
cdfed3f971ed51bfbb4c592be971e72deeff90dd — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 8 months ago e65bf56
Preprocess away lists, add builtin ::before/::after support.
1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs +89 -20
@@ 10,8 10,8 @@ import Data.CSS.StyleTree
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle
        (parseCounter, CounterStore'(..), defaultCounterStore, decimalCounter,
        counterRender, counterRenderMarker, CounterStore, CounterStyle)
        (parseCounter, counterRender, CounterStore'(..), decimalCounter,
        defaultCounterStore, CounterStore, CounterStyle(..))

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M

@@ 36,7 36,11 @@ data TextStyle p = TextStyle {
    listStyleImage :: [Token],
    listStyleType :: [Token],
    listPosInside :: Bool,
    markerMatchParent :: Bool
    markerMatchParent :: Bool,

    beforePseudo :: Maybe (TextStyle p),
    afterPseudo  :: Maybe (TextStyle p),
    markerPseudo :: Maybe (TextStyle p)

instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where

@@ 52,7 56,10 @@ instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where
            listStyleImage = [],
            listStyleType = [Ident "disc"],
            listPosInside = False,
            markerMatchParent = False
            markerMatchParent = False,
            beforePseudo = Nothing,
            afterPseudo  = Nothing,
            markerPseudo = Nothing
    inherit parent = TextStyle {
            inner = inherit $ inner parent,

@@ 66,7 73,10 @@ instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where
            listStyleImage = listStyleImage parent,
            listStyleType = listStyleType parent,
            listPosInside = listPosInside parent,
            markerMatchParent = markerMatchParent parent
            markerMatchParent = markerMatchParent parent,
            beforePseudo = Nothing,
            afterPseudo  = Nothing,
            markerPseudo = Nothing

    shorthand _ key value

@@ 133,10 143,26 @@ instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where
    -- Ignoring invalid properties.
    longhand TextStyle { inner = p' } TextStyle { inner = self' } key value
        | Nothing <- longhand p' self' key $ removeCounters value = Nothing
    longhand _ self "content" [Ident "normal"] =
        Just self {
            counterProps =
                [(k, val) | (k, val) <- counterProps self, k /= "content"]
    longhand parent self key value
        | key == "content" || Function "counter" `elem` value || Function "counters" `elem` value =
            Just $ self { counterProps = insertList key value $ counterProps self }
        | otherwise = (\v -> self {inner = v}) <$> longhand (inner parent ) (inner self) key value
        | otherwise = (\v -> self {inner = v}) <$>
            longhand (inner parent ) (inner self) key value

    pseudoEl self "before" calc = self { beforePseudo = Just $ calc self Nothing }
    pseudoEl self "after" calc  = self { afterPseudo  = Just $ calc self Nothing }
    pseudoEl self "marker" calc = self { markerPseudo = Just $ calc self Nothing }
    pseudoEl self sel calc = self {
        inner = pseudoEl (inner self) sel calc'
      } where
        calc' parent (Just base) =
            inner $ calc temp { inner = parent } $ Just temp { inner = base }
        calc' parent Nothing = inner $ calc temp { inner = parent } Nothing

insertList :: Eq a => a -> b -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
insertList key value list | Nothing <- lookup key list = (key, value) : list

@@ 177,28 203,71 @@ resolve = resolveWithCounterStyles defaultCounterStore
resolveWithCounterStyles :: PropertyParser p =>
    CounterStore' -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p
resolveWithCounterStyles (CounterStore counters) =
    resolve' . collapseWS . applyCounters counters
    resolve' . collapseWS . applyCounters counters . insertPseudos counters
resolve' :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p
resolve' = treeMap $ \TextStyle {inner = inner', counterProps = props} -> foldl resolveProp inner' props
resolveProp :: PropertyParser p => p -> (Text, [Token]) -> p
resolveProp sty (key, value) = sty `fromMaybe` longhand temp sty key value

---- Lists
---- Lists & pseudo-elements

-- Needs the "marker" pseudo-element. How should I implement pseudo-elements?
-- Currently I've got a pre-processor which inserts the ::before & ::after
-- pseudo-elements.
-- To feed that data in I'd need to alter the API.
-- I could add an extra function here.
-- I could extend the PropertyParser to have a method each pseudo-element is
-- fed to. That is more likely to aid later requirements. And if I alter the
-- `cascade'` function to seperate parent & base styles that could aid interactive
-- pseudoclasses! The method could call `cascade'` or `cascadeExtend` to
-- generate values to be stored.
-- I think I'll go for the latter option, though I'd still need the former to
-- access the counter-styles.
insertPseudos :: PropertyParser p =>
    CounterStore -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p)
insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { afterPseudo = Just child } childs) =
    insertPseudos s $
        StyleTree self { afterPseudo = Nothing } (childs ++ [t child])
insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { beforePseudo = Just child } childs) =
    insertPseudos s $ StyleTree self { beforePseudo = Nothing } (t child:childs)

insertPseudos s (StyleTree self@TextStyle { markerPseudo = Nothing } childs) =
    insertPseudos s $ StyleTree self { markerPseudo = Just temp } childs
insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { markerPseudo = Just child} _)
    | Just text <- lookup "content" $ counterProps child =
        addBullet self s text
insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { listStyleImage = bullet@(_:_) } _) =
    addBullet self s (bullet ++ [String " "])
insertPseudos s self@(StyleTree TextStyle { listStyleType = bullet@(_:_) } _)
    | Just (cstyle, _) <- parseCounter s bullet = addBullet self s $ text cstyle
    text counter = String (prefix counter):
        Function "counter":Ident "list-item":Comma:bullet ++
        [String $ suffix counter]

insertPseudos store (StyleTree self childs) =
    StyleTree self $ map (insertPseudos store) childs

addBullet :: PropertyParser p =>
    StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> CounterStore -> [Token] -> StyleTree (TextStyle p)
addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle {
        isListItem = True, listPosInside = True, markerPseudo = Just child
    } childs) store txt = insertPseudos store $
        StyleTree self { isListItem = False } (t child {
            counterProps = insertList "content" txt $ counterProps child
        } : childs)
addBullet (StyleTree self@TextStyle {
        isListItem = True, listPosInside = False, markerPseudo = Just child
    } childs) store txt = insertPseudos store $
        StyleTree self {
            isListItem = False,
            -- Flex lays out children horizontally at min size.
            counterProps=insertList "display" [Ident "flex"] $ counterProps child
        } [
            t child {
                counterProps= insertList "content" txt $ counterProps child
            -- Generate a new layout box for the bullet to sit outside of.
            StyleTree temp childs
addBullet (StyleTree self childs) store _ =
    insertPseudos store $ StyleTree self {
        isListItem = False,
        listStyleImage = [], listStyleType = []
    } childs

t :: p -> StyleTree p
t = flip StyleTree []

---- Counters