M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +0 -2
@@ 1,8 1,6 @@
module Main where
-import qualified MyLib (someFunc)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, Haskell!"
- MyLib.someFunc
M fontconfig-pure.cabal => fontconfig-pure.cabal +8 -2
@@ 63,7 63,10 @@ library
import: warnings
-- Modules exported by the library.
- exposed-modules: MyLib
+ exposed-modules: Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet, Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet,
+ Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet, Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range,
+ Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.StrSet, Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value,
+ Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern, Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
-- other-modules:
@@ 72,7 75,10 @@ library
-- other-extensions:
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
- build-depends: base >=4.12 && <5, containers >=0.1 && <1, css-syntax, freetype2 >=0.2 && <0.3, hashable >=1.3 && <2, linear >=1.0.1 && <2, scientific, stylist-traits >=0.1.1 && <1, text, inline-c
+ build-depends: base >=4.12 && <5, containers >=0.1 && <1, css-syntax,
+ freetype2 >=0.2 && <0.3, hashable >=1.3 && <2, linear >=1.0.1 && <2,
+ scientific, stylist-traits >=0.1.1 && <1, text, msgpack >= 1.0 && <2,
+ vector >= 0.13 && <1
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: lib
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/CharSet.hs +57 -0
@@ 0,0 1,57 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet where
+import Data.IntSet (IntSet, union)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
+import Data.Char (isHexDigit)
+import Numeric (readHex)
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..))
+-- | An FcCharSet is a set of Unicode characters.
+type CharSet = IntSet
+parseChar :: String -> Int
+parseChar str | ((x, _):_) <- readHex str = toEnum x
+ | otherwise = 0
+replaceWild :: Char -> String -> String
+replaceWild ch ('?':rest) = ch:replaceWild ch rest
+replaceWild ch (c:cs) = c:replaceWild ch cs
+replaceWild _ "" = ""
+parseWild :: Char -> String -> Int
+parseWild ch str = parseChar $ replaceWild ch str
+-- | Utility for parsing "unicode-range" @font-face property.
+parseCharSet :: String -> Maybe CharSet
+parseCharSet ('U':rest) = parseCharSet ('u':rest) -- lowercase initial "u"
+parseCharSet ('u':'+':cs)
+ | (start@(_:_), '-':ends) <- span isHexDigit cs,
+ (end@(_:_), rest) <- span isHexDigit ends, Just set <- parseCharSet' rest =
+ Just $ union set $ IntSet.fromList [parseChar start..parseChar end]
+ | (codepoint@(_:_), rest) <- span isHexDigit cs, Just set <- parseCharSet' rest =
+ Just $ flip IntSet.insert set $ parseChar codepoint
+ | (codepoint@(_:_), rest) <- span (\c -> isHexDigit c || c == '?') cs,
+ Just set <- parseCharSet' rest =
+ Just $ IntSet.union set $ IntSet.fromList [
+ parseWild '0' codepoint..parseWild 'f' codepoint]
+parseCharSet _ = Nothing
+parseCharSet' :: String -> Maybe CharSet
+parseCharSet' (',':rest) = parseCharSet rest
+parseCharSet' "" = Just IntSet.empty
+parseCharSet' _ = Nothing
+-- NOTE: Serial already provides IntSet a CBOR codec, but its quite naive.
+-- I suspect that CharSets are typically quite dense,
+-- So a diff-compression pass should play well with
+diffCompress :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
+diffCompress prev (x:xs) = x - prev:diffCompress x xs
+diffCompress _ [] = []
+diffDecompress :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
+diffDecompress prev (x:xs) = prev + x:diffDecompress x xs
+diffDecompress _ [] = []
+newtype CharSet' = CharSet' { unCharSet :: CharSet }
+instance MessagePack CharSet' where
+ toObject = toObject . diffCompress 0 . IntSet.toAscList . unCharSet
+ fromObject msg =
+ CharSet' <$> IntSet.fromAscList <$> diffDecompress 0 <$> fromObject msg
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/FontSet.hs +81 -0
@@ 0,0 1,81 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.FontSet where
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern
+type FontSet = [Pattern']
+--- CSS Bindings
+-- | `StyleSheet` wrapper to parse @font-face rules.
+data FontFaceParser a = FontFaceParser { cssFonts :: FontSet, cssInner :: a}
+{- parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":Ident name:RightParen:Comma:rest) =
+ ("local:" ++ unpack name):parseFontFaceSrc rest
+parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":String name:RightParen:Comma:rest) =
+ ("local:" ++ unpack name):parseFontFaceSrc rest
+parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":Ident name:RightParen:[]) = ["local:" ++ unpack name]
+parseFontFaceSrc (Function "local":String name:RightParen:[]) = ["local:" ++ unpack name]
+parseFontFaceSrc (Url link:toks)
+ | Comma:rest <- skipMeta toks = unpack link:parseFontFaceSrc rest
+ | [] <- skipMeta toks = [unpack link]
+ | otherwise = [""] -- Error indicator!
+ where
+ skipMeta (Function "format":Ident _:RightParen:rest) = skipMeta rest
+ skipMeta (Function "format":String _:RightParen:rest) = skipMeta rest
+ skipMeta (Function "tech":Ident _:RightParen:rest) = skipMeta rest
+ skipMeta (Function "tech":String _:RightParen:rest) = skipMeta rest
+ skipMeta toks = toks
+parseFontFaceSrc _ = [""]
+properties2font :: [(Text, [Token])] -> Pattern
+properties2font (("font-family", [String font]):props) =
+ setValue "family" Strong (unpack font) $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-family", [Ident font]):props) =
+ setValue "family" Strong (unpack font) $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-stretch", [tok]):props) | Just x <- parseFontStretch tok =
+ setValue "width" Strong x $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-stretch", [start, end]):props)
+ | Just x <- parseFontStretch start, Just y <- parseFontStretch end =
+ setValue "width" Strong (x `iRange` y) $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-weight", [tok]):props) | Just x <- parseFontWeight tok =
+ setValue "width" Strong x $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-weight", [start, end]):props)
+ | Just x <- parseFontStretch start, Just y <- parseFontStretch end =
+ setValue "weight" Strong (x `iRange` y) $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-feature-settings", toks):props)
+ | (features, True, []) <- parseFontFeatures toks =
+ setValue "fontfeatures" Strong (intercalate "," $ map fst features) $
+ properties2font props
+properties2font (("font-variation-settings", toks):props)
+ | (_, True, []) <- parseFontVars toks =
+ setValue "variable" Strong True $ properties2font props
+properties2font (("unicode-range", toks):props)
+ | Just chars <- parseCharSet $ unpack $ serialize toks =
+ setValue "charset" Strong chars $ properties2font props
+-- Ignoring metadata & trusting in FreeType's broad support for fonts.
+properties2font (("src", toks):props)
+ | fonts@(_:_) <- parseFontFaceSrc toks, "" `notElem` fonts =
+ setValue "web-src" Strong (intercalate "\t" fonts) $ properties2font props
+properties2font (_:props) = properties2font props
+properties2font [] = []
+instance StyleSheet a => StyleSheet (FontFaceParser a) where
+ setPriorities v (FontFaceParser x self) = FontFaceParser x $ setPriorities v self
+ addRule (FontFaceParser x self) rule = FontFaceParser x $ addRule self rule
+ addAtRule (FontFaceParser fonts self) "font-face" toks =
+ let ((props, _), toks') = parseProperties toks
+ in (FontFaceParser (properties2font props:fonts) self, toks')
+ addAtRule (FontFaceParser x self) key toks =
+ let (a, b) = addAtRule self key toks in (FontFaceParser x a, b) -}
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/LangSet.hs +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet where
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..))
+type LangSet = Set String
+newtype LangSet' = LangSet' { unLangSet :: LangSet }
+instance MessagePack LangSet' where
+ toObject = toObject . S.toList . unLangSet
+ fromObject msg = LangSet' <$> S.fromList <$> fromObject msg
+-- TODO: Implement language bindings! But first: Datamodel everything!
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/ObjectSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/ObjectSet.hs +5 -0
@@ 0,0 1,5 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.ObjectSet where
+type ObjectSet = [String]
+-- NOTE: Already has all the typeclass instances I want, including MessagePack!
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Pattern.hs +155 -0
@@ 0,0 1,155 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern where
+import Data.Map as M
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..), Object(..))
+import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value
+type Pattern = Map String [(Binding, Value)]
+data Pattern' = Pattern' { unPattern :: Pattern }
+data Binding = Strong | Weak | Same deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Show, Generic)
+instance Hashable Binding where
+ hash = fromEnum
+instance MessagePack Binding where
+ fromObject (ObjectBool True) = Just Strong
+ fromObject (ObjectBool False) = Just Weak
+ fromObject ObjectNil = Just Same
+ fromObject _ = Nothing
+ toObject Strong = ObjectBool True
+ toObject Weak = ObjectBool False
+ toObject Same = ObjectNil
+--- CSS
+{-parseFontFamily :: [Token] -> ([String], Bool, [Token])
+parseFontFamily (String font:Comma:tail) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily tail
+ in (unpack font:fonts, b, tail')
+parseFontFamily (Ident font:Comma:tail) = let (fonts, b, tail') = parseFontFamily tail
+ in (unpack font:fonts, b, tail')
+parseFontFamily (String font:tail) = ([unpack font], True, tail)
+parseFontFamily (Ident font:tail) = ([unpack font], True, tail)
+parseFontFamily toks = ([], False, toks) -- Invalid syntax!
+parseFontFeatures :: [Token] -> ([(String, Int)], Bool, [Token])
+parseFontFeatures (String feat:toks) | feature@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack feat = case toks of
+ Comma:tail -> let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):feats, b, tail')
+ Ident "on":Comma:tail -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
+ Ident "on":tail -> ([(feature, 1)], True, tail)
+ Ident "off":Comma:tail -> let (f, b, t) = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, 1):f, b, t)
+ Ident "off":tail -> ([(feature, 1)], True, tail)
+ Number _ (NVInteger x):Comma:tail ->
+ let (feats, b, tail') = parseFontFeatures tail in ((feature, fromEnum x):feats, b, tail')
+ Number _ (NVInteger x):tail -> ([(feature, fromEnum x)], True, tail)
+parseFontFeatures toks = ([], False, toks)
+parseFontVars :: [Token] -> ([(String, Double)], Bool, [Token])
+parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:Comma:tail) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
+ let (vars, b, tail') = parseFontVars tail in ((var, nv2double x):vars, b, tail')
+parseFontVars (String var':Number _ x:tail) | var@(_:_:_:_:[]) <- unpack var' =
+ ([(var, nv2double x)], True, tail)
+parseFontVars toks = ([], False, toks)
+parseLength :: Double -> NumericValue -> Text -> Double
+parseLength super length unit = convert (nv2double length) unit
+ where
+ convert = c
+ c x "pt" = x -- Unit FontConfig expects!
+ c x "pc" = x/6 `c` "in"
+ c x "in" = x/72 `c` "pt"
+ c x "Q" = x/40 `c` "cm"
+ c x "mm" = x/10 `c` "cm"
+ c x "cm" = x/2.54 `c` "in"
+ c x "px" = x/96 `c` "in" -- Conversion factor during early days of CSS, got entrenched.
+ c x "em" = x * super
+ c x "%" = x/100 `c` "em"
+ c _ _ = 0/0 -- NaN
+parseFontStretch :: Token -> Maybe Int -- Result in percentages
+parseFontStretch (Percentage _ x) = Just $ fromEnum $ nv2double x
+parseFontStretch (Ident "ultra-condensed") = Just 50
+parseFontStretch (Ident "extra-condensed") = Just 63 -- 62.5%, but round towards 100%
+parseFontStretch (Ident "condensed") = Just 75
+parseFontStretch (Ident "semi-condensed") = Just 88 -- 87.5% actually...
+parseFontStretch (Ident "normal") = Just 100
+parseFontStretch (Ident "initial") = Just 100
+parseFontStretch (Ident "semi-expanded") = Just 112 -- 112.5% actually...
+parseFontStretch (Ident "expanded") = Just 125
+parseFontStretch (Ident "extra-expanded") = Just 150
+parseFontStretch (Ident "ultra-expanded") = Just 200
+parseFontStretch _ = Nothing
+-- Conversion between CSS scale & FontConfig scale is non-trivial, use lookuptable.
+parseFontWeight :: Token -> Maybe Int
+parseFontWeight (Ident k) | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = Just 80
+parseFontWeight (Ident "bold") = Just 200
+parseFontWeight (Number _ (NVInteger x)) = Just $ weightFromOpenType $ fromEnum x
+parseFontWeight _ = Nothing
+nv2double (NVInteger x) = fromInteger x
+nv2double (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat x
+sets a b c d = Just $ setValues a b c d
+set a b c d = Just $ setValue a b c d
+seti a b c d = Just $ setValue a b (c :: Int) d
+unset' a b = Just $ unset a b
+getSize pat | ValueDouble x <- getValue "size" pat = x
+ | otherwise = 10
+instance PropertyParser Pattern where
+ temp = []
+ longhand _ self "font-family" toks
+ | (fonts, True, []) <- parseFontFamily toks = sets "family" Strong fonts self
+ -- font-size: initial should be configurable!
+ longhand super self "font-size" [Dimension _ x unit]
+ | let y = parseLength (getSize super) x unit, not $ isNaN y =
+ set "size" Strong y self
+ longhand super self "font-size" [Percentage x y] =
+ longhand super self "font-size" [Dimension x y "%"]
+ longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "initial"] = seti "slant" Strong 0 self
+ longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "normal"] = seti "slant" Strong 0 self
+ longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "italic"] = seti "slant" Strong 100 self
+ longhand _ self "font-style" [Ident "oblique"] = seti "slant" Strong 110 self
+ -- Conversion between CSS scale & FontConfig scale is non-trivial, use lookuptable.
+ longhand _ self "font-weight" [tok]
+ | Just x <- parseFontWeight tok = seti "weight" Strong x self
+ longhand super self "font-weight" [Number _ (NVInteger x)]
+ | x > 920 = longhand super self "font-weight" [Number "" $ NVInteger 950]
+ | otherwise = longhand super self "font-weight" [Number "" $ NVInteger $ (x `div` 100) * 100]
+ longhand _ self "font-weight" [Ident "lighter"]
+ | ValueInt x <- getValue "weight" self, x > 200 = seti "weight" Strong 200 self
+ -- minus 100 adhears to the CSS standard awefully well in this new scale.
+ | ValueInt x <- getValue "weight" self = seti "weight" Strong (max (x - 100) 0) self
+ | otherwise = seti "weight" Strong 0 self
+ longhand _ self "font-weight" [Ident "bolder"]
+ | ValueInt x <- getValue "weight" self, x <= 65 = seti "weight" Strong 80 self
+ | ValueInt x <- getValue "weight" self, x <= 150 = seti "weight" Strong 200 self
+ | ValueInt x <- getValue "weight" self, x < 210 = seti "weight" Strong 210 self
+ | ValueInt _ <- getValue "weight" self = Just self -- As bold as it goes...
+ | otherwise = seti "weight" Strong 200 self
+ longhand _ self "font-feature-settings" [Ident k]
+ | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = unset' "fontfeatures" self
+ longhand _ self "font-feature-settings" toks
+ | (features, True, []) <- parseFontFeatures toks =
+ set "fontfeatures" Strong (intercalate "," $ map fst features) self
+ longhand _ self "font-variation-settings" [Ident k]
+ | k `elem` ["initial", "normal"] = unset' "variable" self
+ longhand _ self "font-variation-settings" toks
+ | (_, True, []) <- parseFontVars toks = set "variable" Strong True self
+ longhand _ s "font-stretch" [tok]
+ | Just x <- parseFontStretch tok = seti "width" Strong x s
+ longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing -}
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Range.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Range.hs +21 -0
@@ 0,0 1,21 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range where
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..), Object(..))
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
+-- | Matches a numeric range.
+data Range = Range Double Double deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+-- | Matches an integral range.
+iRange :: Int -> Int -> Range
+iRange i j = toEnum i `Range` toEnum j
+instance MessagePack Range where
+ toObject (Range start end) = ObjectMap $ V.fromList [
+ (ObjectInt 0, ObjectDouble start),
+ (ObjectInt 1, ObjectDouble end)
+ ]
+ fromObject msg
+ | Just msg' <- fromObject msg =
+ Just (IM.findWithDefault 0 0 msg' `Range` IM.findWithDefault 0 1 msg')
+ | otherwise = Nothing
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/StrSet.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/StrSet.hs +12 -0
@@ 0,0 1,12 @@
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.StrSet where
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..))
+newtype StrSet = StrSet { unStrSet :: Set String }
+instance MessagePack StrSet where
+ toObject = toObject . S.toList . unStrSet
+ fromObject msg = StrSet <$> S.fromList <$> fromObject msg
A lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs => lib/Graphics/Text/Font/Choose/Value.hs +97 -0
@@ 0,0 1,97 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
+module Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value where
+import Linear.Matrix (M22)
+import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.CharSet (CharSet, CharSet'(..))
+--import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Face(..))
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.LangSet (LangSet, LangSet'(..))
+import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Range (Range)
+import Data.MessagePack (MessagePack(..), Object(..))
+import qualified Data.Text as Txt
+-- | A dynamic type system for `Pattern`s.
+data Value = ValueVoid
+ | ValueInt Int
+ | ValueDouble Double
+ | ValueString String
+ | ValueBool Bool
+ | ValueMatrix (M22 Double)
+ | ValueCharSet CharSet
+-- | ValueFTFace FT_Face -- FIXME: Is it worth going through the trouble to bridge this?
+ | ValueLangSet LangSet
+ | ValueRange Range deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+instance MessagePack Value where
+ toObject ValueVoid = ObjectNil
+ toObject (ValueInt x) = ObjectInt x
+ toObject (ValueDouble x) = ObjectDouble x
+ toObject (ValueString x) = ObjectStr $ Txt.pack x
+ toObject (ValueBool x) = ObjectBool x
+ toObject (ValueMatrix (V2 (V2 xx yx) (V2 xy yy))) = toObject [xx, xy, yx, yy]
+ toObject (ValueCharSet x) = toObject $ CharSet' x
+ toObject (ValueLangSet x) = toObject $ LangSet' x
+ toObject (ValueRange x) = toObject x
+ fromObject ObjectNil = Just ValueVoid
+ fromObject (ObjectBool x) = Just $ ValueBool x
+ fromObject (ObjectInt x) = Just $ ValueInt x
+ fromObject (ObjectFloat x) = Just $ ValueDouble $ realToFrac x
+ fromObject (ObjectDouble x) = Just $ ValueDouble x
+ fromObject (ObjectStr x) = Just $ ValueString $ Txt.unpack x
+ fromObject (ObjectBin _) = Nothing -- Would use for to transfer font faces via underlying bytes.
+ fromObject msg
+ | Just charset <- fromObject msg = Just $ ValueCharSet $ unCharSet charset
+ | Just langset <- fromObject msg = Just $ ValueLangSet $ unLangSet langset
+ | Just range <- fromObject msg = Just $ ValueRange range
+ | Just [xx, xy, yx, yy] <- fromObject msg :: Maybe [Double] =
+ -- [Double] decoding is overly generous, potentially conflicts with above.
+ Just $ ValueMatrix $ V2 (V2 xx yx) (V2 xy yy)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- | Coerces compiletime types to runtime types.
+class ToValue x where
+ toValue :: x -> Value
+ fromValue :: Value -> Maybe x
+ fromValue' :: Value -> x -- throws Result.Error
+ fromValue' self | Just ret <- fromValue self = ret
+ fromValue' _ = error "Type mismatch!" -- TODO: Throw something nicer!
+instance ToValue () where
+ toValue () = ValueVoid
+ fromValue ValueVoid = Just ()
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue Int where
+ toValue = ValueInt
+ fromValue (ValueInt x) = Just x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue Double where
+ toValue = ValueDouble
+ fromValue (ValueDouble x) = Just x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue String where
+ toValue = ValueString
+ fromValue (ValueString x) = Just x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue Bool where
+ toValue = ValueBool
+ fromValue (ValueBool x) = Just x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue (M22 Double) where
+ toValue = ValueMatrix
+ fromValue (ValueMatrix x) = Just x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue CharSet' where
+ toValue = ValueCharSet . unCharSet
+ fromValue (ValueCharSet x) = Just $ CharSet' x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing
+--instance ToValue FT_Face where
+-- toValue = ValueFTFace
+-- fromValue (ValueFTFace x) = Just x
+-- fromValue _ = Nothing
+instance ToValue LangSet' where
+ toValue = ValueLangSet . unLangSet
+ fromValue (ValueLangSet x) = Just $ LangSet' x
+ fromValue _ = Nothing