
7239e77a1a2e8cacf2e04e88eaf5da99137d4a22 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 6370ab8
Support looking up icons by MIMEtype.
1 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M src/Network/URI/XDG/AppStream.hs
M src/Network/URI/XDG/AppStream.hs => src/Network/URI/XDG/AppStream.hs +79 -1
@@ 1,5 1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.URI.XDG.AppStream(loadDatabase, xmlForID) where -- , appsForMIME
module Network.URI.XDG.AppStream(
    loadDatabase, xmlForID, buildMIMEIndex,
    App(..), Icon(..), appsForMIME
) where

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Text.XML as XML

@@ 15,6 18,7 @@ import System.Process (callProcess)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Char (isDigit)

-- Load in the XML files

@@ 126,6 130,80 @@ comp2els comp = concat (

-- Lookup by MIME

buildMIMEIndex :: M.Map Text Component -> M.Map Text [Component]
buildMIMEIndex comps = list2map [(mime, comp) | (_, comp) <- M.toList comps, mime <- getMIMEs comp]

getMIMEs :: Component -> [Text]
getMIMEs comp = let nodes = concat $ map (XML.elementNodes) $ getEls "mimetypes" comp
    in filter Txt.null $ map node2txt nodes


data App = App {
    ident :: Text,
    name :: Text,
    summary :: Text,
    icons :: [Icon]
data Icon = Icon {
    source :: Text,
    width :: Maybe Int,
    height :: Maybe Int,
    url :: Text

appsForMIME :: IconCache -> M.Map Text [Component] -> Text -> [App]
appsForMIME iconcache comps mime = mapMaybe (comp2app iconcache) $ M.findWithDefault [] mime comps

comp2app :: IconCache -> Component -> Maybe App
comp2app iconcache comp
    | getText "type" comp == "desktop-application" = Just $ App {
        ident = getText "id" comp,
        name = getText "name" comp,
        summary = getText "summary" comp,
        icons = sortOn rankIcon $ concat $ map (el2icon iconcache) $ getEls "icon" comp
    | otherwise = Nothing
  where rankIcon icon = source icon `elemIndex` ["stock", "cached", "local", "remote"]

el2icon :: IconCache -> XML.Element -> [Icon]
el2icon iconcache el@(XML.Element _ attrs _)
    | Just "cached" <- "type" `M.lookup` attrs =
        [Icon "cached" size size $ Txt.append "file://" $ Txt.pack path
        | (size, path) <- lookupCachedIcons iconcache $ el2txt el]
el2icon _ el@(XML.Element _ attrs _) = [Icon {
        source = M.findWithDefault "" "type" attrs,
        width = parseIntAttr "width",
        height = parseIntAttr "height",
        url = iconURL el
  where parseIntAttr attr = M.lookup attr attrs >>= readMaybe . Txt.unpack

iconURL el@(XML.Element _ attrs _) = case "type" `M.lookup` attrs of
    Just "stock" -> "icon:" `Txt.append` val -- URI scheme NOT implemented
    Just "cached" -> "file:///{usr/share,var/cache}/app-info/icons/*/*/" `Txt.append` val -- FIXME, resolve & provide multiple options.
    Just "local" -> "file://" `Txt.append` val
    Just "remote" -> val
    _ -> "about:blank"
  where val = el2txt el

-- AppStream icon cache
type IconCache = [FilePath]
scanIconCache :: IO IconCache
scanIconCache = do
    sharePaths <- listDirectory "/usr/share/app-info/icons/" `catch` handleListError
    varPaths <- listDirectory "/usr/share/app-info/icons/"
    paths <- forConcurrently (sharePaths ++ varPaths) (\x -> listDirectory x `catch` handleListError)
    return (concat paths ++ sharePaths ++ varPaths)

lookupCachedIcons :: IconCache -> Text -> [(Maybe Int, FilePath)]
lookupCachedIcons iconcache icon = [(size $ takeBaseName dir, dir </> Txt.unpack icon) | dir <- iconcache]
    where size dirname = readMaybe $ takeWhile isDigit dirname

-- Supporting utilities
handleListError :: IOError -> IO [a]