
ef43a584230273ef4074103b0c59e489da35c858 — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago d7634db
Finish documenting fonts!
1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M Data/Text/Glyphize/Font.hs
M Data/Text/Glyphize/Font.hs => Data/Text/Glyphize/Font.hs +24 -0
@@ 723,6 723,7 @@ foreign import ccall "hb_font_get_v_extents" hb_font_get_v_extents
--- Configurable fonts

-- | Allows configuring properties on a `Font` when creating it.
data FontOptions = FontOptions {
    optionPPEm :: Maybe (Word, Word),
    -- ^ Sets the horizontal and vertical pixels-per-em (ppem) of the newly-created `Font`.

@@ 757,12 758,14 @@ data FontOptions = FontOptions {
    optionVarNamedInstance :: Maybe Word
    -- ^ Sets design coords of a font from a named instance index.
-- | `FontOptions` which has no effect on the newly-created `Font`.
defaultFontOptions = FontOptions {
    optionPPEm = Nothing, optionPtEm = Nothing, optionScale = Nothing,
    optionFace = Nothing, optionParent = Nothing,-- optionSynthSlant = Nothing,
    optionVariations = [], optionVarCoordsDesign = [], optionVarCoordsNormalized = [],
    optionVarNamedInstance = Nothing
-- | Internal utility to apply the given `FontOptions` to the given `Font`.
_setFontOptions font opts = do
    case optionPPEm opts of
        Just (x, y) -> hb_font_set_ppem font x y

@@ 811,6 814,7 @@ foreign import ccall "hb_font_set_var_coords_normalized"
foreign import ccall "hb_font_set_var_named_instance" hb_font_set_var_named_instance ::
    Font_ -> Word -> IO ()

-- | Variant of `createFont` which applies the given `FontOptions`.
createFontWithOptions :: FontOptions -> Face -> Font
createFontWithOptions opts fce = unsafePerformIO $ do
    font <- withForeignPtr fce $ hb_font_create

@@ 818,6 822,7 @@ createFontWithOptions opts fce = unsafePerformIO $ do
    hb_font_make_immutable font
    newForeignPtr hb_font_destroy font

-- | Variant of `ftCreateFont` which applies the given `FontOptions`.
ftCreateFontWithOptions :: FontOptions -> FT_Face -> Font
ftCreateFontWithOptions opts fce = unsafePerformIO $ do
    font <- hb_ft_font_create_referenced fce

@@ 825,13 830,23 @@ ftCreateFontWithOptions opts fce = unsafePerformIO $ do
    hb_font_make_immutable font
    newForeignPtr hb_font_destroy font

-- | Variant of createSubFont which applies the given `FontOptions`.
createSubFontWithOptions :: FontOptions -> Font -> Font
createSubFontWithOptions opts font = unsafePerformIO $ do
    font <- withForeignPtr font $ hb_font_create_sub_font
    _setFontOptions font opts
    hb_font_make_immutable font
    newForeignPtr hb_font_destroy font

--- Internal

-- | Harfbuzz's equivalent to the ByteString type.
type Blob = ForeignPtr Blob'
data Blob'
type Blob_ = Ptr Blob'
-- | Convert from a ByteString to Harfbuzz's equivalent.
bs2blob :: ByteString -> IO Blob
bs2blob (BS bytes len) = do
    blob <- withForeignPtr bytes $ \bytes' ->

@@ 842,6 857,7 @@ foreign import ccall "hb_blob_create" hb_blob_create ::
foreign import ccall "&hb_blob_destroy" hb_blob_destroy :: FunPtr (Blob_ -> IO ())

-- | Convert to a ByteString from Harfbuzz's equivalent.
blob2bs :: Blob_ -> ByteString
blob2bs blob = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \length' -> do
    dat <- hb_blob_get_data blob length'

@@ 852,21 868,27 @@ blob2bs blob = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \length' -> do
foreign import ccall "hb_blob_get_data" hb_blob_get_data :: Blob_ -> Ptr Word -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "hb_blob_destroy" hb_blob_destroy' :: Blob_ -> IO ()

-- | Internal utility for defining trivial language bindings unwrapping `Face` foreign pointers.
faceFunc :: (Face_ -> a) -> (Face -> a)
faceFunc cb fce = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fce $ return . cb

-- | Internal utility for defining trivial language bindings unwrapping `Font` foreign pointers.
fontFunc :: (Font_ -> a) -> (Font -> a)
fontFunc cb fnt = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fnt $ return . cb

-- | Internal utility for exposing Harfbuzz functions that populate a bitset.
-- Converts the populated bitset to a Haskell lazy linked-list.
faceCollectFunc :: (Face_ -> Set_ -> IO ()) -> (Face -> [Word32])
faceCollectFunc cb fce = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fce $ \fce' -> do
    set <- createSet
    withForeignPtr set $ cb fce'
    set2list set

-- | A Harfbuzz bitset.
data Set'
type Set = ForeignPtr Set'
type Set_ = Ptr Set'
-- | Creates a Harfbuzz bitset wrapping it in a foreignpointer.
createSet :: IO Set
createSet = do
    ret <- hb_set_create

@@ 874,6 896,7 @@ createSet = do
foreign import ccall "hb_set_create" hb_set_create :: IO Set_
foreign import ccall "&hb_set_destroy" hb_set_destroy :: FunPtr (Set_ -> IO ())

-- | Lazily retrieves the next codepoint in a bitset.
setNext :: Set -> Word32 -> Maybe Word32
setNext set iter = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr set $ \set' -> alloca $ \iter' -> do
    poke iter' iter

@@ 883,6 906,7 @@ setNext set iter = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr set $ \set' -> alloca $ \ite
    else return Nothing
foreign import ccall "hb_set_next" hb_set_next :: Set_ -> Ptr Word32 -> IO Bool

-- | Converts a Harfbuzz bitset into a lazy linkedlist.
set2list :: Set -> IO [Word32]
set2list set = return $ inner maxBound