        fragBoxes (WithSpan rs _) = RS.spanBoxes rs
        vors = sconcat $ fmap vor $ PL.protoFragments pl
        vor (WithSpan rs pf) =
        vor (WithSpan rs _) =
                (PF.direction pf)
                (RS.spanTextOptions rs)
                (RS.spanBoxes rs)

@@ 429,12 428,12 @@ layoutRunH (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
        glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
        dir = runDirection run
        lvl = runLevel run
        vo = verticalOffsets dir (RS.spanTextOptions rs)
        vo = verticalOffsets (RS.spanTextOptions rs)
        hard = runHardBreak run

-- | Vertical offsets for the given fragment, with baseline set to 0.
verticalOffsets :: Direction -> TextOptions -> VO.VerticalOffsets
verticalOffsets dir opts = VO.VerticalOffsets
verticalOffsets :: TextOptions -> VO.VerticalOffsets
verticalOffsets opts = VO.VerticalOffsets
    { VO.layoutTop = ascent + topHalfLeading
    , VO.fontTop = ascent
    , VO.baseline = 0

@@ 453,6 452,11 @@ verticalOffsets dir opts = VO.VerticalOffsets
        -- `descent` >= 0 for horizontal fonts
        descent = - (descender extents `fromMaybe` textDescender opts)
        extents = fontExtentsForDir (textFont opts) (Just dir)
        -- Actual shaped text direction may differ from the direction set in
        -- `TextOptions` (for example RTL characters in a LTR box), but
        -- HarfBuzz only distinguished horizontal and vertical extents,
        -- so this should make no difference.
        dir = textDirection opts
        lineHeight = case textLineHeight opts of
            Normal -> normalLineHeight
            Absolute h -> h

@@ 464,9 468,9 @@ verticalOffsets dir opts = VO.VerticalOffsets
-- Note: The font extents are calculated using the same direction for the whole
--       ancestry path regardless of the actual direction of these boxes, but
--       this should not matter for text that is only horizontal.
verticalOffsetsRecursive :: Direction -> TextOptions -> [RB.ResolvedBox d] ->
verticalOffsetsRecursive :: TextOptions -> [RB.ResolvedBox d] ->
    (Maybe (RB.ResolvedBox d), VO.VerticalOffsets)
verticalOffsetsRecursive dir opts boxes = case boxes of
verticalOffsetsRecursive opts boxes = case boxes of
    [] -> -- Inline content directly in the root box.
        (Nothing, vo)
    (b : bs) -> case boxVerticalAlignment $ RB.boxOptions b of

@@ 474,20 478,20 @@ verticalOffsetsRecursive dir opts boxes = case boxes of
        AlignLineBottom -> (Just b, vo)
        AlignBaseline offset ->
            let parentOpts = RB.boxParentTextOptions b
                (anchor, parentVO) = verticalOffsetsRecursive dir parentOpts bs
                (anchor, parentVO) = verticalOffsetsRecursive parentOpts bs
            in (anchor, VO.alignBaseline (VO.baseline parentVO + offset) vo)
        vo = verticalOffsets dir opts
        vo = verticalOffsets opts

-- | Like `verticalOffsetsRecursive`, but also generate struts for every
-- ancestor box.
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts :: Direction -> TextOptions -> [RB.ResolvedBox d]
    -> NonEmpty (Maybe (RB.ResolvedBox d), VO.VerticalOffsets)
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts dir opts [] =
    verticalOffsetsRecursive dir opts [] :| []
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts dir opts boxes@(b : bs) =
    verticalOffsetsRecursive dir opts boxes <|
    verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts dir (RB.boxParentTextOptions b) bs
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts :: TextOptions -> [RB.ResolvedBox d] ->
    NonEmpty (Maybe (RB.ResolvedBox d), VO.VerticalOffsets)
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts opts [] =
    verticalOffsetsRecursive opts [] :| []
verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts opts boxes@(b : bs) =
    verticalOffsetsRecursive opts boxes <|
    verticalOffsetsRecursiveStruts (RB.boxParentTextOptions b) bs

-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
shapeRun :: WithSpan d Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]