module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.RectSpec (spec) where
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Test.Hspec
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rect
positiveRect :: Rect Int32
positiveRect = Rect 50 (-70) 10 10
negativeRect :: Rect Int32
negativeRect = Rect 80 (-75) (-15) (-15)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "union of two rects" $ do
describe "low X, low Y" $
llSpec $ union LL positiveRect negativeRect
describe "low X, high Y" $
lhSpec $ union LH positiveRect negativeRect
describe "high X, low Y" $
hlSpec $ union HL positiveRect negativeRect
describe "high X, high Y" $
hhSpec $ union HH positiveRect negativeRect
describe "union of list" $ do
describe "when empty" $
it "should be Nothing" $ do
unionMany LL []
`shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe (Rect Int32))
describe "with single item" $ do
describe "matching LL origin" $
it "should be identity" $
unionMany LL [positiveRect]
`shouldBe` Just positiveRect
describe "matching HH origin" $
it "should be identity" $
unionMany HH [negativeRect]
`shouldBe` Just negativeRect
describe "with single item repeated" $ do
describe "matching LL origin" $
it "should be equal to item" $
unionMany LL (replicate 2 positiveRect)
`shouldBe` Just positiveRect
describe "matching HH origin" $
it "should be equal to item" $
unionMany HH (replicate 7 negativeRect)
`shouldBe` Just negativeRect
describe "with two items" $
it "should behave the same as binary function" $
unionMany LL [positiveRect, negativeRect]
`shouldBe` Just (union LL positiveRect negativeRect)
describe "union of non-empty list" $ do
describe "with single item" $ do
describe "matching LL origin" $
it "should be identity" $
unionMany1 LL (positiveRect :| [])
`shouldBe` positiveRect
describe "matching HH origin" $
it "should be identity" $
unionMany1 HH (negativeRect :| [])
`shouldBe` negativeRect
describe "with two items" $
it "should behave the same as binary function" $
unionMany1 LL (positiveRect :| [negativeRect])
`shouldBe` union LL positiveRect negativeRect
llSpec :: Rect Int32 -> SpecWith ()
llSpec r = do
commonSpec r
it "has origin at 50,-90" $
(x_origin r, y_origin r) `shouldBe` (50, -90)
it "has terminus at 80,-60" $
(x_terminus r, y_terminus r) `shouldBe` (80, -60)
it "has size 30,30" $
(x_size r, y_size r) `shouldBe` (30, 30)
lhSpec :: Rect Int32 -> SpecWith ()
lhSpec r = do
commonSpec r
it "has origin at 50,-60" $
(x_origin r, y_origin r) `shouldBe` (50, -60)
it "has terminus at 80,-90" $
(x_terminus r, y_terminus r) `shouldBe` (80, -90)
it "has size 30,-30" $
(x_size r, y_size r) `shouldBe` (30, -30)
hlSpec :: Rect Int32 -> SpecWith ()
hlSpec r = do
commonSpec r
it "has origin at 80,-90" $
(x_origin r, y_origin r) `shouldBe` (80, -90)
it "has terminus at 50,-60" $
(x_terminus r, y_terminus r) `shouldBe` (50, -60)
it "has size -30,30" $
(x_size r, y_size r) `shouldBe` (-30, 30)
hhSpec :: Rect Int32 -> SpecWith ()
hhSpec r = do
commonSpec r
it "has origin at 80,-60" $
(x_origin r, y_origin r) `shouldBe` (80, -60)
it "has terminus at 50,-90" $
(x_terminus r, y_terminus r) `shouldBe` (50, -90)
it "has size -30,-30" $
(x_size r, y_size r) `shouldBe` (-30, -30)
commonSpec :: Rect Int32 -> SpecWith ()
commonSpec r = do
it "has minimum coordinates at at 50,-90" $
(x_min r, y_min r) `shouldBe` (50, -90)
it "has maximum coordinates at 80,-60" $
(x_max r, y_max r) `shouldBe` (80, -60)
it "has absolute size 30,30" $
(width r, height r) `shouldBe` (30, 30)