
a841435e2a825ecd8d7f27b0140a2a46e6408fb6 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 11 months ago 0836606
Support clientside certificates for HTTPS & Gemini.

Meanwhile refactor Gemini to use internationalization for its error reporting.
3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

M hurl.cabal
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M src/Network/URI/Messages.hs
M hurl.cabal => hurl.cabal +1 -1
@@ 114,7 114,7 @@ library
  if flag(http)
    CPP-options:   -DWITH_HTTP_URI
    build-depends: http-client, http-types >= 0.12 && <0.13, publicsuffixlist >= 0.1,
                   http-client-tls, time, cookie
                   http-client-tls, time, cookie, connection, tls, data-default-class
    other-modules: Network.URI.Cache, Network.URI.CookiesDB
  if flag(gemini)

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +53 -15
@@ 3,7 3,7 @@
-- | Retrieves documents for a URL, supporting multiple URL schemes that can be
-- disabled at build-time for reduced dependencies.
module Network.URI.Fetch(
    Session(locale, aboutPages, redirectCount, cachingEnabled, validateCertificates),
    Session(locale, aboutPages, redirectCount, cachingEnabled, validateCertificates, credentials),
    fetchURL, fetchURL', fetchURLs, submitURL, submitURL', mimeERR, htmlERR,
    dispatchByMIME, appsForMIME, Application(..), dispatchByApp,

@@ 62,7 62,7 @@ import           Network.URI.Cache
import           Network.URI.CookiesDB

import qualified Network.Connection as Conn
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import qualified Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as TLS

@@ 91,6 91,7 @@ import System.Process
data Session = Session {
    managerHTTP :: HTTP.Manager,
    managerHTTPNoValidate :: HTTP.Manager,
    globalCookieJar :: MVar HTTP.CookieJar,
    cookiesPath :: FilePath,
    retroactiveCookies :: Maybe (MVar HTTP.CookieJar),

@@ 118,7 119,10 @@ data Session = Session {
    -- | App-specific config subdirectory to check
    appName :: String,
    -- | Whether to validate the server is who they say they are on secured protocols.
    validateCertificates :: Bool
    validateCertificates :: Bool,
    -- | Bytestrings or files containing the client certificate to use for logging into the server.
    credentials :: Maybe (Either (FilePath, FilePath) (C8.ByteString, C8.ByteString)),
    credentials' :: MVar (Maybe (Either (FilePath, FilePath) (C8.ByteString, C8.ByteString)))

data LogRecord = LogRecord {

@@ 140,8 144,24 @@ newSession = newSession' ""
newSession' :: String -> IO Session
newSession' appname = do
    (ietfLocale, unixLocale) <- rfc2616Locale
    credentialsMVar <- newMVar Nothing
    managerHTTP' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.tlsManagerSettings
    let httpsSettings = (TLS.defaultParamsClient "example.com" "https") {
        TLS.clientSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_default },
        TLS.clientHooks = def {
            TLS.onCertificateRequest = deliverCredentials credentialsMVar
    let httpsSettingsNoValidate = httpsSettings {
        TLS.clientShared = def {
            TLS.sharedValidationCache = TLS.ValidationCache
                (\_ _ _ -> return TLS.ValidationCachePass)
                (\_ _ _ -> return ())
    managerHTTP' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.mkManagerSettings (Conn.TLSSettings httpsSettings) Nothing
    managerHTTPnovalidate' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.mkManagerSettings
        (Conn.TLSSettings httpsSettingsNoValidate) Nothing 

    cookiesDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "nz.geek.adrian.hurl.cookies2"
    let cookiesPath' = cookiesDir </> appname

@@ 165,6 185,7 @@ newSession' appname = do
    return Session {
        managerHTTP = managerHTTP',
        managerHTTPNoValidate = managerHTTPnovalidate',
        globalCookieJar = cookieJar,
        cookiesPath = cookiesPath',
        retroactiveCookies = Just cookieJar',

@@ 185,7 206,9 @@ newSession' appname = do
        redirectCount = 5,
        cachingEnabled = True,
        validateCertificates = True,
        appName = appname
        appName = appname,
        credentials = Nothing,
        credentials' = credentialsMVar

llookup key fallback map = fallback `fromMaybe` listToMaybe [v | (k, v) <- map, k == key]

@@ 291,6 314,7 @@ submitURL' session accept uri method encoding query | uriScheme uri `elem` ["htt
submitURL' session mimes uri _method _encoding query = fetchURL' session mimes uri {
    uriQuery = '?':encodeQuery query }
encodeQuery :: [(String, Either String FilePath)] -> String
encodeQuery [("", Left query)] = query -- Mostly for the sake of Gemini...
encodeQuery query = intercalate "&" $ M.mapMaybe encodePart query
    encodePart (key, Left "") = Just $ escape key

@@ 364,6 388,7 @@ fetchURL' sess@Session {connCtxt = ctxt, locale = l} mimes uri@URI {
        uriScheme = "gemini:", uriAuthority = Just (URIAuth _ host port)
    } = do
        let params = TLS.defaultParamsClient host "gmni"
        swapMVar (credentials' sess) (credentials sess)
        conn <- Conn.connectTo ctxt Conn.ConnectionParams {
            Conn.connectionHostname = host,
            Conn.connectionPort = parsePort 1965 port,

@@ 374,6 399,9 @@ fetchURL' sess@Session {connCtxt = ctxt, locale = l} mimes uri@URI {
                    TLS.sharedValidationCache = TLS.ValidationCache
                        (\_ _ _ -> return TLS.ValidationCachePass)
                        (\_ _ _ -> return ())
                TLS.clientHooks = def {
                    TLS.onCertificateRequest = deliverCredentials $ credentials' sess
            Conn.connectionUseSocks = Nothing

@@ 381,12 409,6 @@ fetchURL' sess@Session {connCtxt = ctxt, locale = l} mimes uri@URI {
        Conn.connectionPut conn $ C8.pack $ uriToString id uri "\r\n"
        header <- Conn.connectionGetLine 1027 conn
        case parseHeader $ C8.unpack header of
            -- NOTE: This case won't actually do anything until the caller (Rhapsode) implements forms.
            ('1', _, label) -> return (uri, "application/xhtml+xml", Left $ Txt.concat [
                    Txt.replace "<" "&lt;" $ Txt.replace "&" "&amp;" label,
                    "<input /></label></form>"
            ('2', _, mime) -> do
                body <- B.fromChunks <$> connectionGetChunks conn
                let mime' = L.map (Txt.unpack . Txt.strip) $ Txt.splitOn ";" mime

@@ 395,9 417,9 @@ fetchURL' sess@Session {connCtxt = ctxt, locale = l} mimes uri@URI {
                fetchURL' sess {
                    redirectCount = redirectCount sess - 1
                } mimes $ relativeTo redirect' uri
            -- TODO Implement client certificates, once I have a way for the user/caller to select one.
            --      And once I figure out how to configure the TLS cryptography.
            (_, _, err) -> return (uri, mimeERR, Left err)
            (x, y, err) -> return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $
                trans l $ GeminiError x y $ Txt.unpack $
                    Txt.replace "<" "&lt;" $ Txt.replace "&" "&amp;" err)
        parseHeader :: String -> (Char, Char, Text)
        parseHeader (major:minor:meta) = (major, minor, Txt.strip $ Txt.pack meta)

@@ 486,6 508,9 @@ fetchHTTPCached session shouldCache accept@(defaultMIME:_) rawUri cbReq cbResp =
            | testHSTS now domain hsts -> return rawUri { uriScheme = "https:" };
        _ -> return rawUri
    let manager = (if validateCertificates session
        then managerHTTP else managerHTTPNoValidate) session
    swapMVar (credentials' session) (credentials session)

    cached <- if shouldCache then readCacheHTTP uri else return (Nothing, Nothing)

@@ 502,7 527,7 @@ fetchHTTPCached session shouldCache accept@(defaultMIME:_) rawUri cbReq cbResp =
                ] ++ fromMaybe [] cachingHeaders,
                HTTP.redirectCount = 0
            response <- HTTP.httpLbs request' $ managerHTTP session
            response <- HTTP.httpLbs request' manager
            cbResp response
            case (
                uriScheme uri,

@@ 550,6 575,19 @@ fetchHTTPCached session _ [] uri _ _ =
    return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ UnsupportedMIME "")

deliverCredentials credentialsMVar _ = do
    credentials' <- readMVar credentialsMVar -- workaround for HTTP-Client-TLS
    case credentials' of
        Just (Left (public, private)) -> right <$> TLS.credentialLoadX509 public private
        Just (Right (public, private)) ->
            return $ right $ TLS.credentialLoadX509FromMemory public private
        Nothing -> return Nothing
    right (Left _) = Nothing
    right (Right x) = Just x

-- Downloads utilities
-- | write download to a file in the given directory.
saveDownload :: URI -> FilePath -> (URI, String, Either Text ByteString) -> IO URI

M src/Network/URI/Messages.hs => src/Network/URI/Messages.hs +20 -1
@@ 88,6 88,25 @@ trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InternalException e))) = case from
    Just ConnectionNotEstablished ->
        "Attempted to send or recieve data before establishing secure connection!"
    Nothing -> "Internal error: " ++ displayException e
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' '1' label) =
    "<form><label>" ++ label ++ "<input type=password></form>" 
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' _ label) = "<form><label>" ++ label ++ "<input></form>"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '1' _) = "Site unavailable!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '2' _) = "Program error!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '3' _) = "Proxy error!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '4' '4' timeout) =
    "Site busy! Please reload after at least " ++ timeout ++ " seconds"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '1' _) = "Page not found!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '2' _) = "Page deleted!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '3' _) = "Contacted wrong server!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '5' '9' _) = "Malformed request, my bad!"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' '1' _) = "<form><label>Authentication required" ++
    "<input type='-argo-keypair' -argo-error='Unauthorized account!'></form>"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' '2' _) = "<form><label>Authentication required" ++
    "<input type='-argo-keypair' -argo-error='Invalid account!'></form>"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '6' _ _) = "<form><label>Authentication required" ++
    "<input type='-argo-keypair' -argo-error='Invalid account!'></form>"
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError _ _ error) = error

@@ 96,7 115,7 @@ trans [] err = trans ["en"] err

data Errors = UnsupportedScheme String | UnsupportedMIME String | RequiresInstall String String
    | OpenedWith String | ReadFailed String | RawXML String | MalformedResponse
    | ExcessiveRedirects
    | ExcessiveRedirects | GeminiError Char Char String
    | Http HttpException