
30fd99c7eae39ad3b83f277886fa2d8ef81c05c3 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 9 months ago 67f348b
Add priority method to text preprocessor, improve handling of negatives.
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs
M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs +1 -0
@@ 82,6 82,7 @@ instance PropertyParser p => PropertyParser (TextStyle p) where
            afterPseudo  = Nothing,
            markerPseudo = Nothing
    priority self = priority $ inner self

    shorthand _ key value
        | key `elem` ["counter-reset", "counter-increment", "counter-set"],

M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs +5 -3
@@ 201,11 201,12 @@ fallbackSym :: Text
fallbackSym = "\0"

counterRenderCore :: CounterStyle -> Int -> Text
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Cyclic, symbols = syms } x =
    syms !! (pred x `rem` length syms)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Fixed n, symbols = syms } x
    | x - n < length syms = syms !! (x - n)
    | x - n < length syms && x >= n = syms !! (x - n)
    | otherwise = fallbackSym
counterRenderCore _ x | x < 0 = fallbackSym
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Cyclic, symbols = syms } x =
    syms !! (pred x `rem` length syms)
counterRenderCore CounterStyle { system = Symbolic, symbols = syms } x =
    succ (quot x' n) `Txt.replicate` (syms !! rem x' n)
  where (n, x') = (length syms, pred x)

@@ 314,6 315,7 @@ counterRender self@CounterStyle { fallback = Just self' } x
        | otherwise = inRange y rest
    inRange _ [] = False
counterRender self@CounterStyle { padLength = m, padChar = pad } x
    | Fixed _ <- system self = text -- Handles negatives specially here.
    | x < 0 = Txt.concat [
        negativePrefix self,
        counterRender self { ranges = Just [(0, maxBound)] } $ -x, -- No fallback!