
ceb3b528f48d2dd77449f30800bdfecf1f6cc3ca — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago b26bb3d
Add and pass some unit tests.
11 files changed, 280 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

D Stylish/Parse.hs
D Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs
D Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs
R Stylish.hs => src/Stylish.hs
A src/Stylish/Parse.hs
A src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs
A src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs
R Stylish/Style.hs => src/Stylish/Style.hs
M stylish-haskell.cabal
A test/Test.hs
M README.md => README.md +11 -1
@@ 1,4 1,14 @@
# Stylish Haskell
Generic CSS style engine for Haskell, intended to aid the development of new browser engines.

Stylish Haskell implements CSS selection and cascade (but not inheritance) independant of the CSS at-rules and properties understood by the caller.
Stylish Haskell implements CSS selection and cascade (but not inheritance) independant of the CSS at-rules and properties understood by the caller. It is intended to ease the development of new browser engines, independant of their output targets.

## Why Haskell?
No matter what you think about Haskell and other functional languages, there are great reasons to choose it for this project.

The primary reason is that the biggest challenge in implementing a CSS engine is in defining all the various CSS properties, and as such it needs to be trivial to define each individual property. Haskell's pattern matching syntax is perfect for this, and it's laziness is useful.

Though beyond that Haskell makes just as trivial to assemble functions as it does datastructures, which comes in very handy for parsing and interpreting programming languages like CSS selectors.

## API
So far I've only implemented a CSS parser via the function `Stylish.Parse.parse` which returns a variant of the passed in `StyleSheet`. `StyleSheet` is a typeclass implementing the logic for parsing CSS atrules and storing style rules.

D Stylish/Parse.hs => Stylish/Parse.hs +0 -102
@@ 1,102 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse (
        StyleSheet, addRule, addAtRule,
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Parse.Utils

---- Output type class
class StyleSheet s where
    addRule :: s -> StyleRule -> s
    addAtRule :: s -> Text -> [Token] -> (s, [Token])
    addAtRule self _ tokens = (self, skipAtRule tokens)

data StyleRule = StyleRule [Selector] [(Text, [Token])]

---- Basic parsing
parse :: StyleSheet s => s -> Text -> s
parse stylesheet source = parse' stylesheet tokenize source

-- Things to skip.
parse' stylesheet Whitespace:tokens = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet CDO:tokens = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet CDC:tokens = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet Comma:tokens = parse' stylesheet tokens -- TODO issue warnings.

parse' stylesheet [] = stylesheet

parse' stylesheet AtKeyword(kind):tokens = parse' stylesheet' tokens'
    where (stylesheet', tokens') = addAtRule stylesheet kind tokens
parse' stylesheet tokens = parse' addRule stylesheet StyleRule selectors properties tokens'
    where (selectors, block) = parseSelectors tokens
        (properties, tokens') = parseProperties block
parse' stylesheet tokens = parse' (addRule stylesheet rule) tokens'
    where (rule, tokens') = concatP (StyleRule) (parseSelector) (parseProperties)

---- Property parsing
parseProperties LeftCurlyBracket:tokens = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties Whitespace:tokens = parseProperties tokens

parseProperties' Whitespace:tokens = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties' (Ident name):tokens
    | Colon:tokens' <- skipSpace tokens =
        concatP (appendProp) (scanValue) (parseProperties') tokens'
    where appendProp value tail = (name, value):tail
parseProperties' RightCurlyBracket:tokens = [], tokens
parseProperties' tokens = parseProperties' skipValue tokens

---- Skipping/Scanning utilities
skipAtRule Semicolon:tokens = tokens
skipAtRule LeftCurlyBracket:tokens = skipBlock tokens

skipAtRule LeftParen:tokens = skipAtRule skipBlock tokens
skipAtRule LeftSquareBracket:tokens = skipAtRule skipBlock tokens
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
skipAtRule RightCurlyBracket:tokens = RightCurlyBracket:tokens
skipAtRule RightParen:tokens = RightParen:tokens
skipAtRule RightSquareBracket:tokens = RightSquareBracket:tokens

skipAtRule _:tokens = skipAtRule tokens

scanValue Semicolon:tokens = ([], tokens)
scanValue Whitespace:tokens = scanValue tokens

scanValue LeftCurlyBracket:tokens = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue LeftParen:tokens = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue LeftSquareBracket:tokens = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanInner tokens cb = concatP (++) (scanBlock) (cb)
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
scanValue RightCurlyBracket:tokens = ([], RightCurlyBracket:tokens)
scanValue RightParen:tokens = ([], RightParen:tokens)
scanValue RightSquareBracket:tokens = ([], RightSquareBracket:tokens)

scanValue tokens = capture scanValue tokens

scanValue tokens = snd scanValue tokens

-- TODO assert closing tags are correct
--    But what should the error recovery be?
scanBlock RightCurlyBracket:tokens = ([RightCurlyBracket], tokens)
scanBlock RightParen:tokens = ([RightParen], tokens)
scanBlock RightSquareBracket:tokens = ([RightSquareBracket], tokens)

scanBlock LeftCurlyBracket:tokens = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock LeftParen:tokens = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock RightSquareBracket:tokens = scanInner tokens scanBlock

scanBlock tokens = capture scanBlock tokens

skipBlock tokens = snd scanBlock tokens

D Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs => Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs +0 -49
@@ 1,49 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Selector(
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..),
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Utils

data Selector = Selector [SimpleSelector]
data SimpleSelector = Tag Text | Id Text | Class Text | Property Text PropertyTest |
    Child | Descendant | Adjacent | Sibling
data PropertyTest = Exists | Equals Text | Suffix Text | Prefix Text | Substring Text |
    Include Text | Dash Text

parseSelectors :: [Token] -> (Selector, [Token])
parseSelectors tokens = concatP (:) (parseSelector) (parseSelectorsTail) skipSpace tokens
parseSelectorsTail Comma:tokens = parseSelectors token
parseSelectorsTail tokens = ([], tokens)

parseSelector' op tokens = (op:selector, tokens')
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector Ident tag:tokens = parseSelector' Tag tag tokens
parseSelector Hash _ id:tokens = parseSelector' Id id tokens
parseSelector Delim '.':Ident class_:tokens = parseSelector' Class class_ tokens
parseSelector LeftSquareBracket:Ident prop:tokens =
        concatP (appendPropertySel) (parsePropertySel) (parseSelector) tokens
    where appendPropertySel test selector = (Property prop test):selector

parseSelector Whitespace:tokens = parseCombinator skipSpace tokens
parseSelector Delim c:tokens = parseCombinator Delim c:tokens
parseSelector tokens = ([], tokens)

parseCombinator Delim '>':tokens = parseSelector' Child skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator Delim '~':tokens = parseSelector' Sibling skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator Delim '+':tokens = parseSelector' Adjacent skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator tokens = parseSelector' Descendant tokens

parsePropertySel RightSquareBracket:tokens = (Exists, tokens)
parsePropertySel Delim '=':tokens = parsePropertyVal (Equals) tokens
parsePropertySel SuffixMatch:tokens = parsePropertyVal (Suffix) tokens
parsePropertySel PrefixMatch:tokens = parsePropertyVal (Prefix) tokens
parsePropertySel SubstringMatch:tokens = parsePropertyVal (Substring) tokens
parsePropertySel IncludeMatch:tokens = parsePropertyVal (Include) tokens
parsePropertySel DashMatch:tokens = parsePropertyVal (Dash) tokens
parsePropertySel tokens = (Exists, skipBlock tokens)

parsePropertyVal wrapper Ident val:RightSquareBracket:tokens = (wrapper val, tokens)
parsePropertyVal wrapper String val:RightSquareBracket:tokens = (wrapper val, tokens)

D Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs => Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs +0 -15
@@ 1,15 0,0 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Utils(
        concatP, capture, skipSpace
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

concatP join left right tokens = (join x y, remainder)
    where (x, tokens') = left tokens
        (y, remainder) = right tokens'

capture cb token:tokens = (token:captured, tokens')
    where (captured, tokens') = cb tokens

skipSpace Whitespace:tokens = skipSpace tokens
skipSpace tokens = tokens

R Stylish.hs => src/Stylish.hs +0 -0
A src/Stylish/Parse.hs => src/Stylish/Parse.hs +91 -0
@@ 0,0 1,91 @@
module Stylish.Parse (
        parse, TrivialStyleSheet(..),
        StyleSheet, addRule, addAtRule,
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..)
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse.Selector
import Stylish.Parse.Utils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

---- Output type class
class StyleSheet s where
    addRule :: s -> StyleRule -> s
    addAtRule :: s -> Text -> [Token] -> (s, [Token])
    addAtRule self _ tokens = (self, skipAtRule tokens)

data StyleRule = StyleRule [Selector] [(Text, [Token])] deriving (Show, Eq)

data TrivialStyleSheet = TrivialStyleSheet [StyleRule] deriving (Show, Eq)
instance StyleSheet TrivialStyleSheet where
    addRule (TrivialStyleSheet self) rule = TrivialStyleSheet $ rule:self

---- Basic parsing
parse :: StyleSheet s => s -> Text -> s
parse stylesheet source = parse' stylesheet $ tokenize source

-- Things to skip.
parse' stylesheet (Whitespace:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDO:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (CDC:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens
parse' stylesheet (Comma:tokens) = parse' stylesheet tokens -- TODO issue warnings.

parse' stylesheet [] = stylesheet

parse' stylesheet (AtKeyword kind:tokens) = parse' stylesheet' tokens'
    where (stylesheet', tokens') = addAtRule stylesheet kind tokens
parse' stylesheet tokens = parse' (addRule stylesheet rule) tokens'
    where (rule, tokens') = concatP StyleRule parseSelectors parseProperties tokens

---- Property parsing
parseProperties (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties tokens

parseProperties' (Whitespace:tokens) = parseProperties' tokens
parseProperties' (Ident name:tokens)
    | Colon:tokens' <- skipSpace tokens =
        concatP appendProp scanValue parseProperties' tokens'
    where appendProp value tail = (name, value):tail
parseProperties' (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], tokens)
parseProperties' tokens = parseProperties' (skipValue tokens)

---- Skipping/Scanning utilities
skipAtRule :: [Token] -> [Token]
skipAtRule (Semicolon:tokens) = tokens
skipAtRule (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = skipBlock tokens

skipAtRule (LeftParen:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
skipAtRule (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = skipAtRule $ skipBlock tokens
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
skipAtRule (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = RightCurlyBracket:tokens
skipAtRule (RightParen:tokens) = RightParen:tokens
skipAtRule (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = RightSquareBracket:tokens

skipAtRule (_:tokens) = skipAtRule tokens

scanValue (Semicolon:tokens) = ([], tokens)
scanValue (Whitespace:tokens) = scanValue tokens

scanValue (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
scanValue (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanValue
-- To ensure parens are balanced, should already be handled.
scanValue (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([], RightCurlyBracket:tokens)
scanValue (RightParen:tokens) = ([], RightParen:tokens)
scanValue (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([], RightSquareBracket:tokens)

scanValue tokens = capture scanValue tokens

skipValue tokens = snd $ scanValue tokens

A src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs => src/Stylish/Parse/Selector.hs +63 -0
@@ 0,0 1,63 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Selector(
        Selector(..), SimpleSelector(..), PropertyTest(..),
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Stylish.Parse.Utils

import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

type Selector = [SimpleSelector]
data SimpleSelector = Tag Text | Id Text | Class Text | Property Text PropertyTest |
    Child | Descendant | Adjacent | Sibling
    deriving (Show, Eq)
data PropertyTest = Exists | Equals Text | Suffix Text | Prefix Text | Substring Text |
    Include Text | Dash Text
    deriving (Show, Eq)

parseSelectors :: [Token] -> ([Selector], [Token])
parseSelectors tokens = concatP (:) parseSelector parseSelectorsTail $ skipSpace tokens
parseSelectorsTail (Comma:tokens) = parseSelectors tokens
parseSelectorsTail tokens = ([], tokens)

parseSelector' op tokens = (op:selector, tokens')
    where (selector, tokens') = parseSelector tokens

parseSelector :: [Token] -> (Selector, [Token])
parseSelector (Delim '*':tokens) = parseSelector tokens
parseSelector (Ident tag:tokens) = parseSelector' (Tag tag) tokens
parseSelector (Hash _ id:tokens) = parseSelector' (Id id) tokens
parseSelector (Delim '.':Ident class_:tokens) = parseSelector' (Class class_) tokens
parseSelector (LeftSquareBracket:Ident prop:tokens) =
        concatP appendPropertySel parsePropertySel parseSelector tokens
    where appendPropertySel test selector = Property prop test : selector

parseSelector (Whitespace:tokens) = parseCombinator $ skipSpace tokens
parseSelector (Delim c:tokens) | c `elem` ">~+" = parseCombinator $ Delim c:tokens
parseSelector tokens = ([], tokens)

parseCombinator (Delim '>':tokens) = parseSelector' Child $ skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator (Delim '~':tokens) = parseSelector' Sibling $ skipSpace tokens
parseCombinator (Delim '+':tokens) = parseSelector' Adjacent $ skipSpace tokens
-- Take special care to avoid adding a trailing Descendant when not needed.
parseCombinator tokens@(LeftCurlyBracket:_) = ([], tokens)
parseCombinator tokens@(RightCurlyBracket:_) = ([], tokens)
parseCombinator tokens@(RightSquareBracket:_) = ([], tokens)
parseCombinator tokens@(Comma:_) = ([], tokens)

parseCombinator tokens@(RightParen:_) = ([], tokens)

parseCombinator tokens = parseSelector' Descendant tokens

parsePropertySel (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (Exists, tokens)
parsePropertySel (Delim '=':tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Equals) tokens
parsePropertySel (SuffixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Suffix) tokens
parsePropertySel (PrefixMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Prefix) tokens
parsePropertySel (SubstringMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Substring) tokens
parsePropertySel (IncludeMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Include) tokens
parsePropertySel (DashMatch:tokens) = parsePropertyVal (Dash) tokens
parsePropertySel tokens = (Exists, skipBlock tokens)

parsePropertyVal wrapper (Ident val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)
parsePropertyVal wrapper (String val:RightSquareBracket:tokens) = (wrapper val, tokens)

A src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs => src/Stylish/Parse/Utils.hs +34 -0
@@ 0,0 1,34 @@
module Stylish.Parse.Utils(
        concatP, capture, skipSpace,
        scanBlock, skipBlock, scanInner
    ) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

concatP join left right tokens = (join x y, remainder)
        (x, tokens') = left tokens
        (y, remainder) = right tokens'

capture cb (token:tokens) = (token:captured, tokens')
   where (captured, tokens') = cb tokens
capture _ [] = ([], [])

skipSpace (Whitespace:tokens) = skipSpace tokens
skipSpace tokens = tokens

-- TODO assert closing tags are correct
--    But what should the error recovery be?
scanBlock (RightCurlyBracket:tokens) = ([RightCurlyBracket], tokens)
scanBlock (RightParen:tokens) = ([RightParen], tokens)
scanBlock (RightSquareBracket:tokens) = ([RightSquareBracket], tokens)

scanBlock (LeftCurlyBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftParen:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock
scanBlock (LeftSquareBracket:tokens) = scanInner tokens scanBlock

scanBlock tokens = capture scanBlock tokens

skipBlock tokens = snd $ scanBlock tokens

scanInner tokens cb = concatP (++) scanBlock cb tokens

R Stylish/Style.hs => src/Stylish/Style.hs +0 -0
M stylish-haskell.cabal => stylish-haskell.cabal +9 -2
@@ 57,11 57,18 @@ library
  -- other-extensions:    
  -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10, css-syntax
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10, css-syntax, text
  -- Directories containing source files.
  -- hs-source-dirs:      
  hs-source-dirs:      src
  -- Base language which the package is written in.
  default-language:    Haskell2010
test-suite test-stylish
  hs-source-dirs:       src test
  default-language:     Haskell2010
  type:     exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is:              Test.hs
  other-modules:        Stylish.Parse
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <4.10, css-syntax, text, hspec, QuickCheck

A test/Test.hs => test/Test.hs +72 -0
@@ 0,0 1,72 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Stylish.Parse
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens

main = hspec spec

spec = do
    describe "Canary" $ do
        it "Test framework works" $ do
            True `shouldBe` True
    describe "Parsing" $ do
        it "Ignores @rules" $ do
            parse emptyStyle "@encoding 'utf-8';" `shouldBe` emptyStyle
            parse emptyStyle "  @encoding 'utf-8';" `shouldBe` emptyStyle
            parse emptyStyle "@encoding 'utf-8';  " `shouldBe` emptyStyle
            parse emptyStyle "@media print { a:link {color: green;} }" `shouldBe` emptyStyle
            parse emptyStyle "  @media print { a:link {color: green;} }" `shouldBe` emptyStyle
            parse emptyStyle "@media print { a:link {color: green;} }  " `shouldBe` emptyStyle

            parse emptyStyle "@encoding 'utf-8'; a {color:green}" `shouldBe` linkStyle
            parse emptyStyle "a {color:green}@encoding 'utf-8';" `shouldBe` linkStyle
            parse emptyStyle "@media print{a{color:black;}}a {color:green}" `shouldBe` linkStyle
            parse emptyStyle "a {color:green} @media print {a{color:black;}}" `shouldBe` linkStyle
        it "Parses style rules" $ do
            -- Syntax examples from "Head First HTML & CSS with XHTML"
            parse emptyStyle "bedroom { drapes: blue; carpet: wool shag; }" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                StyleRule [[Tag "bedroom"]] [
                    ("drapes", [Ident "blue"]),
                    ("carpet", [Ident "wool", Ident "shag"])
            parse emptyStyle "  bathroom{tile :1in white;drapes :pink}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                StyleRule [[Tag "bathroom"]] [
                    ("tile", [Dimension "1" (NVInteger 1) "in", Ident "white"]),
                    ("drapes", [Ident "pink"])
        it "Parses selectors" $ do
            parse emptyStyle ".class {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Class "class"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "*.class {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Class "class"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "#id {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Id "id"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "[attr] {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Property "attr" Exists]] []
            parse emptyStyle "a , b {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Tag "a"], [Tag "b"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "a b {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Tag "a", Descendant, Tag "b"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "a > b {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Tag "a", Child, Tag "b"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "a ~ b {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Tag "a", Sibling, Tag "b"]] []
            parse emptyStyle "a + b {}" `shouldBe` TrivialStyleSheet [
                    StyleRule [[Tag "a", Adjacent, Tag "b"]] []

emptyStyle = TrivialStyleSheet []
linkStyle = TrivialStyleSheet [
        StyleRule [[Tag "a"]] [("color", [Ident "green"])]