@@ 9,26 9,29 @@ import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Face(..))
import Data.Word (Word32, Word)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr, Ptr)
-import Foreign.Storable (peek)
+import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.C.String (CString, withCString)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-import Control.Exception (throw)
+import Control.Exception (throw, catch)
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Result (Error(ErrTypeMismatch))
-- For FcFt transliteration
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Value (Value(..))
import Graphics.Text.Font.Choose.Pattern (getValue', getValue0, getValue, getValues')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Library, ft_New_Face, ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes, ft_Set_Transform,
- FT_FaceRec(..), FT_SizeRec(..), FT_Size_Metrics(..))
-import FreeType.Control.Subpixel (FT_LcdFilter)
-import FreeType.Core.Types (FT_Matrix(..))
import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
import Linear.Matrix(M22)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
+import FreeType.Core.Base
+import FreeType.Support.Outline (ft_Outline_Embolden)
+import FreeType.Control.Subpixel (FT_LcdFilter, ft_Library_SetLcdFilter)
+import FreeType.Core.Types
+import FreeType.Exception (FtError(..))
c2w :: Char -> Word32
c2w = fromIntegral . fromEnum
@@ 82,6 85,7 @@ foreign import ccall "FcFreeTypeQueryFace" fcFreeTypeQueryFace ::
--- Transliterated from FcFt
--- https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft/
+--- Untested
data FTFC_Instance = Instance {
@@ 107,11 111,11 @@ data FTFC_Metrics = Metrics {
ascent :: Int,
maxAdvance :: (Int, Int),
metricsAntialias :: Bool,
- metricsSubpixel :: Subpixel,
+ metricsSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel,
metricsName :: String
-data Subpixel = SubpixelNone | SubpixelHorizontalRGB | SubpixelHorizontalBGR |
- SubpixelVerticalRGB | SubpixelVerticalBGR
+data FTFC_Subpixel = SubpixelNone | SubpixelHorizontalRGB | SubpixelHorizontalBGR |
+ SubpixelVerticalRGB | SubpixelVerticalBGR | SubpixelDefault
instantiatePattern :: FT_Library -> Pattern -> (Double, Double) -> IO FTFC_Instance
instantiatePattern ftlib pattern (req_pt_size, req_px_size) = do
@@ 209,6 213,89 @@ instantiatePattern ftlib pattern (req_pt_size, req_px_size) = do
+data FTFC_Glyph a = Glyph {
+ glyphFontName :: String,
+ glyphImage :: a,
+ glyphAdvance :: (Double, Double),
+ glyphSubpixel :: FTFC_Subpixel
+glyphForIndex :: FTFC_Instance -> Word32 -> FTFC_Subpixel ->
+ (FT_Bitmap -> IO a) -> IO (FTFC_Glyph a)
+glyphForIndex font index subpixel cb = do
+ ft_Load_Glyph (fontFace font) index (toEnum $ fontLoadFlags font)
+ face' <- peek $ fontFace font
+ size' <- peek $ frSize face'
+ -- Formula from old FreeType function `FT_GlyphSlotEmbolden`.
+ -- Approximate as fallback for fonts not using fontsets or variables axis.
+ let strength = fromIntegral (frUnits_per_EM face')*smY_scale (srMetrics size')`div`24
+ glyph' <- peek $ frGlyph face'
+ glyph1' <- case gsrFormat glyph' of
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE | fontEmbolden font -> do
+ outline <- withPtr (gsrOutline glyph') $ flip ft_Outline_Embolden strength
+ return glyph' { gsrOutline = outline }
+ _ -> return glyph'
+ let render_flags = case subpixel of {
+-- FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG is not exposed by our language bindings,
+-- Should be largely irrelevant now... Certain FreeType versions required this flag.
+-- _ | FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_SVG <- gsrFormat glyph1' -> ft_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL;
+ _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> fontRenderFlags font;
+ SubpixelNone -> fontRenderFlags font;
+ SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
+ SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
+ SubpixelVerticalRGB -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V;
+ SubpixelVerticalBGR -> ft_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V;
+ SubpixelDefault -> fontRenderFlagsSubpixel font}
+ let bgr = case subpixel of {
+ _ | not $ fontAntialias font -> False;
+ SubpixelNone -> False;
+ SubpixelHorizontalRGB -> False;
+ SubpixelHorizontalBGR -> True;
+ SubpixelVerticalRGB -> False;
+ SubpixelVerticalBGR -> True;
+ SubpixelDefault -> fontBGR font}
+ can_set_lcd_filter <- isSuccess $ ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') 0
+ -- FIXME: Do we need a mutex?
+ let set_lcd_filter = ft_Library_SetLcdFilter (gsrLibrary glyph1') $ fontLCDFilter font
+ case render_flags of {
+ FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter;
+ FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V | can_set_lcd_filter -> set_lcd_filter;
+ _ -> return ()}
+ glyph2' <- case gsrFormat glyph1' of {
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return glyph1';
+ _ -> withPtr glyph1' $ flip ft_Render_Glyph $ toEnum render_flags}
+ -- If set_lcd_filter requires mutex, release it here.
+ case gsrFormat glyph2' of {
+ FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> return ();
+ _ -> throw $ FtError "glyphForIndex" 2
+ }
+ img <- cb $ gsrBitmap glyph2'
+ return Glyph {
+ glyphFontName = fontName font, glyphImage = img,
+ glyphAdvance = (fromIntegral (vX $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 *
+ if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1,
+ fromIntegral (vY $ gsrAdvance glyph2') / 64 *
+ if fontPixelFixupEstimated font then fontPixelSizeFixup font else 1),
+ glyphSubpixel = subpixel
+ }
+withPtr :: Storable a => a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO a
+withPtr a cb = alloca $ \a' -> do
+ poke a' a
+ cb a'
+ peek a'
+isSuccess :: IO a -> IO Bool
+isSuccess cb = do
+ cb
+ return True
+ `catch` \(FtError _ _) -> return False
m22toFt :: M22 Double -> FT_Matrix
m22toFt (V2 (V2 xx xy) (V2 yx yy)) = FT_Matrix {
mXx = c xx * 0x10000, mXy = c xy * 0x10000,