
6c1222a321c5d8d0ebf4ba2c1c85475693e33564 — Adrian Cochrane 4 years ago 800ee36
Implement :nth-child() & :nth-of-type().

I don't think I'll implement :nth-last-child() & :nth-last-of-type() until I'm shown their value,
Haskell Stylist doesn't yet have access to the data to support them.
2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M ISSUES/func-psudoclasses.md
M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs
M ISSUES/func-psudoclasses.md => ISSUES/func-psudoclasses.md +2 -2
@@ 5,9 5,9 @@ These would mostly need to be added to the interpretor.
* [x]  :dir()
* [x]  :is() -- TODO apply specificity
* [x]  :lang()
* [ ]  :nth-child()
* [x]  :nth-child()
* [ ]  :nth-last-child()
* [ ]  :nth-of-type()
* [x]  :nth-of-type()
* [ ]  :nth-last-child()
* [x]  :where()
* etc

M src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs => src/Data/CSS/Style/Selector/Interpret.hs +33 -1
@@ 15,12 15,13 @@ import Data.Bits (xor)

-- For pseudoclasses
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector (parseSelectors)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))

-- | A compiled(?) CSS selector.
type SelectorFunc = Element -> Bool
type AttrsFunc = [Attribute] -> Bool
-- Mostly here for the sake of pseudoclasses.
data IL = Tagname Text | Fail | Recursive Bool [Selector]
data IL = Tagname Text | Fail | Recursive Bool [Selector] | Nth Bool Integer Integer

-- | Converts a parsed CSS selector into a callable function.
compile :: Selector -> SelectorFunc

@@ 37,6 38,10 @@ compileInner' ((Tagname tag:tests), attrs) = testTag tag $ compileInner' (tests,
compileInner' ((Fail:_), _) = \_ -> False
compileInner' ((Recursive negate' sels:tests), attrs) =
    recursiveSelect negate' (map compile sels) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs)
compileInner' ((Nth ofType n 0:tests), attrs) =
    nthChild ofType (fromInteger n) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs)
compileInner' ((Nth ofType a b:tests), attrs) =
    nthChild' ofType (fromInteger a) (fromInteger b) $ compileInner' (tests, attrs)
compileInner' ([], attrs) = testAttrs (compileAttrs $ sortAttrs attrs) matched
compileAttrs :: [(Text, String -> Bool)] -> AttrsFunc
compileAttrs ((tag, test):attrs) = testAttr tag test $ compileAttrs attrs

@@ 54,6 59,10 @@ lowerInner (Psuedoclass c args:s)
        (Recursive False sels:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass "not" args:s) | (sels, []) <- parseSelectors args =
    (Recursive True sels:tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass "nth-child" args:s) =
    (parseNth False (filter (== Whitespace) args):tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass "nth-of-type" args:s) =
    (parseNth True (filter (== Whitespace) args):tests, attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass c []:s) =
    (tests, ("", hasWord $ unpack c):attrs) where (tests, attrs) = lowerInner s
lowerInner (Psuedoclass _ _:_) = ([Fail], [])

@@ 109,6 118,29 @@ recursiveSelect :: Bool -> [SelectorFunc] -> SelectorFunc -> SelectorFunc
recursiveSelect negate' sels success el | negate' `xor` any ($ el) sels = success el
    | otherwise = False

parseNth :: Bool -> [Token] -> IL
parseNth ofType [Ident "odd"] = Nth ofType 2 1
parseNth ofType [Ident "even"] = Nth ofType 2 0
parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a b
parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a b
parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Delim '+', Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a b
parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Delim '+', Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a b
parseNth x [Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n", Delim '-', Number _ (NVInteger b)] = Nth x a $ negate b
parseNth x [Number _ (NVInteger b), Delim '-', Dimension _ (NVInteger a) "n"] = Nth x a $ negate b
parseNth _ _ = Fail

nthChild :: Bool -> Int -> (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Bool
nthChild ofType n success el | countPrev ofType el == n = success el
    | otherwise = False
nthChild' :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Bool
nthChild' ofType a b success el | countPrev ofType el `rem` a == b = success el
    | otherwise = False
countPrev :: Bool -> Element -> Int
countPrev ofType el =
    length [el' | el' <- maybeStar previous el, name el == name el' || not ofType]
maybeStar :: (t -> Maybe t) -> t -> [t]
maybeStar cb x | Just y <- cb x = x : maybeStar cb y
    | otherwise = [x]
---- RuleStore wrapper