
f7a8c1d76fa7ee17b7a81db535639ca2be1b77e5 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 29768fb
Improve data: URI handling, provide utility to convert other URIs to data: URIs.
1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +17 -4
@@ 34,7 34,7 @@ import Network.Connection

import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL.Lazy as B64

import Network.URI.Locale

@@ 196,9 196,9 @@ fetchURL' _ (defaultMIME:_) uri@URI {uriScheme = "data:"} =
    in case breakOn ',' $ unEscapeString request of
        ("", response) -> return (uri, defaultMIME, Left $ Txt.pack response)
        (mime', response) | '4':'6':'e':'s':'a':'b':';':mime <- reverse mime' ->
            return $ case B64.decode $ C8.pack response of
                Left str -> (uri, "text/plain", Left $ Txt.pack str)
                Right bytes -> (uri, reverse mime, Right $ B.fromStrict bytes)
            return $ case B64.decode $ B.fromStrict $ C8.pack response of
                Left str -> (uri, "text/plain", Left $ Txt.pack $ unEscapeString str)
                Right bytes -> (uri, reverse mime, Right bytes)
        (mime, response) -> return (uri, mime, Left $ Txt.pack response)

@@ 222,6 222,8 @@ dispatchByMIME Session {locale = l, apps = a} mime uri = do
dispatchByMIME _ _ _ = return Nothing

-- Downloads utilities
-- | write download to a file in the given directory.
saveDownload :: URI -> FilePath -> (URI, String, Either Text ByteString) -> IO URI
saveDownload baseURI dir (URI {uriPath = path}, mime, resp) = do
    dest <- unusedFilename (dir </> takeFileName path)

@@ 240,6 242,17 @@ unusedFilename path = do
            exists <- doesFileExist path'
            if exists then go (n+1) else return path'

-- | Convert a download into a data: URI
downloadToURI :: (URI, String, Either Text ByteString) -> URI
downloadToURI (_, mime, Left txt) = nullURI {
        uriScheme = "data:",
        uriPath = mime ++ "," ++ escapeURIString isReserved (Txt.unpack txt)
downloadToURI (_, mime, Right bytes) = nullURI {
        uriScheme = "data:",
        uriPath = mime ++ ";base64," ++ C8.unpack (B.toStrict $ B64.encode bytes)

-- Utils