
8b90ce164c092b65969a70211a7bf78f868b2335 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 5 months ago c535223
Fix overly-strict certificate validation
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +5 -4
@@ 148,7 148,7 @@ newSession' appname = do
    (ietfLocale, unixLocale) <- rfc2616Locale
    credentialsMVar <- newMVar Nothing
    let httpsSettings = (TLS.defaultParamsClient "example.com" "https") {
    {- let httpsSettings = (TLS.defaultParamsClient "example.com" "https") {
        TLS.clientSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_default },
        TLS.clientHooks = def {
            TLS.onCertificateRequest = deliverCredentials credentialsMVar

@@ 160,10 160,11 @@ newSession' appname = do
                (\_ _ _ -> return TLS.ValidationCachePass)
                (\_ _ _ -> return ())
    managerHTTP' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.mkManagerSettings (Conn.TLSSettings httpsSettings) Nothing
    } -} -- FIXME: Be nice to support clientside certs... Those are far too strict!
    managerHTTP' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.mkManagerSettings
        (Conn.TLSSettingsSimple False False False) Nothing
    managerHTTPnovalidate' <- HTTP.newManager $ TLS.mkManagerSettings
        (Conn.TLSSettings httpsSettingsNoValidate) Nothing 
        (Conn.TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing

    cookiesDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "nz.geek.adrian.hurl.cookies2"
    let cookiesPath' = cookiesDir </> appname