
4d148074125e584a21eb4d9771994e091afb1738 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 9 months ago fbd32fe
Unit tests & bug fixes for counter-renderers.
M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs +72 -59
@@ 1,14 1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle(CounterStyle(..), CounterSystem(..),
    defaultCounter, decimalCounter, isValid, parseCounter, CounterStore'(..),
    defaultCounter, decimalCounter, isValid, parseCounterStyle, CounterStore'(..),
    counterRender, ranges', speakAs', parseCounter) where
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet

import Data.Text as Txt (Text, unpack)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.List (foldl')

import Debug.Trace (traceShow)

-- NOTE: No support for image "symbols" yet.
data CounterStyle = CounterStyle {

@@ 28,6 31,7 @@ data CounterStyle = CounterStyle {
data CounterSystem =
    Cyclic | Fixed Int | Symbolic | Alphabetic | Numeric | Additive

defaultCounter, decimalCounter :: CounterStyle
defaultCounter = CounterStyle {
    system = Symbolic,
    negativePrefix = "-",

@@ 69,11 73,11 @@ parseCounterProperty _ ("system", [Ident "numeric"]) self =
-- Handled by caller so property overrides work correctly.
parseCounterProperty _ ("system", [Ident "extends", Ident _]) self = self

parseCounterProperty _ ("negative", [x]) self | Just prefix <- parseSymbol x =
    self { negativePrefix = prefix, negativeSuffix = "" }
parseCounterProperty _ ("negative", [x]) self | Just pre <- parseSymbol x =
    self { negativePrefix = pre, negativeSuffix = "" }
parseCounterProperty _ ("negative", [x, y]) self
    | Just prefix <- parseSymbol x, Just suffix <- parseSymbol y =
        self { negativePrefix = prefix, negativeSuffix = suffix }
    | Just pre <- parseSymbol x, Just suf <- parseSymbol y =
        self { negativePrefix = pre, negativeSuffix = suf }

parseCounterProperty _ ("prefix", [x]) self | Just pre <- parseSymbol x =
    self { prefix = pre }

@@ 81,8 85,8 @@ parseCounterProperty _ ("suffix", [x]) self | Just suf <- parseSymbol x =
    self { suffix = suf }

parseCounterProperty _ ("range", [Ident "auto"]) self = self {ranges = Nothing}
parseCounterProperty _ (("range", toks):props) self
    | Just rs <- parseRanges (Comma:toks) = self { ranges = Just rs }
parseCounterProperty _ ("range", toks) self | Just rs <- parseRanges (Comma:toks) =
    self { ranges = Just rs }

parseCounterProperty _ ("pad", [Number _ (NVInteger x), y]) self
    | Just char <- parseSymbol y = self {

@@ 97,16 101,17 @@ parseCounterProperty _ ("additive-symbols", toks) self
    | Just syms <- parseAdditiveSymbols (Comma:toks) =
        self { additiveSymbols = syms }

parseCounterProperty _ ("speak-as", Ident "auto") self =
parseCounterProperty _ ("speak-as", [Ident "auto"]) self =
    self { speakAs = Nothing }
parseCounterProperty styles ("speak-as", Ident x) self
parseCounterProperty styles ("speak-as", [Ident x]) self
    | x `elem` ["bullets", "numbers", "words", "spell-out"] =
        self { speakAs = Just x }
    | Just super <- HM.lookup x styles = self { speakAs = speakAs super }
    | otherwise = self
parseCounterProperty _ _ self = self

parseRanges (Comma:x:y:toks) | Just self <- parseRanges toks = case (x, y) of
parseRanges :: [Token] -> Maybe [(Int, Int)]
parseRanges (Comma:a:b:toks) | Just self <- parseRanges toks = case (a, b) of
    (Ident "infinite", Ident "infinite") -> Just ((minBound, maxBound):self)
    (Ident "infinite", Number _ (NVInteger x)) ->
        Just ((minBound, fromInteger x):self)

@@ 118,34 123,39 @@ parseRanges (Comma:x:y:toks) | Just self <- parseRanges toks = case (x, y) of
parseRanges [] = Just []
parseRanges _ = Nothing

parseAdditiveSymbols (Comma:Number _ (NumericInteger x):y:toks)
    | Just self <- parseRanges toks, Just sym <- parseSymbol y =
        Just ((fromInteger x, y):self)
parseAdditiveSymbols :: [Token] -> Maybe [(Int, Text)]
parseAdditiveSymbols (Comma:Number _ (NVInteger x):y:toks)
    | Just self <- parseAdditiveSymbols toks, Just sym <- parseSymbol y =
        Just ((fromInteger x, sym):self)
parseAdditiveSymbols [] = Just []
parseAdditiveSymbols _ = Nothing

parseCounter :: CounterStore -> [Token] -> (CounterStore, [Token])
parseCounter store (Whitespace:toks) = parseCounter store toks
parseCounter store (Ident name:toks)
    | Just ((props, ""), tail) <- parseProperties toks =
parseCounterStyle :: CounterStore -> [Token] -> (CounterStore, [Token])
parseCounterStyle store (Whitespace:toks) = parseCounterStyle store toks
parseCounterStyle store (Ident name:toks)
    | ((props, ""), toks') <- parseProperties toks =
        let super = case Prelude.lookup "system" props of
                [Ident "extends", Ident name'] ->
                Just [Ident "extends", Ident name'] ->
                    HM.lookupDefault decimalCounter name' store
                _ -> defaultCounter
            style = foldr (parseCounterProperty store) super props
        in if isValid style then HM.insert name style store else store
parseCounter store toks = (store, skipAtRule toks)
        in (
            if isValid style then HM.insert name style store else store,
parseCounterStyle store toks = (store, skipAtRule toks)

parseSymbol :: Token -> Maybe Text
parseSymbol (Ident x) = Just x
parseSymbol (String x) = Just x
parseSymbol _ = Nothing

data CounterStore' = CounterStore { unwrap :: CounterStore }
instance StyleSheet CounterStore' where
    addRule self _ = self
    addAtRule (CounterStore self) "counter-style" toks =
        let (self', tail) = parseCounter self toks
        in (CounterStore self', tail)
        let (self', toks') = parseCounterStyle self toks
        in (CounterStore self', toks')
    addAtRule self _ toks = (self, skipAtRule toks)


@@ 155,63 165,66 @@ fallbackSym = "\0"

counterRenderCore :: CounterStyle -> Int -> Text
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Cyclic, symbols = syms } x =
    syms !! rem x (length syms)
    syms !! (pred x `rem` length syms)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Fixed n, symbols = syms } x
    | x - n < length syms = syms !! (x - n)
    | otherwise = fallbackSym
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Symbolic, symbols = syms } x =
    quot x n `Txt.replicate` (syms !! rem x n)
  where n = length syms
    succ (quot x' n) `Txt.replicate` (syms !! rem x' n)
  where (n, x') = (length syms, pred x)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Alphabetic, symbols = syms } x = inner x
    n = length syms
    inner 0 = ""
    inner x = let x' = pred x in (syms !! rem x' n) `Txt.append` inner (quot x' n)
    inner y = let x' = pred y in inner (quot x' n) `Txt.append` (syms !! rem x' n)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Numeric, symbols = syms } 0 = syms !! 0
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Numeric, symbols = syms } x = inner x
    n = length syms
    inner 0 = ""
    inner x = (syms !! rem x n) `Txt.append` inner (quot x n)
    inner y = inner (quot y n) `Txt.append` (syms !! rem y n)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Additive, additiveSymbols = syms } 0
    | Just sym <- Prelude.lookup 0 syms = s `Txt.append` sym
    | Just sym <- Prelude.lookup 0 syms = sym
    | otherwise = fallbackSym
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Additive, additiveSymbols = syms } w =
    | '\0' `Txt.elem` inner syms w = fallbackSym
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Additive, additiveSymbols = syms } w
    | '\0' `elem'` inner syms w = fallbackSym
    | otherwise = inner syms w
    elem' ch txt = elem ch $ unpack txt
    inner _ 0 = ""
    inner ((0, _):syms) x = inner syms x
    inner ((weight, _):syms) x | weight > x = inner syms x
    inner ((weight, sym):syms) x =
        Txt.replicate reps sym `Txt.append` inner syms x'
    inner ((0, _):syms') x = inner syms' x
    inner ((weight, _):syms') x | weight > x = inner syms' x
    inner ((weight, sym):syms') x =
        Txt.replicate reps sym `Txt.append` inner syms' x'
        reps = quot x weight
        x' = x - weight * reps
    inner [] x = "\0" -- Run fallback counter!
    inner [] _ = "\0" -- Run fallback counter!

counterRender :: CounterStyle -> Int -> Text
counterRender self x
    | x < 0 = Txt.concat [prefix self, negativePrefix self, inner self -x,
    | x < 0 = Txt.concat [prefix self, negativePrefix self, inner self $ -x,
                          negativeSuffix self, suffix self]
    | otherwise = Txt.concat [prefix self, inner self x, suffix self]
    inner self@CounterStyle { fallback = Just self' } x
        | not $ inRange x $ ranges' self = inner self' x
        | counterRenderCore self x == fallbackSym = inner self' x
    inner self x
        | text == fallbackSym = show x -- NOTE: Shouldn't happen
        | n < padLength self =
            (padLength self - n `Txt.replicate` padChar self) `Txt.append` text
    inner :: CounterStyle -> Int -> Text
    inner this@CounterStyle { fallback = Just self' } x'
        | not $ inRange x $ ranges' this = inner self' x'
        | counterRenderCore this x == fallbackSym = inner self' x'
    inner self' x'
        | text == fallbackSym = Txt.pack $ show x' -- NOTE: Shouldn't happen
        | n < padLength self' =
            Txt.replicate (padLength self' - n) (padChar self') `Txt.append` text
        | otherwise = text
        text = counterRenderCore self x
        text = counterRenderCore self' x'
        n = Txt.length text
    inRange ((start, end):ranges) x
        | x >= start && x <= end = True
        | otherwise = inRange ranges x
    inRange [] _ = False
    inRange y ((start, end):rest)
        | y >= start && y <= end = True
        | otherwise = inRange y rest
    inRange _ [] = False

infiniteRange :: [(Int, Int)]
infiniteRange = [(minBound, maxBound)]
ranges' :: CounterStyle -> [(Int, Int)]
ranges' CounterStyle { ranges = Just ret } = ret

@@ 230,20 243,20 @@ speakAs' _ = "numbers"


parseCounter :: CounterStore -> [Token] -> (CounterStyle, [Token])
parseCounter _ (Func "symbols":Ident system:toks)
    | Just system' <- Prelude.lookup system [
parseCounter :: CounterStore -> [Token] -> Maybe (CounterStyle, [Token])
parseCounter _ (Function "symbols":Ident name:toks)
    | Just system' <- Prelude.lookup name [
        ("cyclic", Cyclic), ("numeric", Numeric), ("alphabetic", Alphabetic),
        ("symbolic", Symbolic), ("fixed", Fixed 1)
      ], Just (syms, toks') <- parseArgs toks =
        Just (defaultCounter{ system = system', symbols = syms }, tail)
        Just (defaultCounter { system = system', symbols = syms }, toks')
    parseArgs (String sym:toks) | Just (syms,tail) <- parseArgs toks =
        Just (sym:syms, tail)
    parseArgs (RightParen:toks) = Just ([],toks)
    parseArgs (String sym:toks') | Just (syms,tail') <- parseArgs toks' =
        Just (sym:syms, tail')
    parseArgs (RightParen:toks') = Just ([],toks')
    parseArgs _ = Nothing
parseCounter store (Ident name:toks)
    | Just ret <- HM.lookup name store = Just (ret, toks)
parseCounter _ (String sym:toks) =
    Just (defaultCounter { system = Symbolic, syms = [sym], suffix = " " }, toks)
    Just (defaultCounter { system = Symbolic, symbols = [sym], suffix = " " }, toks)
parseCounter _ _ = Nothing

M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/counter-styles.css => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/counter-styles.css +5 -5
@@ 1,26 1,26 @@
/* Bullets */
@counter-style none {
    system: symbolic;
    system: cyclic;
    symbols: "";
    suffix: " "
@counter-style disc {
    system: symbolic;
    system: cyclic;
    symbols: "•";
    suffix: " ";
@counter-style circle {
    system: symbolic;
    system: cyclic;
    symbols: "◦";
    suffix: " ";
@counter-style disclosure-open {
    system: symbolic;
    system: cyclic;
    symbols: "▾";
    suffix: " ";
@counter-style disclosure-closed {
    system: symbolic;
    system: cyclic;
    /* FIXME: It'd proper to consider text-direction in selecting this marker. */
    symbols: "▸";
    suffix: " "

M stylist.cabal => stylist.cabal +4 -2
@@ 56,7 56,8 @@ library
  exposed-modules:     Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet, Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector,
                       Data.CSS.Style, Data.CSS.StyleTree,
                       Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr,
                       Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Assets, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses
                       Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Assets, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses,
                            Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle
  -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
  other-modules:       Data.CSS.Style.Importance, Data.CSS.Style.Common, Data.CSS.Style.Cascade,

@@ 83,7 84,8 @@ library
test-suite test-stylist
    Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text,
    Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr,
        Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle,
    Data.CSS.Style.Cascade, Data.CSS.Style.Common, Data.CSS.Style.Importance,
    Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Index, Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Interpret,
        Data.CSS.Style.Selector.LowerWhere, Data.CSS.Style.Selector.Specificity,

M test/Test.hs => test/Test.hs +68 -0
@@ 24,6 24,8 @@ import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr (Datum(..), Op(..), parse', eval)
import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text as Txt

import qualified Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle as Ctr

main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec

@@ 520,6 522,72 @@ spec = do
            layerPath ["LeagueOfGentlemenAdventurers"] tree5 `shouldBe` [1]
            uniqueName ["HomeTeam"] tree5 `shouldBe` ["HomeTeam", "1"]

    describe "@counter-style" $ do
        -- NOTE: Thes are mostly based on examples given in the spec
        -- https://w3c.github.io/csswg-drafts/css-counter-styles-3/#counter-style-system
        it "Handles system: cyclic" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Cyclic, Ctr.symbols = ["!", "@", "#"]
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "@. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 4 `shouldBe` "!. "
        it "Handles system: fixed" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Fixed 1, Ctr.symbols = ["◰", "◳", "◲", "◱"],
                Ctr.suffix = ": "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 1 `shouldBe` "◰: "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "◳: "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 3 `shouldBe` "◲: "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 4 `shouldBe` "◱: "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 5 `shouldBe` "5: "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 6 `shouldBe` "6: "
        it "Handles system: symbolic" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Symbolic, Ctr.symbols = ["*", "⁑", "†", "‡"],
                Ctr.suffix = " "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 1 `shouldBe` "* "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "⁑ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 3 `shouldBe` "† "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 4 `shouldBe` "‡ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 5 `shouldBe` "** "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 6 `shouldBe` "⁑⁑ "
        it "Handles system: alphabetic" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Alphabetic, Ctr.symbols = ["◦", "•"],
                Ctr.suffix = " "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 1 `shouldBe` "◦ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "• "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 3 `shouldBe` "◦◦ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 4 `shouldBe` "◦• "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 5 `shouldBe` "•◦ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 6 `shouldBe` "•• "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 7 `shouldBe` "◦◦◦ "
        it "Handles system: numeric" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Numeric, Ctr.symbols = ["0", "1", "2"]
            Ctr.counterRender counter 1 `shouldBe` "1. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "2. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 3 `shouldBe` "10. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 4 `shouldBe` "11. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 5 `shouldBe` "12. "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 6 `shouldBe` "20. "
        it "Handles system: additive" $ do
            let counter = Ctr.defaultCounter {
                Ctr.system = Ctr.Additive, Ctr.suffix = " ",
                Ctr.additiveSymbols = [(6, "⚅"), (5, "⚄"), (4, "⚃"),
                                        (3, "⚂"), (2, "⚁"), (1, "⚀")]
            Ctr.counterRender counter 1 `shouldBe` "⚀ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 2 `shouldBe` "⚁ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 3 `shouldBe` "⚂ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 11 `shouldBe` "⚅⚄ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 12 `shouldBe` "⚅⚅ "
            Ctr.counterRender counter 13 `shouldBe` "⚅⚅⚀ "

styleIndex :: StyleIndex
styleIndex = new
queryable :: QueryableStyleSheet (VarParser TrivialPropertyParser)