
212b0f6f5f3f43addc5a60383acc625207d8b4fe — Adrian Cochrane 5 months ago fb55024 main
Set nicer default, remove legacy code.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M src/Main.hs
M src/Main.hs => src/Main.hs +1 -7
@@ 92,12 92,6 @@ renderLayout atlases drawText (LayoutSpan self)
    (font, _) = fragmentFont self
    ((x, y), VizStyle color) = layoutGetInner $ LayoutSpan self
{-renderLayout atlases drawText (LayoutSpan ((x, y), VizStyle color) font self)
    | Just atlas <- M.lookup (pattern font, fontSize font) atlases = do
        drawText' <- drawText atlas $ fragmentGlyphs self
        -- FIXME Switch from temp to inherit for inline caller-properties.
        liftIO $ arDraw drawText' [TextTransformMultiply color]
                        (V2 (fromEnum x) (fromEnum y))-} -- FIXME: New API!
renderLayout atlases drawText node = do
    layoutGetChilds node `forM` renderLayout atlases drawText
    return ()

@@ 179,7 173,7 @@ main = do
    args <- getArgs
    let url = case args of
            (url:_) -> url
            [] -> "https://git.argonaut-constellation.org/~alcinnz/CatTrap"
            [] -> "https://haphaestus.org/"
    sess <- newSession
    ref <- initReferer
    xml <- fetchDocument sess ref $ fromMaybe nullURI $ parseURIReference url