
d0406955d1f10f902c62eff6f790b3c7cce719dc — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 9 months ago 721acb5
Echo relevant twitter thread anonymously.
2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M _posts/2022-12-16-idad.md
A _posts/2022-12-18-retweet-browser-complexity.md
M _posts/2022-12-16-idad.md => _posts/2022-12-16-idad.md +2 -2
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layout: post
title: International Day Against DRM
author: Adrian Cochrane
date: 2022-07-04 19:48:15 +1200
date: 2022-12-16 19:48:15 +1200

As an upstart browserengine it is my privilege to promise on this [International Day Against DRM](https://www.defectivebydesign.org/dayagainstdrm) 2022: Haphaestus will never support [Encrypted Media Extensions](https://www.w3.org/TR/encrypted-media/) or any other form of [DRM](https://ravidwivedi.in/posts/drm/).

@@ 29,7 29,7 @@ Today this near-exclusively takes the form of streaming-only services. To the ex
## Why not DRM?
DRM is the [central knot](https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/m/you-wouldn-t-hate-artificial-scarcity/) which must be untied before we can enjoy widespread software freedom, as opposed to a world where practically all our software is built upon free/opensource software without passing on the Four Freedoms.

DRM epitomizes the "[we knew best](https://puri.sm/posts/apple-is-right-about-privacy-but-wrong-about-freedom/)" [security-by-obscurity](https://www.okta.com/identity-101/security-through-obscurity/) approach, being in place specifically to prevent the user from exercising their [software freedom](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) to modify the playback software. To prevent you from adding features the upstream developer dissaproves of, or worse simply hasn't considered yet.
DRM epitomizes the "[we knew best](https://puri.sm/posts/apple-is-right-about-privacy-but-wrong-about-freedom/)" [security-by-obscurity](https://www.okta.com/identity-101/security-through-obscurity/) approach, being in place specifically to prevent the user from exercising their [software freedom](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) to modify the playback software. To prevent you from [adding features](https://web.archive.org/web/20190119000840/https://plus.google.com/+IanHickson/posts/iPmatxBYuj2) the upstream developer dissaproves of, or worse simply hasn't considered yet.

As such DRM is inherantly proprietary software, and as long as society coerces us into accepting DRM into our lives the ideology of proprietary software has a foothold.

A _posts/2022-12-18-retweet-browser-complexity.md => _posts/2022-12-18-retweet-browser-complexity.md +62 -0
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layout: post
title: Anonymous/Archived Retweet Regarding Web Complexity
author: Anonymous
date: 2022-12-18 08:25:52 +1300

Anonymously retweeting a Twitter thread, which despite its truth got harassed into deletion:


"Safari is buggy" is a valid criticism.

"Safari is behind Chrome in features" is not a valid criticism.

Never forget that the browser vendors, including Google and Apple, seized control of the web from the W3C. These few companies have too much power over the web, period.


The web has massive feature bloat. It's a privacy and security nightmare.

I personally think we should abolish JavaScript and not allow arbitrary remotely loaded code to execute on our computers.

"I want web sites to do everything a native app can do" is a suicidal mistake.


The more features that are added to the web, the less browser competition is possible! This is essential to recognize.

And Google knows it! That's the whole point.

Who can keep up with Google? Mozilla can't. Apple can't. Even Microsoft threw in the towel and adopted Chromium.


Imagine a small company trying to write their own web browser from scratch nowadays. It's just not possible! The web is so complex, there's no choice but to adopt one of the few existing browser engines: Chromium, WebKit, Gecko. That's it. The competitive landscape is bleak.


"Everyone has to adopt Chromium" is exactly Google's plan.

Who controls the dominant browser engine controls the web.


In a sense, there's no point in even having "web standards" anymore.

Web standards theoretically allow *anybody* to implement a browser engine. But if the "standards" are sufficiently huge, then practically *nobody* can implement a browser engine.


I've personally implemented software from scratch using RFC as a guide, in several different areas.

But a web browser engine? Forget it!

The "standards" now are nothing more than Chromium, WebKit, Gecko, and their individual quirks. How can there be a new engine?


The web is not "open" if nobody new can write a web browser engine. It's the illusion of openness.
