
915d7f98cdf72cb08513f69e8e58b70aab058f84 — Adrian Cochrane 3 years ago ac4767d
Expose APIs to open downloads with other apps.
M hurl.cabal => hurl.cabal +1 -1
@@ 92,7 92,7 @@ library
  exposed-modules:     Network.URI.Charset, Network.URI.Fetch
  -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
  other-modules:       Network.URI.Locale, Network.URI.Messages
  other-modules:       Network.URI.Locale, Network.URI.Messages, Network.URI.Types
  -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
  -- other-extensions:    

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +30 -2
@@ 4,10 4,13 @@
-- disabled at build-time for reduced dependencies.
module Network.URI.Fetch(Session(locale, aboutPages, redirectCount, cachingEnabled), newSession,
    fetchURL, fetchURL', fetchURLs, mimeERR, htmlERR,
    dispatchByMIME, saveDownload, downloadToURI,
    dispatchByMIME, appsForMIME, Application(..), dispatchByApp,
    saveDownload, downloadToURI,
    -- logging API
    LogRecord(..), enableLogging, retrieveLog, writeLog) where

import Network.URI.Types

import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Network.URI

@@ 21,7 24,8 @@ import           System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
import           Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently)

-- for about: URIs & port parsing, all standard lib
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- for executable extensions, all standard lib
import Data.Char (isSpace)

@@ 359,6 363,30 @@ dispatchByMIME Session {locale = l, apps = a} mime uri = do
dispatchByMIME _ _ _ = return Nothing

appsForMIME :: Session -> String -> IO [Application]
appsForMIME Session { apps = a, locale = l } = queryHandlers' a l
appsForMIME _ _ = []

dispatchByApp :: Session -> Application -> String -> URI -> IO Bool
dispatchByApp session@Session { locale = l } Application { appId = app} mime uri = do
    try1 <- launchApp' l uri app -- First try handing off the URL, feedreaders need this!
    case try1 of
        Left app -> return True
        Right False -> return False
        Right True -> do
            -- Download as temp file to open locally, the app requires it...
            temp <- canonicalizePath =<< getTemporaryDirectory
            resp <- fetchURL' session [mime] uri
            uri' <- saveDownload (URI "file:" Nothing "" "" "") temp resp
            isLeft <$> launchApp' l uri' app
dispatchByApp _ _ _ _ = return False

-- Downloads utilities
-- | write download to a file in the given directory.
saveDownload :: URI -> FilePath -> (URI, String, Either Text ByteString) -> IO URI

A src/Network/URI/Types.hs => src/Network/URI/Types.hs +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@
module Network.URI.Types(Application(..)) where

import Network.URI

data Application = Application {
    name :: String,
    icon :: URI,
    description :: String,
    appId :: String -- internal

M src/Network/URI/XDG.hs => src/Network/URI/XDG.hs +7 -1
@@ 1,12 1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.URI.XDG(XDGConfig, loadXDGConfig, dispatchURIByMIME) where
module Network.URI.XDG(XDGConfig, loadXDGConfig, dispatchURIByMIME, queryHandlers', launchApp') where

import Network.URI (URI(..))
import Network.URI.Types
import Network.URI.Messages (Errors(..))
import Network.URI.XDG.DesktopEntry
import Network.URI.XDG.MimeApps
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)

import qualified Text.XML as XML

@@ 73,3 75,7 @@ mapFirstM (x:xs) cb = do
        Just _ -> return item
        Nothing -> mapFirstM xs cb
mapFirstM [] _ = return Nothing

queryHandlers' :: XDGConfig -> [String] -> String -> IO [Application]
queryHandlers' XDGConfig { handlers = config } locales mime =
    catMaybes <$> mapM (desktop2app locales) (queryHandlers config mime)

M src/Network/URI/XDG/DesktopEntry.hs => src/Network/URI/XDG/DesktopEntry.hs +40 -10
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
module Network.URI.XDG.DesktopEntry(launchApp) where
module Network.URI.XDG.DesktopEntry(launchApp, launchApp', desktop2app) where

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, isJust)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Control.Monad (forM)

@@ 12,19 13,28 @@ import System.Process (spawnCommand)

import Network.URI.XDG.Ini
import Network.URI.XDG.MimeApps (split, fromMaybe')
import Network.URI.Types (Application(..))

launchApp :: [String] -- ^ The locale to use
launchApp' :: [String] -- ^ The locale to use
             -> URI -- ^ The URI to have it open.
             -> String -- ^ The .desktop ID
             -> IO (Maybe String) -- ^ The localized name of the application
launchApp locales uri desktopID = do
             -> IO (Either String Bool) -- ^ The localized name of the application or whether it expects a local path.
launchApp' locales uri desktopID = do
    app <- readDesktopID desktopID
    let grp = "desktop entry"
    let name = fromMaybe desktopID $ iniLookupLocalized locales grp "name" app
    case (iniLookup grp "type" app, iniLookup grp "exec" app) of
        (Just "Application", Just exec) | uriScheme uri /= "file:" && (isInfixOf "%f" exec || isInfixOf "%F" exec) ->
            return $ Right True
        (Just "Application", Just exec) ->
            catch (execApp uri exec name app) execFailed
        _ -> return Nothing
        _ -> return $ Right False

launchApp :: [String] -- ^ The locale to use
             -> URI -- ^ The URI to have it open.
             -> String -- ^ The .desktop ID
             -> IO (Maybe String) -- ^ The localized name of the application
launchApp a b c = leftToMaybe <$> launchApp' a b c

readDesktopID desktopID = do
    dirs <- lookupEnv "XDG_DATA_DIRS"

@@ 65,10 75,30 @@ esc' ('\'':cs) = '\\' : '\'' : esc' cs
esc' (c:cs) = c : esc' cs
esc' [] = "'"

execApp :: URI -> String -> String -> INI -> IO (Maybe String)
execApp :: URI -> String -> String -> INI -> IO (Either String a)
execApp uri exec name app = do
    spawnCommand $ macros uri exec (app, name)
    return $ Just name
    return $ Left name

execFailed :: IOError -> IO (Either a Bool)
execFailed _ = return $ Right False

desktop2app :: [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe Application)
desktop2app locales desktopId = do
    app <- readDesktopID desktopId
    let grp = "desktop entry"
    let localized key = iniLookupLocalized locales grp key app
    let isApp = iniLookup grp "type" app == Just "Application" && isJust (iniLookup grp "exec" app)
    return $ if isApp then Just $ Application {
        name = fromMaybe desktopId $ localized "name",
        description = fromMaybe "" $ localized "comment",
        icon = case localized "icon" of
            Just icon -> URI "xdg-icon:" Nothing icon "" ""
            Nothing -> URI "about:" Nothing "blank" "" "",
        appId = desktopId
    } else Nothing

--- Utils

execFailed :: IOError -> IO (Maybe String)
execFailed _ = return Nothing
leftToMaybe (Left a) = Just a
leftToMaybe (Right _) = Nothing