
259eca98aab4a11b37e9127d2d78d0816852bc50 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago 1e10198
Allowing sending HTTP POST requests.
3 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

M ChangeLog.md
M hurl.cabal
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M ChangeLog.md => ChangeLog.md +7 -0
@@ 1,5 1,12 @@
# Revision history for hurl

## -- 2021-03-09
* Fixes a build failure.

* Added APIs for localizing MIMEtypes
* Crash fixes

## -- 2021-01-07
* Fix several real & potential crashes
* Expose APIs for querying localized labels for MIME types from the OS

M hurl.cabal => hurl.cabal +1 -1
@@ 10,7 10,7 @@ name:                hurl
-- PVP summary:      +-+------- breaking API changes
--                   | | +----- non-breaking API additions
--                   | | | +--- code changes with no API change

-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
synopsis:            Haskell URL resolver

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +62 -44
@@ 196,6 196,16 @@ mimeERR, htmlERR :: String
mimeERR = "txt/x-error\t"
htmlERR = "html/x-error\t"

submitURL :: Session -> [String] -> URI -> Text -> String -> IO (URI, String, Either Text ByteString)
submitURL session accept uri "POST" query | uriScheme uri `elem` ["http:", "https:"] =
    fetchHTTPCached session accept uri $ \req -> req {
            HTTP.method = "POST",
            HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyBS $ C8.pack query
submitURL session mimes uri _method query = fetchURL' session mimes uri { uriQuery = '?':query }

-- | As per `fetchURL`, but also returns the redirected URI.
fetchURL' :: Session -> [String] -> URI -> IO (URI, String, Either Text ByteString)
fetchURL' Session {redirectCount = 0, locale = locale'} _ uri =

@@ 248,50 258,8 @@ fetchURL' Session {aboutPages = pages} _ url@URI {uriScheme = "about:", uriPath 
        Right $ llookup path "" pages)

fetchURL' session accept@(defaultMIME:_) uri | uriScheme uri `elem` ["http:", "https:"] = do
    cached <- if cachingEnabled session then readCacheHTTP uri else return (Nothing, Nothing)
    response <- case cached of
        (Just (mime, body), Nothing) -> return $ Right (mime, body)
        (cached, cachingHeaders) -> do
            request <- HTTP.requestFromURI uri
            response <- HTTP.httpLbs request {
                    HTTP.cookieJar = Nothing, -- Will only be supported by Rhapsode when submitting a form.
                    HTTP.requestHeaders = [
                        ("Accept", C8.pack $ intercalate ", " accept),
                        ("Accept-Language", C8.pack $ intercalate ", " $ locale session)
                    ] ++ fromMaybe [] cachingHeaders,
                    HTTP.redirectCount = 0
                } $ managerHTTP session
            case (
                    HTTP.responseStatus response,
                    HTTP.responseBody response,
                    [val | ("content-type", val) <- HTTP.responseHeaders response]
              ) of
                (Status 304 _, _, _) | Just cached'@(_, body) <- cached -> do
                    cacheHTTP uri $ response { HTTP.responseBody = body }
                    return $ Right cached'
                -- Manually handle redirects so the caller & HTTP cache gets the correct URI.
                (Status code _, _, _) | code > 300 && code < 400,
                        Just location <- lookup "location" $ HTTP.responseHeaders response,
                        Just uri' <- parseURIReference $ C8.unpack location ->
                    return $ Left $ relativeTo uri' uri
                (Status _ msg, "", _) -> return $ Right (Txt.pack mimeERR, B.fromStrict msg)
                (_, body, (mimetype:_)) -> do
                    cacheHTTP uri response
                    forkIO cleanCacheHTTP -- Try to keep diskspace down...

                    let mime = Txt.toLower $ convertCharset "utf-8" mimetype
                    return $ Right (mime, body)
                (_, response, []) -> return $ Right (Txt.pack defaultMIME, response)

    case response of
        Left redirect ->
            let session' = session { redirectCount = redirectCount session - 1 }
            in fetchURL' session' accept redirect
        Right (mime, body) ->
            let mime' = L.map (Txt.unpack . Txt.strip) $ Txt.splitOn ";" mime
            in return $ resolveCharset' uri mime' body
  `catch` \e -> do return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ Http e)
fetchURL' session accept uri | uriScheme uri `elem` ["http:", "https:"] =
    fetchHTTPCached session accept uri id


@@ 392,6 360,56 @@ dispatchByApp session@Session { locale = l } Application { appId = app} mime uri
dispatchByApp _ _ _ _ = return False

fetchHTTPCached session accept@(defaultMIME:_) uri cb = do
    cached <- if cachingEnabled session then readCacheHTTP uri else return (Nothing, Nothing)
    response <- case cached of
        (Just (mime, body), Nothing) -> return $ Right (mime, body)
        (cached, cachingHeaders) -> do
            request <- HTTP.requestFromURI uri
            let request' = cb request {
                HTTP.cookieJar = Nothing, -- Will only be supported by Rhapsode when submitting a form.
                HTTP.requestHeaders = [
                    ("Accept", C8.pack $ intercalate ", " accept),
                    ("Accept-Language", C8.pack $ intercalate ", " $ locale session)
                ] ++ fromMaybe [] cachingHeaders,
                HTTP.redirectCount = 0
            response <- HTTP.httpLbs request $ managerHTTP session
            case (
                    HTTP.responseStatus response,
                    HTTP.responseBody response,
                    [val | ("content-type", val) <- HTTP.responseHeaders response]
              ) of
                (Status 304 _, _, _) | Just cached'@(_, body) <- cached -> do
                    cacheHTTP uri $ response { HTTP.responseBody = body }
                    return $ Right cached'
                -- Manually handle redirects so the caller & HTTP cache gets the correct URI.
                (Status code _, _, _) | code > 300 && code < 400,
                        Just location <- lookup "location" $ HTTP.responseHeaders response,
                        Just uri' <- parseURIReference $ C8.unpack location ->
                    return $ Left $ relativeTo uri' uri
                (Status _ msg, "", _) -> return $ Right (Txt.pack mimeERR, B.fromStrict msg)
                (_, body, (mimetype:_)) -> do
                    cacheHTTP uri response
                    forkIO cleanCacheHTTP -- Try to keep diskspace down...

                    let mime = Txt.toLower $ convertCharset "utf-8" mimetype
                    return $ Right (mime, body)
                (_, response, []) -> return $ Right (Txt.pack defaultMIME, response)

    case response of
        Left redirect ->
            let session' = session { redirectCount = redirectCount session - 1 }
            in fetchURL' session' accept redirect
        Right (mime, body) ->
            let mime' = L.map (Txt.unpack . Txt.strip) $ Txt.splitOn ";" mime
            in return $ resolveCharset' uri mime' body
  `catch` \e -> do return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ Http e)
fetchHTTPCached session [] uri cb =
    return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans (locale session) $ UnsupportedMIME "")

-- Downloads utilities
-- | write download to a file in the given directory.
saveDownload :: URI -> FilePath -> (URI, String, Either Text ByteString) -> IO URI