
04cb2efa35fc1b761dbf5d8d19c0160c82f9dc8b — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago cdc252e
Load executable extensions from more directories.
1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs
M src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs => src/Network/URI/Fetch.hs +22 -17
@@ 206,24 206,29 @@ fetchURL' session mimes uri
    | Just uri' <- applyRewriter (rewriter session) uri = fetchURL' session mimes uri'

fetchURL' session mimes uri@(URI {uriScheme = "ext:", uriAuthority = Nothing,
        uriPath = path, uriQuery = query}) = do
fetchURL' session@Session { appName = appname, locale = l } mimes
        uri@(URI "ext:" Nothing path query _) = do
    dir <- getXdgDirectory XdgData "nz.geek.adrian.hurl"
    let program = dir </> "bin" </> path
    let args = case query of {
        '?':rest -> split (== '&') rest;
        _ -> []
    (exitcode, stdout, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode program args ""
    let response = if isSuccess exitcode then stdout else stderr
    let (header, body) = breakOn '\n' response
    case strip header of
        'm':'i':'m':'e':mimetype -> return (uri, strip mimetype, Left $ Txt.pack body)
        'u':'r':'l':header' | Just uri' <- parseURIReference $ strip header' ->
            fetchURL' (session {redirectCount = redirectCount session - 1}) mimes $
                relativeTo uri' uri
        _ | isSuccess exitcode -> return (uri, "text/html", Left $ Txt.pack response)
        _ -> return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack response)
    sysdirs <- getXdgDirectoryList XdgDataDirs
    let dirs = concat [[dir' </> appname, dir'] | dir' <- dir : sysdirs]
    programs <- findExecutablesInDirectories dirs ("bin" </> path)
    case programs of
      [] -> return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack $ trans l $ ReadFailed "404")
      program:_ -> do
        let args = case query of {
            '?':rest -> split (== '&') rest;
            _ -> []
        (exitcode, stdout, stderr) <- readProcessWithExitCode program args ""
        let response = if isSuccess exitcode then stdout else stderr
        let (header, body) = breakOn '\n' response
        case strip header of
            'm':'i':'m':'e':mimetype -> return (uri, strip mimetype, Left $ Txt.pack body)
            'u':'r':'l':header' | Just uri' <- parseURIReference $ strip header' ->
                fetchURL' (session {redirectCount = redirectCount session - 1}) mimes $
                    relativeTo uri' uri
            _ | isSuccess exitcode -> return (uri, "text/html", Left $ Txt.pack response)
            _ -> return (uri, mimeERR, Left $ Txt.pack response)
    split p s = case dropWhile p s of
        "" -> []