M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +4 -0
@@ 19,6 19,9 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range (iRange)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet (parseCharSet)
import Data.List (intercalate)
+-- | An `FontSet` contains a list of `Pattern`s.
+-- Internally fontconfig uses this data structure to hold sets of fonts.
+-- Externally, fontconfig returns the results of listing fonts in this format.
type FontSet = [Pattern]
@@ 73,6 76,7 @@ thawFontSet_ cb = bracket (throwNull <$> cb) fcFontSetDestroy thawFontSet
--- CSS Bindings
+-- | `StyleSheet` wrapper to parse @font-face rules.
data FontFaceParser a = FontFaceParser { cssFonts :: FontSet, cssInner :: a}
parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":Ident name:RightParen:Comma:rest) =
M Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet/API.hs => Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet/API.hs +22 -0
@@ 13,11 13,15 @@ import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+-- | Selects fonts matching pattern from sets,
+-- creates patterns from those fonts containing only the objects in object_set
+-- and returns the set of unique such patterns.
fontSetList :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontSetList config fontss pattern objs = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n -> withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
withObjectSet objs $ \objs' ->
thawFontSet_ $ fcFontSetList config' fontss' n pattern' objs'
+-- | Variant of `fontSetList` operating upon register default `Config`.
fontSetList' :: [FontSet] -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> FontSet
fontSetList' fontss pattern objs = unsafePerformIO $ withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n ->
withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> withObjectSet objs $ \objs' ->
@@ 25,12 29,18 @@ fontSetList' fontss pattern objs = unsafePerformIO $ withFontSets fontss $ \font
foreign import ccall "FcFontSetList" fcFontSetList ::
Config_ -> Ptr FontSet_ -> Int -> Pattern_ -> ObjectSet_ -> IO FontSet_
+-- | Finds the font in sets most closely matching pattern
+-- and returns the result of `fontRenderPrepare` for that font and
+-- the provided pattern. This function should be called only after
+-- `configSubstitute` and `defaultSubstitute` have been called for pattern;
+-- otherwise the results will not be correct.
fontSetMatch :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
fontSetMatch config fontss pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr config $ \config' ->
withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n -> withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->
alloca $ \res' -> do
ret <- fcFontSetMatch config' fontss' n pattern' res'
throwPtr res' $ thawPattern_ $ pure ret
+-- | Variant of `fontSetMatch` operating upon registered default `Config`.
fontSetMatch' :: [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
fontSetMatch' fontss pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n ->
withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
@@ 39,12 49,24 @@ fontSetMatch' fontss pattern = unsafePerformIO $ withFontSets fontss $ \fontss'
foreign import ccall "FcFontSetMatch" fcFontSetMatch ::
Config_ -> Ptr FontSet_ -> Int -> Pattern_ -> Ptr Int -> IO Pattern_
+-- | Returns the list of fonts from sets sorted by closeness to pattern.
+-- If trim is `True`, elements in the list which don't include Unicode coverage
+-- not provided by earlier elements in the list are elided.
+-- The union of Unicode coverage of all of the fonts is returned in csp.
+-- This function should be called only after `configSubstitute` and
+-- `defaultSubstitute` have been called for p;
+-- otherwise the results will not be correct.
+-- The returned FcFontSet references `Pattern` structures which may be shared by
+-- the return value from multiple `fontSort` calls, applications cannot modify
+-- these patterns. Instead, they should be passed, along with pattern to
+-- `fontRenderPrepare` which combines them into a complete pattern.
fontSetSort :: Config -> [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> CharSet -> Maybe FontSet
fontSetSort config fontss pattern trim csp = unsafePerformIO $
withForeignPtr config $ \config' -> withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n ->
withPattern pattern $ \pattern' -> withCharSet csp $ \csp' -> alloca $ \res' -> do
ret' <- fcFontSetSort config' fontss' n pattern' trim csp' res'
throwPtr res' $ thawFontSet_ $ pure ret'
+-- | Variant of `fontSetSort` operating upon registered default `Config`.
fontSetSort' :: [FontSet] -> Pattern -> Bool -> CharSet -> Maybe FontSet
fontSetSort' fontss pattern trim csp = unsafePerformIO $
withFontSets fontss $ \fontss' n -> withPattern pattern $ \pattern' ->