
83d4ee7772a71dfe3bbc73fba79c65d6d4847e43 — Adrian Cochrane 9 months ago d6a3c66
Implement utils for loading queried fonts.
M lib/FreeType/FontConfig.hs => lib/FreeType/FontConfig.hs +311 -3
@@ 1,16 1,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI, OverloadedStrings #-}
module FreeType.FontConfig where

import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Face)
--import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Face)

import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.C.String (CString)

import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet (CharSet')
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (Pattern)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (Pattern, getValue, getValues)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet (FontSet)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Internal.FFI (fromMessage0, withCString')

-- For FcFt transliteration
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value (Value(..))

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
import Linear.Matrix(M22)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.Word (Word32)

import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Control.Exception (catch, throw)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)

import FreeType.Core.Base
import FreeType.Support.Outline (ft_Outline_Embolden)
import FreeType.Control.Subpixel (FT_LcdFilter, ft_Library_SetLcdFilter)
import FreeType.Core.Types
import FreeType.Exception (FtError(..))

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h fcFreeTypeCharIndex" charIndex :: FT_Face -> Char -> Word

fontCharSet :: FT_Face -> CharSet'

@@ 41,3 60,292 @@ fontQueryFace a b c = fromMessage0 $ flip withCString' b $ \b' -> fcFreeTypeQuer

foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcFreeTypeQueryFace ::
    FT_Face -> CString -> Int -> Ptr Int -> CString
--- Transliterated from FcFt
--- https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft/
--- Untested

-- | A `FT_Face` queried from FontConfig with glyph-loading parameters.
data FTFC_Instance = Instance {
    fontName :: Maybe String,
    fontPath :: Maybe String,
    fontFace :: FT_Face,
    fontLoadFlags :: Int,
    fontAntialias :: Bool,
    fontEmbolden :: Bool,
    fontIsColor :: Bool,
    fontRenderFlags :: Int,
    fontRenderFlagsSubpixel :: Int,
    fontPixelSizeFixup :: Double,
    fontPixelFixupEstimated :: Bool,
    fontBGR :: Bool,
    fontLCDFilter :: FT_LcdFilter,
    fontFeats :: [String], -- Callers probably want to validate via harfbuzz
    fontMetrics :: FTFC_Metrics
-- | Results queried from FontConfig with caller-relevant properties,
-- notably relating to layout.
data FTFC_Metrics = Metrics {
    height :: Int,
    descent :: Int,
    ascent :: Int,
    maxAdvance :: (Int, Int), -- Width/height of font's widest glyph.
    metricsAntialias :: Bool,
    metricsSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel,
    metricsName :: Maybe String
-- | Defines subpixel order to use.
-- Note that this is *ignored* if antialiasing has been disabled.
data FTFC_Subpixel = SubpixelNone -- ^ From FontConfig.
    | SubpixelHorizontalRGB | SubpixelHorizontalBGR |
    SubpixelVerticalRGB | SubpixelVerticalBGR
    | SubpixelDefault -- ^ Disable subpixel antialiasing.

-- | Converts the results of a FontConfig query requesting a specific size
-- into a `FT_Face` & related properties.
-- Throw exceptions.
instantiatePattern :: FT_Library -> Pattern -> (Double, Double) -> IO FTFC_Instance
instantiatePattern ftlib pattern (req_pt_size, req_px_size) = do
    let dpi = fromMaybe 75 $ getValue "dpi" pattern :: Double

    ft_face <- case () of --getValue "ftface" pattern of
        -- ValueFTFace x -> return x
        _ -> ft_New_Face ftlib (fromJust $ getValue "file" pattern) -- is a mutex needed?
            (toEnum $ fromMaybe 0 $ getValue "index" pattern)

    ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ft_face 0 $ toEnum $ fromEnum $
        fromMaybe req_px_size $ getValue "pixelsize" pattern
    let scalable = fromMaybe True $ getValue "scalable" pattern
    let outline = fromMaybe True $ getValue "outline" pattern
    (pixel_fixup, fixup_estimated) <- case getValue "pixelsizefixupfactor" pattern of
        Just (ValueDouble x) -> return (x, False)
        _ | scalable && not outline -> do
            let px_size = if req_px_size < 0 then req_pt_size * dpi / 72 else req_px_size
            ft_face' <- peek ft_face
            size' <- peek $ frSize ft_face'
            return (px_size / (fromIntegral $ smY_ppem $ srMetrics size'), True)
        _ -> return (1, False)

    let hinting = fromMaybe True $ getValue "hinting" pattern
    let antialias = fromMaybe True $ getValue "antialias" pattern
    let hintstyle = fromMaybe 1 $ getValue "hintstyle" pattern :: Int
    let rgba = fromMaybe 0 $ getValue "rgba" pattern :: Int
    let load_flags | not antialias && (not hinting || hintstyle == 0) =
                        ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING .|. ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME
                   | not antialias = ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME
                   | not hinting || hintstyle == 0 = ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING
                   | otherwise = ft_LOAD_DEFAULT
    let load_target | not antialias && hinting && hintstyle /= 0 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_MONO
                    | not antialias = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL
                    | not hinting || hintstyle == 0 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL
                    | hintstyle == 1 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT
                    | hintstyle == 2 = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL
                    | rgba `elem` [1, 2] = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD
                    | rgba `elem` [3, 4] = ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V
                    | otherwise = ft_LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL

    --let embedded_bitmap = fromMaybe True $ getValue "embeddedbitmap" pattern
    --let load_flags1 | embedded_bitmap = load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_NO_BITMAP
    --                | otherwise = load_flags
    --let autohint = fromMaybe False $ getValue "autohint" pattern
    --let load_flags2 | autohint = load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT
    --                | otherwise = load_flags
    let render_flags_normal | not antialias = ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO
                            | otherwise = ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL
    let render_flags_subpixel | not antialias = ft_RENDER_MODE_MONO
                              | rgba `elem` [1, 2] = ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD
                              | rgba `elem` [3, 4] = ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V
                              | otherwise = ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL

    let lcdfilter :: Int
        lcdfilter = case fromMaybe 1 $ getValue "lcdfilter" pattern of
            3 -> 16
            x -> x
    case getValue "matrix" pattern of
        Just (ValueMatrix m) -> ft_Set_Transform ft_face (Just $ m22toFt m) Nothing
        _ -> return ()

    ft_face' <- peek ft_face
    size' <- peek $ frSize ft_face'
    let metrics' = srMetrics size'
    let c x = fromIntegral x / 64 * pixel_fixup
    return Instance {
        fontName = getValue "fullname" pattern,
        fontPath = getValue "file" pattern,
        fontFace = ft_face,
        fontLoadFlags = load_target .|. load_flags .|. ft_LOAD_COLOR,
        fontAntialias = antialias,
        fontEmbolden = fromMaybe False $ getValue "embolden" pattern,
        fontIsColor = fromMaybe False $ getValue "color" pattern,
        fontRenderFlags = render_flags_normal,
        fontRenderFlagsSubpixel = render_flags_subpixel,
        fontPixelSizeFixup = pixel_fixup,
        fontPixelFixupEstimated = fixup_estimated,
        fontBGR = rgba `elem` [2, 4],
        fontLCDFilter = toEnum lcdfilter,
        fontFeats = getValues "fontfeatures" pattern,
        fontMetrics = Metrics {
            height = fromEnum $ c $ smHeight metrics',
            descent = fromEnum $ c $ smDescender metrics',
            ascent = fromEnum $ c $ smAscender metrics',
            maxAdvance = (fromEnum $ c $ smMax_advance metrics',
                fromEnum $ c $ smHeight metrics'),
            metricsAntialias = antialias,
            metricsSubpixel = case rgba of
                _ | not antialias -> SubpixelNone
                1 -> SubpixelHorizontalRGB
                2 -> SubpixelHorizontalBGR
                3 -> SubpixelVerticalRGB
                4 -> SubpixelVerticalBGR
                _ -> SubpixelNone,
            metricsName = getValue "fullname" pattern

-- | Results from `glyphForIndex`.
data FTFC_Glyph a = Glyph {
    glyphFontName :: Maybe String,
    glyphImage :: a,
    glyphAdvance :: (Double, Double),
    glyphSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel,
    glyphMetrics :: FT_Glyph_Metrics

-- | Looks up a given glyph in a `FTFC_Instance` & its underlying `FT_Face`
-- Taking into account additional properties from FontConfig.
-- Runs a provided callback to render the glyph into a reusable datastructure.
-- The `FT_Bitmap` given to this callback must not be used outside it.
-- Throws exceptions.
glyphForIndex :: FTFC_Instance -> Word32 -> FTFC_Subpixel -> 
    (FT_Bitmap -> IO a) -> IO (FTFC_Glyph a)
glyphForIndex font index subpixel cb = do
    ft_Load_Glyph (fontFace font) index (toEnum $ fontLoadFlags font)
    face' <- peek $ fontFace font
    size' <- peek $ frSize face'
    -- Formula from old FreeType function `FT_GlyphSlotEmbolden`.
    -- Approximate as fallback for fonts not using fontsets or variables axis.
    let strength = fromIntegral (frUnits_per_EM face')*smY_scale (srMetrics size')`div`24
    glyph' <- peek $ frGlyph face'

    glyph1' <- case gsrFormat glyph' of
        FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE | fontEmbolden font -> do
            outline <- withPtr (gsrOutline glyph') $ flip ft_Outline_Embolden strength
            return glyph' { gsrOutline = outline }
        _ -> return glyph'

    let render_flags = case subpixel of {
-- FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG is not exposed by our language bindings,
-- Should be largely irrelevant now... Certain FreeType versions required this flag.
--        _ | FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG <- gsrFormat glyph1' -> ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
        _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> fontRenderFlags font;
        SubpixelNone -> fontRenderFlags font;
        SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
        SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
        SubpixelVerticalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V;
        SubpixelVerticalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V;
        SubpixelDefault -> fontRenderFlagsSubpixel font}
    {-let bgr = case subpixel of
            _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> False
            SubpixelNone -> False
            SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> False
            SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> True
            SubpixelVerticalRGB -> False
            SubpixelVerticalBGR -> True
            SubpixelDefault -> fontBGR font-}

    can_set_lcd_filter <- isSuccess $ ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') 0
    -- FIXME: Do we need a mutex?
    let set_lcd_filter = ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') $ fontLCDFilter font
    case render_flags of {
        FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter;
        FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter;
        _ -> return ()}

    glyph2' <- case gsrFormat glyph1' of {
        FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return glyph1';
        _ -> withPtr glyph1' $ flip ft_Render_Glyph $ toEnum render_flags}
    -- If set_lcd_filter requires mutex, release it here.
    case gsrFormat glyph2' of {
        FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return ();
        _ -> throw $ FtError "glyphForIndex" 2

    img <- cb $ gsrBitmap glyph2'
    return Glyph {
        glyphFontName = fontName font, glyphImage = img,
        glyphAdvance = (fromIntegral (vX $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 *
            if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1,
            fromIntegral (vY $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 *
            if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1),
        glyphSubpixel = subpixel,
        glyphMetrics = gsrMetrics glyph2'

bmpAndMetricsForIndex ::
    FTFC_Instance -> FTFC_Subpixel -> Word32 -> IO (FT_Bitmap, FT_Glyph_Metrics)
bmpAndMetricsForIndex inst subpixel index = do
    glyph <- glyphForIndex inst index subpixel pure
    return (glyphImage glyph, glyphMetrics glyph)

withPtr :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO a
withPtr a cb = alloca $ \a' -> do
    poke a' a
    _ <- cb a'
    peek a'

isSuccess :: IO a -> IO Bool
isSuccess cb = do
    _ <- cb
    return True
  `catch` \(FtError _ _) -> return False

m22toFt :: M22 Double -> FT_Matrix
m22toFt (V2 (V2 xx xy) (V2 yx yy)) = FT_Matrix {
    mXx = c xx * 0x10000, mXy = c xy * 0x10000,
    mYx = c yx * 0x10000, mYy = c yy * 0x10000
  } where c = toEnum . fromEnum

-- Taken from FreeType language bindings,
-- but converted to constants rather than pattern synonyms.
ft_LOAD_DEFAULT                     = 0
ft_LOAD_NO_SCALE                    = 1
ft_LOAD_NO_HINTING                  = 2
ft_LOAD_RENDER                      = 4
ft_LOAD_NO_BITMAP                   = 8
ft_LOAD_VERTICAL_LAYOUT             = 16
ft_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT              = 32
ft_LOAD_CROP_BITMAP                 = 64
ft_LOAD_PEDANTIC                    = 128
ft_LOAD_NO_RECURSE                  = 1024
ft_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM            = 2048
ft_LOAD_MONOCHROME                  = 4096
ft_LOAD_LINEAR_DESIGN               = 8192
ft_LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT                 = 32768
ft_LOAD_COLOR                       = 1048576
ft_LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS             = 2097152
ft_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY         = 4194304

ft_LOAD_TARGET_MONO   = 131072
ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD    = 196608
ft_LOAD_TARGET_LCD_V  = 262144


M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs +32 -20
@@ 17,12 17,12 @@ import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Weight

import Stylist (StyleSheet(..), PropertyParser(..))
import Stylist.Parse (parseProperties)
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..), serialize)
import Stylist (PropertyParser(..))
import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..), NumericValue(..))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe as Mb (listToMaybe, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)

type Pattern = Map Text [(Binding, Value)]
data Pattern' = Pattern' { unPattern :: Pattern }

@@ 44,6 44,11 @@ setValue key strength v self = setValues key strength [v] self
setValues :: ToValue v => Text -> Binding -> [v] -> Pattern -> Pattern
setValues key strength vs self = M.insert key [(strength, toValue v) | v <- vs] self

getValue :: ToValue v => Text -> Pattern -> Maybe v
getValue key self = fromValue . snd =<< listToMaybe =<< M.lookup key self
getValues :: ToValue v => Text -> Pattern -> [v]
getValues key self = Mb.mapMaybe (fromValue . snd) $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key self

equalSubset :: Pattern -> Pattern -> ObjectSet -> Bool
equalSubset a b os = case withMessage fcPatternEqualSubset [toObject a, toObject b, toObject os] of
    0 -> False

@@ 77,35 82,36 @@ foreign import capi "fontconfig-wrap.h" fcNameFormat :: CString -> Int -> CStrin

parseFontFamily :: [Token] -> ([String], Bool, [Token])
parseFontFamily (String font:Comma:tail) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily tail
parseFontFamily (String font:Comma:toks) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily toks
    in (unpack font:fonts, b, tail')
parseFontFamily (Ident font:Comma:tail) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily tail
parseFontFamily (Ident font:Comma:toks) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily toks
    in (unpack font:fonts, b, tail')
parseFontFamily (String font:tail) = ([unpack font], True, tail)
parseFontFamily (Ident font:tail) = ([unpack font], True, tail)
parseFontFamily (String font:toks) = ([unpack font], True, toks)
parseFontFamily (Ident font:toks) = ([unpack font], True, toks)
parseFontFamily toks = ([], False, toks) -- Invalid syntax!

parseFontFeatures :: [Token] -> ([(String, Int)], Bool, [Token])
parseFontFeatures (String feat:toks) | feature@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack feat = case toks of
    Comma:tail -> let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):feats, b, tail')
    Ident "on":Comma:tail -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "on":tail -> ([(feature, 1)], True, tail)
    Ident "off":Comma:tail -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "off":tail -> ([(feature, 1)], True, tail)
    Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:tail ->
        let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, fromEnum x):feats, b, tail')
    Number _ (NVInteger x):tail -> ([(feature, fromEnum x)], True, tail)
    Comma:toks' -> let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):feats, b, tail')
    Ident "on":Comma:toks' -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "on":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], True, toks')
    Ident "off":Comma:toks' -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
    Ident "off":toks' -> ([(feature, 1)], True, toks')
    Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:toks' ->
        let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures toks' in ((feature, fromEnum x):feats, b, tail')
    Number _ (NVInteger x):toks' -> ([(feature, fromEnum x)], True, toks')
    _ -> ([], False, String feat:toks)
parseFontFeatures toks = ([], False, toks)

parseFontVars :: [Token] -> ([(String, Double)], Bool, [Token])
parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:Comma:tail) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
    let (vars, b, tail') = parseFontVars tail in ((var, nv2double x):vars, b, tail')
parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:tail) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
    ([(var, nv2double x)], True, tail)
parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:Comma:toks) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
    let (vars, b, tail') = parseFontVars toks in ((var, nv2double x):vars, b, tail')
parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:toks) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
    ([(var, nv2double x)], True, toks)
parseFontVars toks = ([], False, toks)

parseLength :: Double -> NumericValue -> Text -> Double
parseLength super length unit = convert (nv2double length) unit
parseLength super len unit = convert (nv2double len) unit
    convert = c
    c x "pt" = x -- Unit FontConfig expects!

@@ 140,14 146,20 @@ parseFontWeight (Ident "bold") = Just 200
parseFontWeight (Number _ (NVInteger x)) = Just $ weightFromOpenType $ fromEnum x
parseFontWeight _ = Nothing

nv2double :: NumericValue -> Double
nv2double (NVInteger x) = fromInteger x
nv2double (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x

sets :: ToValue v => Text -> Binding -> [v] -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
sets a b c d = Just $ setValues a b c d
set :: ToValue v => Text -> Binding -> v -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
set a b c d = Just $ setValue a b c d
seti :: Text -> Binding -> Int -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
seti a b c d = Just $ setValue a b (c :: Int) d
unset' :: Text -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern
unset' a b = Just $ M.delete a b

getSize :: Pattern -> Double
getSize pat | Just [(_, ValueDouble x)] <- M.lookup "size" pat = x
    | otherwise = 10

M lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs +3 -0
@@ 98,3 98,6 @@ instance ToValue Range where
    toValue = ValueRange
    fromValue (ValueRange x) = Just x
    fromValue _ = Nothing
instance ToValue Value where
    toValue = id
    fromValue = Just