
df2761aad16333724b3fe15635d4d99e1663f3c5 — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago d321f69
Compile 'complex' selectors (ones with multiple tests but no tree traversal).

I'm currently using a temporary datastructure which will be easily
replaced with curried functions later.
3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A src/Stylish/Element.hs
A src/Stylish/Style/Interpret.hs
M test/Test.hs
A src/Stylish/Element.hs => src/Stylish/Element.hs +11 -0
@@ 0,0 1,11 @@
module Stylish.Element(
        Element(..), Attribute(..)
    ) where

data Element = ElementNode {
    parent :: Maybe Element,
    previous :: Maybe Element,
    name :: String,
    attributes :: [Attribute] -- in sorted order.
data Attribute = Attribute String String

A src/Stylish/Style/Interpret.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Interpret.hs +30 -0
@@ 0,0 1,30 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stylish.Style.Interpret(
        compile, SelectorFunc(..)
    ) where

import Stylish.Parse.Selector

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
import Data.List

data SelectorFunc = TestTag Text SelectorFunc | TestAttrs AttrsFunc SelectorFunc | Matched
data AttrsFunc = TestAttr Text PropertyTest AttrsFunc | MatchedAttrs

compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc
compile (Element selector) = compileInner selector

compileInner selector = compileInner' $ lowerInner selector
compileInner' (Just tag, attributes) = TestTag tag $ TestAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) Matched
compileInner' (Nothing, attributes) = TestAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attributes) Matched
compileAttrs ((name, test):attrs) = TestAttr name test $ compileAttrs attrs
compileAttrs [] = MatchedAttrs

lowerInner :: [SimpleSelector] -> (Maybe Text, [(Text, PropertyTest)])
lowerInner (Tag tag:selector) = (Just tag, snd $ lowerInner selector)
lowerInner (Id id:s) = (tag, ("id", Include id):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Class c:s) = (tag, ("class", Include c):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Property name test:s) = (tag, (name, test):tail) where (tag, tail) = lowerInner s
lowerInner [] = (Nothing, [])

sortAttrs = sortBy compareAttrs where compareAttrs x y = fst x `compare` fst y

M test/Test.hs => test/Test.hs +1 -0
@@ 8,6 8,7 @@ import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse
import Stylish.Style.Index
import Stylish.Element
import Stylish.Style.Interpret

main = hspec spec