
30021fd13a6232b62a9b0c99a3c80f34a5902517 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 10 months ago a27216f
Implement counter-styles into counters infrastructure.
M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text.hs +76 -27
@@ 1,13 1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Lowers certain CSS properties to plain text.
module Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text(TextStyle, resolve, CounterStore'(..)) where
module Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text(
    TextStyle, resolve, resolveWithCounterStyles, CounterStore'(..)) where

import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Stylist (parseUnorderedShorthand, PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist.Parse (scanBlock)
import Data.CSS.StyleTree
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle (parseCounter, CounterStore'(..))
import Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle
        (parseCounter, CounterStore'(..), defaultCounterStore, decimalCounter,
        counterRender, counterRenderMarker, CounterStore, CounterStyle)

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M

@@ 15,7 19,7 @@ import Data.Function ((&))

import Data.Char (isSpace)

type Counters = [(Text, Integer)]
type Counters = [(Text, Int)]
-- | `PropertyParser` decorator that parses & lowers certain CSS properties to plain text.
data TextStyle p = TextStyle {
    inner :: p,

@@ 140,43 144,72 @@ insertList key value list | Nothing <- lookup key list = (key, value) : list

removeCounters :: [Token] -> [Token]
removeCounters (Function "counter":Ident _:RightParen:toks) = String "" : removeCounters toks
removeCounters (Function "counters":Ident _:Comma:String _:toks) = String "" : removeCounters toks
removeCounters (Function "counter":Ident _:Comma:toks)
    | Just (_, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter0 toks = String "" : removeCounters toks'
removeCounters (Function "counters":Ident _:Comma:String _:RightParen:toks) =
    String "" : removeCounters toks
removeCounters (Function "counters":Ident _:Comma:String _:Comma:toks)
    | Just (_, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter0 toks = String "" : removeCounters toks'
removeCounters (tok:toks) = tok : removeCounters toks
removeCounters [] = []

parseCounter0 :: [Token] -> Maybe (CounterStyle, [Token])
parseCounter0 = parseCounter M.empty

setWhiteSpace :: PropertyParser p => TextStyle p -> TextStyle p -> Bool -> Bool -> Text -> Maybe (TextStyle p)
setWhiteSpace parent self collapse noNewlines lowered = Just $ self {
        inner = inner self `fromMaybe` longhand (inner parent) (inner self) "white-space" [Ident lowered],
        whiteSpaceCollapse = collapse,
        newlineCollapse = noNewlines
parseCounters :: Integer -> [Token] -> Maybe [(Text, Integer)]
parseCounters :: Int -> [Token] -> Maybe [(Text, Int)]
parseCounters _ [Ident "none"] = Just []
parseCounters _ [Ident "initial"] = Just []
parseCounters _ [] = Just []
parseCounters x (Ident counter : Number _ (NVInteger count') : toks) =
    (:) (counter, count') <$> parseCounters x toks
    (:) (counter, fromIntegral count') <$> parseCounters x toks
parseCounters x (Ident counter : toks) = (:) (counter, x) <$> parseCounters x toks
parseCounters _ _ = Nothing

-- | Returns inner `PropertyParser` with text properties applied.
resolve :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p
resolve = resolve' . collapseWS . applyCounters
resolve = resolveWithCounterStyles defaultCounterStore
resolveWithCounterStyles :: PropertyParser p =>
    CounterStore' -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p
resolveWithCounterStyles (CounterStore counters) =
    resolve' . collapseWS . applyCounters counters
resolve' :: PropertyParser p => StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree p
resolve' = treeMap $ \TextStyle {inner = inner', counterProps = props} -> foldl resolveProp inner' props
resolveProp :: PropertyParser p => p -> (Text, [Token]) -> p
resolveProp sty (key, value) = sty `fromMaybe` longhand temp sty key value

---- Lists

-- Needs the "marker" pseudo-element. How should I implement pseudo-elements?
-- Currently I've got a pre-processor which inserts the ::before & ::after
-- pseudo-elements.
-- To feed that data in I'd need to alter the API.
-- I could add an extra function here.
-- I could extend the PropertyParser to have a method each pseudo-element is
-- fed to. That is more likely to aid later requirements. And if I alter the
-- `cascade'` function to seperate parent & base styles that could aid interactive
-- pseudoclasses! The method could call `cascade'` or `cascadeExtend` to
-- generate values to be stored.
-- I think I'll go for the latter option, though I'd still need the former to
-- access the counter-styles.

---- Counters
type Context = M.HashMap Text [([Integer], Integer)]
type Context = M.HashMap Text [([Integer], Int)]

inheritCounters :: Context -> Context -> Context
inheritCounters counterSource valueSource = M.intersectionWith cb valueSource counterSource -- indexed by name & el-path
    where cb val source = [counter | counter@(path, _) <- val, path `elem` [p | (p, _) <- source]]

instantiateCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Integer -> Context
instantiateCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context
instantiateCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith appendCounter name [(path, val)] counters
        appendCounter new (old@((_:oldPath), _):olds)

@@ 188,7 221,7 @@ instantiateCounters :: Path -> Counters -> Context -> Context
instantiateCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = instantiateCounter counters' path name value

incrementCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Integer -> Context
incrementCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context
incrementCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith addCounter name [(path, val)] counters
        addCounter ((_, new):_) ((path', old):rest) = (path', new + old):rest

@@ 198,7 231,7 @@ incrementCounters :: Path -> Counters -> Context -> Context
incrementCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = incrementCounter counters' path name value

setCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Integer -> Context
setCounter :: Context -> Path -> Text -> Int -> Context
setCounter counters path name val = M.insertWith setCounter' name [(path, val)] counters
        setCounter' ((_, val'):_) ((path', _):rest) = (path', val'):rest

@@ 209,29 242,45 @@ setCounters path instruct counters = foldl cb counters instruct
    where cb counters' (name, value) = setCounter counters' path name value

renderCounters :: Context -> [Token] -> [Token]
renderCounters counters (Function "counter":Ident name:RightParen:toks)
renderCounters :: CounterStore -> Context -> [Token] -> [Token]
renderCounters store counters (Function "counter":Ident name:RightParen:toks)
    | Just ((_, count):_) <- name `M.lookup` counters =
        String (Txt.pack $ show count) : renderCounters counters toks
    | otherwise = renderCounters counters toks
renderCounters counters (Function "counters":Ident name:Comma:String sep:RightParen:toks)
        String (counterRender decimalCounter count) : renderCounters store counters toks
    | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks
renderCounters store counters (Function "counter":Ident name:Comma:toks)
    | Just ((_, count):_) <- name `M.lookup` counters,
            Just (cstyle, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter store toks =
        String (counterRender cstyle count) : renderCounters store counters toks'
    | otherwise = renderCounters store counters $ skipBlock toks
renderCounters store counters (Function "counters":Ident name:Comma:String sep:RightParen:toks)
    | Just counter <- name `M.lookup` counters = String (Txt.intercalate sep [
        Txt.pack $ show count | (_, count) <- reverse counter
    ]) : renderCounters counters toks
    | otherwise = renderCounters counters toks
renderCounters counters (tok:toks) = tok : renderCounters counters toks
renderCounters _ [] = []

applyCounters :: StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p)
applyCounters = treeOrder applyCounters0 M.empty
applyCounters0 :: Context -> Context -> Path -> TextStyle p -> (Context, TextStyle p)
applyCounters0 counterSource valueSource path node =
        counterRender decimalCounter count | (_, count) <- reverse counter
    ]) : renderCounters store counters toks
    | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks
renderCounters store counters (Function "counters":Ident name:Comma:String sep:Comma:toks)
    | Just counter <- name `M.lookup` counters,
            Just (cstyle, RightParen:toks') <- parseCounter store toks =
        String (Txt.intercalate sep [
            counterRender cstyle count | (_, count) <- reverse counter
        ]) : renderCounters store counters toks'
    | otherwise = renderCounters store counters toks
renderCounters store counters (tok:toks) = tok : renderCounters store counters toks
renderCounters _ _ [] = []

skipBlock :: [Token] -> [Token]
skipBlock = snd . scanBlock

applyCounters :: CounterStore -> StyleTree (TextStyle p) -> StyleTree (TextStyle p)
applyCounters counters = treeOrder (applyCounters0 counters) M.empty
applyCounters0 :: CounterStore -> Context -> Context -> Path -> TextStyle p ->
        (Context, TextStyle p)
applyCounters0 store counterSource valueSource path node =
    let counters = inheritCounters counterSource valueSource &
            instantiateCounters path (counterReset node) &
            incrementCounters path (counterIncrement node) &
            setCounters path (counterSet node)
    in (counters, node {
        counterProps = [(k, renderCounters counters v) | (k, v) <- counterProps node]
        counterProps = [(k, renderCounters store counters v) | (k, v) <- counterProps node]


M src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs => src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/CounterStyle.hs +11 -3
@@ 1,11 1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle(CounterStyle(..), CounterSystem(..),
    defaultCounter, decimalCounter, simpChineseInformal, cjkDecimal, ethiopic,
    isValid, parseCounterStyle, CounterStore'(..), parseCounter,
    counterRender, counterRenderMarker, ranges', speakAs') where
    isValid, parseCounterStyle, CounterStore'(..), parseCounter, defaultCounterStore,
    counterRender, counterRenderMarker, ranges', speakAs', CounterStore) where
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens
import Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet

import Data.FileEmbed (embedStringFile, makeRelativeToProject)

import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HM

@@ 187,6 189,12 @@ instance StyleSheet CounterStore' where
        in (CounterStore self', toks')
    addAtRule self _ toks = (self, skipAtRule toks)

defaultCounterStore :: CounterStore'
defaultCounterStore =
    parse (CounterStore HM.empty) $ Txt.pack
        $(makeRelativeToProject "src/Data/CSS/Preprocessor/Text/counter-styles.css" >>=


fallbackSym :: Text

M stylist.cabal => stylist.cabal +4 -3
@@ 54,7 54,7 @@ source-repository head
  -- Modules exported by the library.
  exposed-modules:     Data.CSS.Syntax.StyleSheet, Data.CSS.Syntax.Selector,
                       Data.CSS.Style, Data.CSS.StyleTree, Data.CSS.ShorthandUtil,
                       Data.CSS.Style, Data.CSS.StyleTree,
                       Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Conditions.Expr,
                       Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Assets, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.PsuedoClasses,
                            Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text, Data.CSS.Preprocessor.Text.CounterStyle

@@ 72,7 72,8 @@ library
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <5, css-syntax >=0.1 && <0.2, text,
                        unordered-containers >= 0.2 && <0.3, hashable,
                        network-uri >= 2.6 && <2.7, async >= 2.1 && <2.3,
                        regex-tdfa >= 1.3, stylist-traits >= 0.1 && < 0.2
                        regex-tdfa >= 1.3, stylist-traits >= 0.1.2 && < 0.2,
                        file-embed >= 0.0.10 && < 0.1
  -- Directories containing source files.
  hs-source-dirs:      src

@@ 99,5 100,5 @@ test-suite test-stylist
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <5, css-syntax >=0.1 && <0.2, text,
                        unordered-containers >= 0.2 && <0.3, hashable,
                        network-uri >= 2.6 && <2.7, async >= 2.1 && <2.3,
                        regex-tdfa >= 1.3, hspec, QuickCheck,
                        regex-tdfa >= 1.3, hspec, QuickCheck, file-embed,
                        scientific >= 0.3 && <1.0, regex-tdfa >= 1.3, stylist-traits >= 0.1 && < 0.2