
5c4812d56d065967a78916152634edb78696237a — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago bebe06d
Add decoupling layer for localizing HTTP errors.

This removes logic from the messages module, reduces duplication, & prepares to allow callers to provide their own localized messages.
3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M src/Network/URI/Locale.hs
M src/Network/URI/Messages.hs
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +2 -2
@@ 423,7 423,7 @@ fetchURL' sess@Session {connCtxt = ctxt, locale = l} mimes uri@URI {
        parseHeader :: String -> (Char, Char, Text)
        parseHeader (major:minor:meta) = (major, minor, Txt.strip $ Txt.pack meta)
        parseHeader _ = ('4', '1', Txt.pack $ trans l MalformedResponse)
        parseHeader header = ('4', '1', Txt.pack $ trans l $ MalformedResponse header)
        handleIOErr :: IOError -> IO Strict.ByteString
        handleIOErr _ = return ""
        connectionGetChunks conn = do

@@ 572,7 572,7 @@ fetchHTTPCached session shouldCache accept@(defaultMIME:_) rawUri cbReq cbResp =
        Right (mime, body) ->
            let mime' = L.map (Txt.unpack . Txt.strip) $ Txt.splitOn ";" mime
            in return $ resolveCharset' uri mime' body
  `catch` \e -> do return (rawUri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ Http e)
  `catch` \e -> do return (rawUri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ transHttp (locale session) e)
fetchHTTPCached session _ [] uri _ _ =
    return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ UnsupportedMIME "")

M src/Network/URI/Locale.hs => src/Network/URI/Locale.hs +94 -2
@@ 1,11 1,30 @@
-- | Internal module for retrieving languages to localize to.
module Network.URI.Locale(rfc2616Locale) where
-- Also provides decoupling layers between Network.URI.Messages & optional dependencies.
module Network.URI.Locale(rfc2616Locale
, transHttp
) where

import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Char (toLower)

import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), HttpExceptionContent(..))
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Network.TLS (TLSException(..), TLSError(..), AlertDescription(..))
import Control.Exception.Base (fromException)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status(..))

import Network.URI.Messages
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

--- This file is based on logic in GNOME's LibSoup & GLib.

-- | Returns the languages to which responses should be localized.

@@ 46,3 65,76 @@ split b (a:as) | a `elem` b = [] : split b as
        | (head':tail') <- split b as = (a:head') : tail'
        | otherwise = [a:as]
split _ [] = [[]]

---- Decoupling Layer
transHttp locales (InvalidUrlException url msg) = trans locales $ InvalidUrl url msg
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (TooManyRedirects _)) = trans locales $ ExcessiveRedirects
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ ResponseTimeout) = trans locales $ TimeoutResponse
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ ConnectionTimeout) = trans locales $ TimeoutConnection
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (ConnectionFailure err)) =
    trans locales $ FailedConnect $ displayException err
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException _ code)) =
    trans locales $ HTTPStatus (fromMaybe 500 $ readMaybe $ C8.unpack code) ""
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ OverlongHeaders) =
    trans locales $ HTTPStatus 431 "Overlong Headers"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidStatusLine why)) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse $ C8.unpack why
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidHeader why)) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse $ C8.unpack why
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidRequestHeader why)) =
    trans locales $ InvalidRequest $ C8.unpack why
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (ProxyConnectException a b (Status code msg))) =
    trans locales $ ProxyError (C8.unpack a) b code $ C8.unpack msg
-- NOTE: Minor details are unlocalized for now... Can always come back to this!
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ NoResponseDataReceived) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse "Empty"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ TlsNotSupported) =
    trans locales $ HandshakeMisc "Unsupported"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (WrongRequestBodyStreamSize a b)) =
    trans locales $ OtherException $ unlines ["Wrong request bodysize", show a, show b]
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (ResponseBodyTooShort a b)) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse ("Too short " ++ show a ++ '<' : show b)
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ InvalidChunkHeaders) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse "Chunk headers"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ IncompleteHeaders) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse "Incomplete headers"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidDestinationHost why)) =
    trans locales $ FailedConnect $ C8.unpack why
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (HttpZlibException _)) =
    trans locales $ MalformedResponse "ZLib compression"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ ConnectionClosed) =
    trans locales $ FailedConnect "already-closed"
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidProxySettings why)) =
    trans locales $ FailedConnect ("proxy (" ++ Txt.unpack why ++ ")")
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable key value)) =
    trans locales $ FailedConnect ("proxy (" ++ Txt.unpack key ++ '=' : Txt.unpack value ++ ")")
transHttp locales (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InternalException e)) =
    trans locales $ case fromException e of
        Just (Terminated _ why _) -> InsecureTerminated why
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Misc msg)) -> HandshakeMisc msg
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CloseNotify))) -> HandshakeClosed
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, HandshakeFailure))) -> HandshakeError
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, BadCertificate))) -> InsecureCertificate ""
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, UnsupportedCertificate))) ->
            InsecureCertificate $ trans locales InsecureCertificateUnsupported
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateExpired))) ->
            InsecureCertificate $ trans locales InsecureCertificateExpired
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateRevoked))) ->
            InsecureCertificate $ trans locales InsecureCertificateRevoked
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateUnknown))) ->
            InsecureCertificate $ trans locales InsecureCertificateUnknown
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, UnknownCa))) ->
            InsecureCertificate $ trans locales InsecureCertificateUnknownCA
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (why, _, _))) -> HandshakeMisc why
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Certificate why)) -> InsecureCertificate why
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_HandshakePolicy why)) -> HandshakePolicy why
        Just (HandshakeFailed Error_EOF) -> HandshakeEOF
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet why)) -> HandshakePacketInvalid why
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_unexpected a b)) -> HandshakePacketUnexpected a b
        Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_Parsing why)) -> HandshakePacketUnparsed why
        Just ConnectionNotEstablished -> InsecureUnestablished
        Nothing -> OtherException $ displayException e

M src/Network/URI/Messages.hs => src/Network/URI/Messages.hs +56 -70
@@ 14,13 14,6 @@ module Network.URI.Messages (trans, Errors(..)) where
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), HttpExceptionContent(..))
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Network.TLS (TLSException(..), TLSError(..), AlertDescription(..))
import Control.Exception.Base (fromException)

trans _ (RawXML markup) = markup
trans ("en":_) (UnsupportedScheme scheme) = "Unsupported protocol " ++ scheme

@@ 30,65 23,8 @@ trans ("en":_) (RequiresInstall mime appsMarkup) =
  where linkType = fromMaybe mime $ stripPrefix "x-scheme-handler/" mime
trans ("en":_) (OpenedWith app) = "Opened in " ++ app
trans ("en":_) (ReadFailed msg) = "Failed to read file: " ++ msg
trans ("en":_) MalformedResponse = "Invalid response!"
trans ("en":_) (MalformedResponse why) = "Invalid response! " ++ why
trans ("en":_) ExcessiveRedirects = "Too many redirects!"
trans ("en":_) (Http (InvalidUrlException url msg)) = "Invalid URL " ++ url ++ ": " ++ msg
trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ (TooManyRedirects _))) = "Too many redirects!"
trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ ResponseTimeout)) = "The site took too long to respond!"
trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ ConnectionTimeout)) = "The site took too long to connect!"
trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ (ConnectionFailure err))) = "Could not connect: " ++ displayException err
trans ("en":_) (Http (HttpExceptionRequest _ (InternalException e))) = case fromException e of
    Just (Terminated _ why _) -> "Secure session disconnected! <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Misc msg)) ->
        "Failed to establish secure connection! <em>" ++ msg ++ "</em>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CloseNotify))) ->
        "Secure session disconnected!"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, HandshakeFailure))) ->
        "Failed to negotiate security parameters!"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, BadCertificate))) ->
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, UnsupportedCertificate))) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>It has sent us a cryptographic certificate I failed to make sense of.</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateExpired))) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>The cryptographic certificate it has sent to us has expired!</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateRevoked))) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>The cryptographic certificate it has sent us has been revoked!</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, CertificateUnknown))) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>The cryptographic certificate it has sent us belongs to someone else!</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (_, _, UnknownCa))) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>The authority vouching for it is unknown to me!</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (why, _, _desc))) ->
        "Failed to establish secure connection! <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Certificate why)) -> unlines [
        "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
        "<p>" ++ why ++ "</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_HandshakePolicy why)) ->
        "Invalid handshake policy: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed Error_EOF) -> "Secure session disconnected!"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet why)) ->
        "Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_unexpected a b)) -> unlines [
        "<p>Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ a ++ "</em></p>",
        "<p>" ++ b ++ "</p>"
    Just (HandshakeFailed (Error_Packet_Parsing why)) ->
        "Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
    Just ConnectionNotEstablished ->
        "Attempted to send or recieve data before establishing secure connection!"
    Nothing -> "Internal error: " ++ displayException e
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' '1' label) =
    "<form><label>" ++ label ++ "<input type=password></form>" 
trans ("en":_) (GeminiError '1' _ label) = "<form><label>" ++ label ++ "<input></form>"

@@ 162,15 98,65 @@ trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 507 _) = "Insufficient <strong>WebDAV</strong> storag
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 508 _) = "<strong>WebDAV</strong> loop detected!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 510 _) = "Further request extensions required!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus 511 _) = "Authentication into network required!"
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus _ error) = error -- TODO localize
trans ("en":_) (HTTPStatus _ error) = error -- Fallback
trans ("en":_) (OtherException error) = "Internal Exception <pre><code>" ++ error ++ "</code></pre>"
trans ("en":_) (InvalidUrl url message) =
    "Invalid web address <code>" ++ url ++ "</code>: <em>" ++ message ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) (ProxyError msg code code' msg') = unlines [
    "<h1>Proxy failed to forward request!<h1>",
    "<p>" ++ show code ++ " " ++ msg ++ "</p>",
    "<p>" ++ show code' ++ " " ++ msg' ++ "</p>"
trans ("en":_) (InvalidRequest why) =
    "Attempted to send invalid auxiliary data: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) InsecureUnestablished =
    "Attempted to send or recieve data before establishing secure connection!"
trans ("en":_) (InsecureCertificate why) = unlines [
    "<h1>The site failed to prove it is who it says it is!</h1>",
    "<p>" ++ why ++ "</p>",
    "<p><a href=action:history/back>Leave Insecure Site</a> | ",
        "<a href=action:novalidate>Accept Imposter Risk &amp; Continue</a></p>"
trans ("en":_) (InsecureTerminated why) = "Secure session disconnected! <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) InsecureCertificateUnknownCA = "The authority vouching for it is unknown to me!"
trans ("en":_) InsecureCertificateUnknown =
    "The cryptographic certificate it has sent us to prove its identity instead " ++
    "belongs to someone else!"
trans ("en":_) InsecureCertificateRevoked =
    "The cryptographic certificate it has sent us to prove its identity has been revoked!"
trans ("en":_) InsecureCertificateExpired =
    "The cryptographic certificate it has sent us to prove its identity has expired!"
trans ("en":_) InsecureCertificateUnsupported =
    "It has sent us a cryptographic certificate to prove its identity I failed to make sense of."
trans ("en":_) (HandshakePacketUnparsed why) = "Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) (HandshakePacketUnexpected a b) = unlines [
    "<p>Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ a ++ "</em></p>",
    "<p>" ++ b ++ "</p>"
trans ("en":_) (HandshakePacketInvalid why) = "Invalid security packet: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) HandshakeEOF = "Secure session disconnected!"
trans ("en":_) (HandshakePolicy why) = "Invalid handshake policy: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) (HandshakeMisc why) =
    "Failed to establish secure connection! <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) HandshakeError = "Failed to negotiate security parameters!"
trans ("en":_) HandshakeClosed = "Secure session disconnected!"
trans ("en":_) (FailedConnect why) = "Failed to open connection to the site: <em>" ++ why ++ "</em>"
trans ("en":_) TimeoutConnection = "The site took too long to connect!"
trans ("en":_) TimeoutResponse = "The site took too long to respond!"

trans (_:locales) err = trans locales err
trans [] err = trans ["en"] err

data Errors = UnsupportedScheme String | UnsupportedMIME String | RequiresInstall String String
    | OpenedWith String | ReadFailed String | RawXML String | MalformedResponse
    | OpenedWith String | ReadFailed String | RawXML String | MalformedResponse String
    | ExcessiveRedirects | HTTPStatus Int String | GeminiError Char Char String
    | Http HttpException
    | OtherException String | InvalidUrl String String | ProxyError String Int Int String
    | InvalidRequest String
    | InsecureUnestablished | InsecureCertificate String | InsecureTerminated String
    | InsecureCertificateUnknownCA | InsecureCertificateUnknown | InsecureCertificateRevoked
    | InsecureCertificateExpired | InsecureCertificateUnsupported
    | HandshakePacketUnparsed String | HandshakePacketUnexpected String String
    | HandshakePacketInvalid String
    | HandshakeEOF | HandshakePolicy String | HandshakeMisc String | HandshakeError | HandshakeClosed
    | FailedConnect String | TimeoutConnection | TimeoutResponse