
342f1e523517d86471c925402efeb42a08df22ed — Adrian Cochrane 5 years ago 1659799
Lookup possible styles from the index.
1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M src/Stylish/Style/Index.hs
M src/Stylish/Style/Index.hs => src/Stylish/Style/Index.hs +29 -2
@@ 1,13 1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Stylish.Style.Index (
    ) where

-- TODO do performance tests to decide beside between strict/lazy.
import Data.HashMap.Strict
import Stylish.Parse
import Stylish.Element

import Data.Hashable
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text (unpack, pack)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))

data StyleIndex = StyleIndex {
    indexed :: HashMap SimpleSelector [StyleRule],

@@ 41,6 45,29 @@ selectorKey (tok@(Id _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (tok@(Class _) : _) = tok
selectorKey (Property prop _ : _) = Property prop Exists


rulesForElement :: StyleIndex -> Element -> [StyleRule]
rulesForElement self element = Prelude.foldr (++) [] rules
        get key = lookup' key index
        index = indexed self
        rules :: [[StyleRule]]
        rules = unindexed self : Prelude.map get (testsForElement element)

testsForElement :: Element -> [SimpleSelector]
testsForElement element =
    (Tag $ pack $ name element) : (testsForAttributes $ attributes element)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "class" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Class $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "class" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute "id" value:attrs) =
    (Prelude.map (\s -> Id $ pack s) $ words value) ++
        (Property "id" Exists : testsForAttributes attrs)
testsForAttributes (Attribute name _:attrs) =
    Property (pack name) Exists : testsForAttributes attrs
testsForAttributes [] = []

-- Implement hashable for SimpleSelector here because it proved challenging to automatically derive it.
instance Hashable SimpleSelector where
    hashWithSalt seed (Tag tag) = seed `hashWithSalt` (0::Int) `hashWithSalt` unpack tag