@@ 1,642 1,567 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Internal.Elements.XPath(parseXPath) where
+module Internal.Elements.XPath where
-import Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy
-import Control.Applicative
-import Data.Text (Text(..), pack)
+import Internal.Elements.XPathParse
+import qualified Data.Text as Txt
+import Data.Text (Text)
-import Text.XML.Cursor
-import Text.XML (Name(..), Node(..))
+import Text.XML.Cursor hiding (bool)
+import Text.XML
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-pSpaced :: Parser a -> Parser a
-pSpaced act = do
- skipSpace
- ret <- act
- skipSpace
- return ret
--- Transliterated from grammar at https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-3/#nt-bnf
-parseXPath = parse pExpr
-pParamList = do
- head <- pParam
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pParam
- return (head:tail)
-pParam = do
- skipSpace
- char '$'
- name <- pEQName
- skipSpace
- type_ <- option Nothing $ Just <$> pTypeDeclaration
- return (name, type_)
-pFunctionBody = pEnclosedExpr
-pEnclosedExpr = pSpaced $ do
- char '{'
- ret <- option [] $ pExpr
- char '}'
- return ret
-pExpr :: Parser [Expression]
-pExpr = do
- head <- pExprSingle
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pExprSingle
- return (head:tail)
-pExprSingle = pSpaced (pForExpr <|> pLetExpr <|> pQuantifiedExpr <|> pIfExpr <|> pOrExpr)
-pForExpr = do
- header <- pSimpleForClause
- string "return"
- body <- pExprSingle
- return $ ExprFor header body
-pSimpleForClause = do
- string "for"
- head <- pSimpleForBinding
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pSimpleForBinding
- return (head:tail)
-pSimpleForBinding = do
- skipSpace
- char '$'
- var <- pVarName
- skipSpace >> char 'i' >> char 'n'
- val <- pExprSingle
- return (var, val)
-pLetExpr = do
- header <- pSimpleLetClause
- string "return"
- body <- pExprSingle
- return $ ExprLet header body
-pSimpleLetClause = do
- string "let"
- head <- pSimpleLetBinding
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pSimpleLetBinding
- return (head:tail)
-pSimpleLetBinding = do
- skipSpace
- char '$'
- var <- pVarName
- skipSpace >> char ':' >> char '='
- val <- pExprSingle
- return (var, val)
-pQuantifiedExpr = do
- quantifier <- (string "some" >> return ExprSome) <|> (string "every" >> return ExprEvery)
- head <- pSimpleForBinding
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pSimpleForBinding
- string "satisfies"
- body <- pExprSingle
- return $ quantifier (head:tail) body
-pIfExpr = do
- char 'i' >> char 'f'
- skipSpace >> char '('
- test <- pExpr
- char ')' >> skipSpace
- string "then"
- pass <- pExprSingle
- string "else"
- fail <- pExprSingle
- return $ ExprIf test pass fail
-pOrExpr = do
- a <- pAndExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced (char 'o' >> char 'r')
- pAndExpr
- return $ if null bs then a else ExprOr (a:bs)
-pAndExpr = do
- a <- pComparisonExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced $ string "and"
- pComparisonExpr
- return $ if null bs then a else ExprAnd (a:bs)
-pComparisonExpr = do
- a <- pStringConcatExpr
- option a $ do
- skipSpace
- op <- pValueComp <|> pGeneralComp <|> pNodeComp -- TODO implement comparisons
- skipSpace
- b <- pStringConcatExpr
- return $ op a b
-pStringConcatExpr = do
- a <- pRangeExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced (char '|' >> char '|')
- pRangeExpr
- return $ if null bs then a else ExprStrConcat (a:bs)
-pRangeExpr = do
- a <- pAdditiveExpr
- option a $ do
- pSpaced (char 't' >> char 'o')
- b <- pAdditiveExpr
- return $ ExprRange a b
-pAdditiveExpr = do
- a <- pAdditiveExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- op <- pSpaced ((char '-' >> return ExprNegate) <|> (char '+' >> return id))
- b <- pAdditiveExpr
- return $ op b
- return $ if null bs then a else ExprSum (a:bs)
-pMultiplicativeExpr = do
- a <- pUnionExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- skipSpace
- op <- (char '*' >> return ExprMul) <|> (string "div" >> return ExprDiv) <|>
- (string "idiv" >> return ExprIDiv) <|> (string "mode" >> return ExprMode)
- skipSpace
- b <- pUnionExpr
- return (`op` b)
- return $ foldl (\a b -> b a) a bs
-pUnionExpr = do
- a <- pIntersectExceptExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced (string "union" <|> string "|")
- pIntersectExceptExpr
- return $ ExprUnion (a:bs)
-pIntersectExceptExpr = do
- a <- pInstanceOfExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- op <- pSpaced ((string "intersect" >> return ExprIntersect) <|>
- (string "except" >> return ExprExcept))
- b <- pInstanceOfExpr
- return (`op` b)
- return $ foldl (\a b -> b a) a bs
-pInstanceOfExpr = do
- a <- pTreatExpr
- option a $ do
- pSpaced (string "instance" >> skipSpace >> char 'o' >> char 'f')
- type_ <- pSequenceType
- return $ ExprInstanceOf a type_
-pAs = pSpaced (char 'a' >> char 's')
-pTreatExpr = do
- a <- pCastableExpr
- option a $ do
- skipSpace >> string "treat" >> pAs
- type_ <- pSequenceType
- return $ ExprTreatAs a type_
-pCastableExpr = do
- a <- pCastExpr
- option a $ do
- skipSpace >> string "castable" >> pAs
- type_ <- pSingleType
- return $ ExprCastableAs a type_
-pCastExpr = do
- a <- pArrowExpr
- option a $ do
- skipSpace >> string "cast" >> pAs
- type_ <- pSingleType
- return $ ExprCastAs a type_
-pArrowExpr = do
- a <- pUnaryExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced (char '=' >> char '>')
- spec <- pArrowFunctionSpecifier
- args <- pArgumentList
- return (spec, args)
- return $ foldl (\a (spec, args) -> ExprArrow a spec args) a bs
-pUnaryExpr = do
- ops <- many' $ pSpaced (char '+' <|> char '-')
- a <- pValueExpr
- return $ if length (filter (== '-') ops) `rem` 2 == 1 then ExprNegate a else a
-pValueExpr :: Parser Expression
-pValueExpr = pSimpleMapExpr
-char' ch ret = char ch >> return ret
-char'eq ch ret = char ch >> char '=' >> return ret
-char'2 ch ch2 ret= char ch >> char ch2 >> return ret
-pGeneralComp = char' '=' ExprEq <|> char'eq '!' ExprNe <|> char' '<' ExprLt <|>
- char'eq '<' ExprLe <|> char' '>' ExprGt <|> char'eq '>' ExprGe
-pValueComp = char'2 'e' 'q' ExprEq' <|> char'2 'n' 'e' ExprNe' <|> char'2 'l' 't' ExprLt' <|>
- char'2 'l' 'e' ExprLe' <|> char'2 'g' 't' ExprGt' <|> char'2 'g' 'e' ExprGe'
-pNodeComp = char'2 'i' 's' ExprIs <|> char'2 '<' '<' ExprPrecedes <|> char'2 '>' '>' ExprFollows
-pSimpleMapExpr = do
- a <- pPathExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- pSpaced $ char '!'
- pPathExpr
- return $ foldl ExprMap a bs
-pPathExpr = do
- skipSpace
- char '/'
--- let head = ...
- tail <- (skipSpace >> return []) <|> pRelativePathExpr
- return $ ExprPath tail
- <|> do
- skipSpace
--- let head = ...
- char '/' >> char '/'
- tail <- pRelativePathExpr
- return $ ExprPath tail
- <|> (ExprPath <$> pRelativePathExpr)
-pRelativePathExpr = do
- a <- pStepExpr
- bs <- many' $ do
- char '/'
- descend <- option False (char '/' >> return True)
- b <- pStepExpr
- return [b] -- if descend then [(orSelf descendant, PathType Type Node), b] else [b]
- return (a:concat bs)
-pStepExpr = pPostfixExpr <|> pAxisStep
-pAxisStep = do
- step <- pReverseStep <|> pForwardStep
- preds <- pPredicateList
- return $ PathStep step preds
-pForwardStep = do
- axis <- pForwardAxis
- test <- pNodeTest
- return (axis, test)
- <|> pAbbrevForwardStep
-string' text ret = string text >> return ret
-pForwardAxis = pSpaced $ do
- ret <- string' "child" (Axis child) <|>
- string' "descendant" (Axis descendant) <|>
- string' "attribute" Attribute <|>
- string' "self" (Axis self) <|>
- string' "descendant-or-self" (Axis $ orSelf $ descendant) <|>
- string' "following-sibling" (Axis followingSibling) <|>
- string' "following" (Axis following) <|>
- string' "namespace" Namespace
- skipSpace >> char ':' >> char ':'
- return ret
-pAbbrevForwardStep = do
- attrs <- pSpaced $ option (Axis child) (char '@' >> return Attribute)
- test <- pNodeTest
- return (attrs, test)
-pReverseStep = do
- axis <- pReverseAxis
- test <- pNodeTest
- return (axis, test)
- <|> pAbbrevReverseStep
-pReverseAxis = pSpaced $ do
- ret <- string' "parent" (Axis parent) <|>
- string' "ancestor" (Axis ancestor) <|>
- string' "preceding-sibling" (Axis precedingSibling) <|>
- string' "preceding" (Axis preceding) <|>
- string' "ancestor-or-self" (Axis $ orSelf $ ancestor)
- skipSpace >> char ':' >> char ':'
- return ret
-pAbbrevReverseStep = do
- pSpaced (char '.' >> char '.')
- return (Axis parent, Left TypeNode)
-pNodeTest = (Left <$> pKindTest) <|> (Right <$> pNameTest)
-pNameTest = pEQName' True
-pPostfixExpr = do
- a <- pPrimaryExpr
- bs <- many' ((PostFilter <$> pPredicate) <|> (PostCall <$> pArgumentList) <|> (PostLookup <$> pLookup))
- return $ PostExpr a bs
-pArgumentList = pSpaced $ do
- char '('
- head <- pArgument
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pArgument
- char ')'
- return (head:tail)
-pPredicateList = many' pPredicate
-pPredicate = pSpaced $ do
- skipSpace >> char '['
- ret <- pExpr
- char ']' >> skipSpace
- return ret
-pLookup = do
- pSpaced $ char '?'
- pKeySpecifier
-pKeySpecifier = (KeyName <$> pNCName) <|> (KeyInt <$> pIntegerLiteral) <|>
- (KeyExpr <$> pParenthesizedExpr) <|> (pSpaced $ char '*' >> return KeyWildcard)
-pArrowFunctionSpecifier = ArrowName <$> pEQName <|> ArrowVar <$> pVarRef <|> ArrowExpr <$> pParenthesizedExpr
-pPrimaryExpr = Literal <$> pLiteral <|> VarRef <$> pVarRef <|> Expr <$> pParenthesizedExpr
- <|> pContextItemExpr <|> pFunctionCall <|> pFunctionItemExpr <|> UnaryLookup <$> pUnaryLookup <|>
- MapConstruct <$> pMapConstructor <|> ArrayConstruct <$> pArrayConstructor
-pLiteral = Number <$> pNumericLiteral <|> String <$> pStringLiteral
-pNumericLiteral = double -- I think this matches...
-pVarRef = char '$' >> pVarName
-pVarName = pEQName
-pParenthesizedExpr = pSpaced $ do
- char '('
- ret <- option [] pExpr
- char ')'
- return ret
-pContextItemExpr = char '.' >> return ContextItem
-pFunctionCall = do
- callee <- pEQName
- args <- pArgumentList
- return $ FunctionCall callee args
-pArgument = pExprSingle <|> pArgumentPlaceholder
-pArgumentPlaceholder = char '?' >> return ArgPlaceholder
-pFunctionItemExpr = do
- name <- pEQName
- pSpaced $ char '#'
- index <- pIntegerLiteral
- return $ FunctionItem name index
-pInlineFunctionExpr = do
- pSpaced $ string "function"
- char '('
- params <- pParamList
- char ')'
- type_ <- option Nothing $ do
- pAs
- Just <$> pSequenceType
- pFunctionBody
- return ()
-pMapConstructor = do
- pSpaced $ string "map"
- char '{'
- head <- pMapConstructorEntry
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pMapConstructorEntry
- char '}'
- return (head:tail)
-pMapConstructorEntry = do
- key <- pExprSingle
- char ':'
- value <- pExprSingle
- return (key, value)
-pArrayConstructor = pSquareArrayConstructor <|> pCurlyArrayConstructor
-pSquareArrayConstructor = pSpaced $ do
- char '['
- ret <- option [] pExpr
- char ']'
- return $ ExprArray ret
-pCurlyArrayConstructor = do
- skipSpace >> string "array"
- ExprArray <$> pEnclosedExpr
-pUnaryLookup = do
- skipSpace >> char '?'
- pKeySpecifier
-pSingleType = do
- type_ <- pSimpleTypeName
- optional <- option False (char '?' >> skipSpace >> return True)
- return $ if optional then Quantity type_ None One else Quantity type_ One One
-pTypeDeclaration = pAs >> pSequenceType
-pSequenceType :: Parser Quantity
-pSequenceType = do
- skipSpace >> string "empty-sequence" >> pParens
- return emptySequence
- <|> do
- type_ <- pItemType
- (low, high) <- option (One, One) $ parseQuantity <$> pOccurrenceIndicator
- return $ Quantity type_ low high
-pOccurrenceIndicator = char '?' <|> char '*' <|> char '+'
-pParens = pSpaced (char '(' >> skipSpace >> char ')') >> return ()
-pItemType = pKindTest <|> do
- skipSpace >> string "item-type"
- pParens
- return TypeItem
- <|> pFunctionTest <|> pMapTest <|> pArrayTest <|> pAtomicOrUnionType <|> pParenthesizedItemType
-pAtomicOrUnionType = TypeAtomic <$> pEQName
-pKindTest = pDocumentTest <|> pElementTest <|> pAttributeTest <|> pSchemaElementTest <|>
- pSchemaAttributeTest <|> pPITest <|> pCommentTest <|> pTextTest <|> pNamespaceNodeTest <|> pAnyKindTest
-pAnyKindTest = skipSpace >> string "node" >> pParens >> return TypeNode
-pDocumentTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "document-node"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- arg <- pElementTest <|> pSchemaElementTest <|> return (TypeElement Nothing Nothing) -- FIXME What should the default be?
- char ')'
- return $ TypeDocument arg
-pTextTest = skipSpace >> string "text" >> pParens >> return TypeText
-pCommentTest = skipSpace >> string "comment" >> pParens >> return TypeComment
-pNamespaceNodeTest = skipSpace >> string "namespace-node" >> pParens >> return TypeNamespaceNode
-pPITest = pSpaced $ do
- string "processing-instruction"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- arg <- Just <$> pNCName <|> Just <$> pack <$> pStringLiteral <|> return Nothing
- char ')'
- return $ TypePI arg
-pAttributeTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "attribute"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- (attribName, type_) <- option (Nothing, Nothing) $ do
- attribName <- pAttribNameOrWildcard
- type_ <- option Nothing $ do
- char ','
- Just <$> pTypeName
- return (attribName, type_)
- char ')'
- return $ TypeAttribute attribName type_
-pAttribNameOrWildcard = pSpaced ((Just <$> pAttributeName) <|> (char '*' >> return Nothing))
-pAttributeName = pEQName
-pSchemaAttributeTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "schema-attribute"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- arg <- pAttributeDeclaration
- char ')'
- return $ TypeSchemaAttribute arg
-pAttributeDeclaration = pAttributeName
-pElementTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "element"
- pSpaced $ char '('
- (elName, type_) <- option (Nothing, Nothing) $ do
- elName <- pElementNameOrWildcard
- type_ <- option Nothing $ do
- char ','
- Just <$> pTypeName
- return (elName, type_)
- char ')' >> skipSpace
- return $ TypeElement elName type_
-pElementNameOrWildcard = pSpaced ((Just <$> pAttributeName) <|> (char '*' >> return Nothing))
-pElementName = pEQName
-pSchemaElementTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "schema-element"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- ret <- pElementDeclaration
- char ')'
- return $ TypeSchemaElement ret
-pElementDeclaration = pElementName
-pSimpleTypeName = TypeAtomic <$> pTypeName
-pTypeName = pEQName
-pFunctionTest = pAnyFunctionTest <|> pTypedFunctionTest
-pAnyFunctionTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "function"
- skipSpace >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
- return $ TypeFunction Nothing'
-pTypedFunctionTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "function"
- pSpaced $ char '('
- args <- option [] $ do
- head <- pSequenceType
- tail <- many' $ do
- char ','
- pSequenceType
- return (head:tail)
- char ')'
- ret <- option emptySequence $ do
- pAs
- pSequenceType
- return $ TypeFunction $ Some' args ret
-pMapTest = pAnyMapTest <|> pTypedMapTest
-pAnyMapTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "map"
- skipSpace >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
- return $ TypeMap Nothing'
-pTypedMapTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "map"
- skipSpace >> char '('
- keyType <- pAtomicOrUnionType
- char ','
- valType <- pSequenceType
- char ')'
- return $ TypeMap $ Some' keyType valType
-pArrayTest = pAnyArrayTest <|> pTypedArrayTest
-pAnyArrayTest = pSpaced $ do
- skipSpace >> string "array"
- skipSpace >> char '(' >> pSpaced (char '*') >> char ')'
- return $ TypeArray Nothing
-pTypedArrayTest = pSpaced $ do
- string "array" >> skipSpace
- char '('
- type_ <- pSequenceType
- char ')'
- return $ TypeArray $ Just type_
-pParenthesizedItemType = pSpaced $ do
- char '('
- ret <- pItemType
- char ')'
- return ret
-pEQName = pEQName' False
-pEQName' wildcard = pQName wildcard <|> pURIQualifiedName wildcard
---- Terminals
-pIntegerLiteral = read <$> pSpaced pDigits
-pStringLiteral :: Parser String
-pStringLiteral = pSpaced (pStringLiteral' '\'' <|> pStringLiteral' '"')
-pStringLiteral' qt = do
- char qt
- ret <- many' (pEscapeQuote qt <|> notChar qt)
- char qt
- return ret
-pBracedURILiteral = pSpaced $ do
- char 'Q'
- char '{'
- ret <- takeWhile1 (`notElem` ['{', '}'])
- char '}'
- return ret
-pEscapeQuote qt = char qt >> char qt
-pDigits = many1 digit
--- XML grammar rules referenced by XPath
--- This is copied from XML Conduit rather than transliterated from the standard
--- because Attoparsec can't recognize (but can preserve) Unicode characters
-pNCName = pSpaced $ pNCName' False
-pNCName' isWildcard = takeWhile1 valid <?> "identifier"
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+-- Loosely transliterated from https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-3/#eval_context
+-- TODO How much are noops?
+data Context = Context {
+ item :: [Value],
+ vars :: M.Map Name [Value],
+ funcs :: M.Map (Name, Int) (Context -> [[Value]] -> [Value]),
+ timestamp :: ZonedTime,
+ timezone :: TimeZone,
+ lang :: Text,
+ calendar :: Text,
+ place :: Text, -- Noop?
+ docs :: M.Map Name Document,
+ texts :: M.Map Text Text,
+ collections :: M.Map Text [Value],
+ collection :: [Value],
+ uriCollections :: M.Map Text [Text],
+ uriCollection :: [Text],
+ environment :: M.Map Text Text
+ }
+---- Typesystem/coercion
+atomize :: Value -> [Value]
+atomize ret@(Number _) = [ret]
+atomize ret@(String _) = [ret]
+atomize ret@(Bool _) = [ret]
+atomize ret@(Error _ _ _) = [ret]
+atomize (Node n) = [String $ Txt.unpack $ nodeText $ node n] -- For a proper implementation, should be parsed via XSD?
+atomize (Array vals) = atomsize $ concat vals
+atomize (Map _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unnaceptable map item" ""]
+atomize (Function _ _ _ _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unacceptable function item" ""]
+atomize (FuncRef _ _) = [Error "err:FOTY0013" "Unacceptable function item" ""]
+atomsize :: [Value] -> [Value]
+atomsize = concatMap atomize
+nodeText (NodeElement (Element _ _ nodes)) = Txt.concat $ map nodeText' nodes
+nodeText (NodeInstruction (Instruction _ ret)) = ret
+nodeText (NodeContent ret) = ret
+nodeText (NodeComment ret) = ret
+nodeText' (NodeElement (Element _ _ nodes)) = Txt.concat $ map nodeText' nodes
+nodeText' (NodeContent ret) = ret
+nodeText' _ = ""
+maybeName (NodeElement (Element n _ _)) = n
+maybeName _ = ""
+nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") (Just "*")) _ = True
+nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") (Just prefixA)) (Name _ _ (Just prefixB)) = prefixA == prefixB
+nameMatch (Name "*" Nothing (Just prefixA)) (Name _ _ (Just prefixB)) = prefixA == prefixB
+nameMatch (Name "*" (Just "*") Nothing) (Name _ _ prefix) = isNothing prefix
+nameMatch (Name "*" (Just nsA) _) (Name _ (Just nsB) _) = nsA == nsB
+nameMatch (Name "*" Nothing _) (Name _ ns _) = isNothing ns
+nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") (Just "*")) (Name nameB _ _) = nameA == nameB
+nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") (Just prefixA)) (Name nameB _ (Just prefixB)) = nameA == nameB && prefixA == prefixB
+nameMatch (Name nameA Nothing (Just prefixA)) (Name nameB _ (Just prefixB)) = nameA == nameB && prefixA == prefixB
+nameMatch (Name nameA (Just "*") Nothing) (Name nameB _ prefix) = nameA == nameB && isNothing prefix
+nameMatch (Name nameA (Just nsA) _) (Name nameB (Just nsB) _) = nameA == nameB && nsA == nsB
+nameMatch (Name nameA Nothing _) (Name nameB ns _) = nameA == nameB && isNothing ns
+nameMatch _ _ = False
+hasName name node = nameMatch (maybeName node) name
+attribute' name (NodeElement (Element _ attrs _)) =
+ [String $ Txt.unpack val | (key, val) <- M.toList attrs, nameMatch name key]
+attribute' _ _ = []
+bool [] = Right False
+bool (Node _:_) = Right True
+bool [Bool ret] = Right ret
+bool [String ret] = Right $ not $ null ret
+bool [Number x] = Right $ not (isNaN x || x == 0)
+bool vals | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- vals] = Left ret
+bool (val:_) = Left [Error "err:FORG0006" "Invalid argument type" $ show $ val2type val]
+nums items | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- items] = Left ret
+nums (Number x:items) = (x:) <$> nums items
+nums (String str:items) | Just x <- readMaybe str = (x:) <$> nums items
+ | otherwise = Left [Error "err:FORG0001" "Invalid cast to number" str]
+nums (Bool True:items) = (1:) <$> nums items
+nums (Bool False:items) = (0:) <$> nums items
+nums [] = Right []
+nums items = nums $ atomsize items
+num items = case nums items of
+ Left errs -> Left errs
+ Right (x:_) -> Right x
+ Right [] -> Right (0/0) -- NaN
+withNums2 x y cb = withNums2' (nums x) (nums y) cb
+withNums2' (Right xs) (Right ys) cb = cb xs ys
+withNums2' x y _ = fromLeft [] x ++ fromLeft [] y
+withNum2 x y cb = withNum2' (num x) (num y) cb
+withNum2' (Right x) (Right y) cb = cb x y
+withNum2' x y _ = fromLeft [] x ++ fromLeft [] y
+text :: [Value] -> Either [Value] [String]
+text items | ret@(_:_) <- [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- items] = Left ret
+text (Number x:items) = (show x:) <$> text items
+text (String ret:items) = (ret:) <$> text items
+text (Bool b:items) = (show b:) <$> text items
+text [] = Right []
+text items = text $ atomsize items
+---Type system
+cast (TypeAtomic ty) [x]
+ | ty `elem` ["xsd:integer", "xsd:float", "xsd:double", "xsd:decimal"], Right x <- num [x] = [Number x]
+ | ty == "xsd:bool", Right b <- bool [x] = [Bool b]
+ | Right [str] <- text [x] = [String str]
+cast TypeText [x] | Right [str] <- text [x] = [String str]
+cast ty [_] = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid type to cast to." $ show ty]
+cast _ [] = []
+cast _ items = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in cast." $ show $ length items]
+cast' :: Quantity -> [Value] -> [Value]
+cast' ty val | instanceOf' ty val = val
+cast' (Quantity ty _ Many) _ = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Can't cast to non-optional multiplicity" ""]
+cast' (Quantity ty _ None) _ = []
+cast' (Quantity ty Many One) _ = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Can't cast to non-optional multiplicity" ""]
+cast' (Quantity ty One One) val | null $ cast ty $ atomsize val = cast ty $ atomsize val
+ | otherwise = [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Expected non-zero items in value." "0"]
+cast' (Quantity ty None One) val = cast ty $ atomsize val
+tryCast' (Just ty) val = let val' = cast (TypeAtomic ty) [val] in if any isErr val' then [] else val'
+tryCast' Nothing val = [val]
+instanceOf :: XType -> Value -> Bool
+instanceOf (TypeDocument type_) (Node cursor) | null $ ancestor cursor = instanceOf type_ $ Node cursor
+instanceOf (TypeElement (Just name) type_) (Node cursor)
+ | NodeElement (Element n _ _) <- node cursor = instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing type_) $ Node cursor
+instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just "xsd:bool")) val
+ | Right res <- text [val] = res `elem` [["true"], ["false"]]
+instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just "xsd:integer")) val
+ | Right x <- num [val] = fromIntegral (floor x) == x
+instanceOf (TypeElement Nothing (Just type_)) val
+ | type_ `elem` ["xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"] = isRight $ num [val]
+ | otherwise = True
+instanceOf (TypeArray Nothing) (Array _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeArray (Just type_)) (Array vals) = all (instanceOf' type_) vals
+instanceOf (TypeMap Nothing') (Map _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeMap (Some' _ valType)) (Map m) = all (instanceOf' valType) $ M.elems m -- TODO check keytype
+instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Array _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Map _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (PartialFunc _ _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (FuncRef _ _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeFunction Nothing') (Function _ _ _ _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity (TypeAtomic "xsd:integer") One One] retty)) (Array vals) =
+ all (instanceOf' retty) vals
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity (TypeAtomic _) One One] retty)) (Map m) =
+ all (instanceOf' retty) $ M.elems m
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' [Quantity TypeText One One] retty)) (Map m) =
+ all (instanceOf' retty) $ M.elems m
+-- FIXME doesn't actually check types, that requires deeper introspection than I currently model.
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys _)) (PartialFunc args _) = length argtys == length args
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys _)) (FuncRef _ nargs) = length argtys == nargs
+instanceOf (TypeFunction (Some' argtys retty)) (Function args retty' _ _) =
+ retty == retty' && and [ty == ty' | (ty, (_, ty')) <- zip argtys args]
+instanceOf (TypeSchemaElement _) _ = False -- TODO What's this?
+instanceOf TypeNode (Node _) = True
+instanceOf TypeNamespaceNode _ = False -- Don't think I support this yet.
+instanceOf TypeText (String _) = True
+instanceOf TypeText (Node n) | NodeContent _ <- node n = True
+instanceOf TypeComment (Node n) | NodeComment _ <- node n = True
+instanceOf (TypePI Nothing) (Node n) | NodeInstruction _ <- node n = True
+instanceOf (TypePI (Just name)) (Node n) | NodeInstruction (Instruction name' _) <- node n = name == name'
+instanceOf (TypeSchemaAttribute _) _ = False -- Don't think I support this yet.
+instanceOf (TypeAttribute _ _) _ = False -- XML Conduit's datamodel had me support this indirectly.
+instanceOf (TypeAtomic "xsd:bool") (Bool _) = True
+instanceOf (TypeAtomic "xsd:integer") (Number x) = fromIntegral (floor x) == x
+instanceOf (TypeAtomic type_) (Number _) = type_ `elem` ["xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"]
+instanceOf (TypeAtomic type_) (String _) = type_ `notElem` ["xsd:bool", "xsd:double", "xsd:float", "xsd:decimal"]
+instanceOf TypeItem _ = True
+instanceOf _ _ = False
+instanceOf' :: Quantity -> [Value] -> Bool
+instanceOf' (Quantity ty Many high) vals@(_:_:_) = instanceOf' (Quantity ty None high) vals
+instanceOf' (Quantity ty One high) vals@(_:_) = instanceOf' (Quantity ty None high) vals
+instanceOf' (Quantity type_ None Many) vals = all (instanceOf type_) vals
+instanceOf' (Quantity type_ None One) vals | length vals <= 1 = all (instanceOf type_) vals
+instanceOf' (Quantity _ None None) [] = True
+instanceOf' _ _ = False
+---- Interpretor
+evals ctx = concatMap $ eval ctx
+eval :: Context -> Expression -> [Value]
+eval ctx (ExprRange from to) = withNums2 (eval ctx from) (eval ctx to) inner
- valid '*' = isWildcard
- valid '&' = False
- valid '<' = False
- valid '>' = False
- valid ':' = False
- valid '?' = False
- valid '=' = False
- valid '"' = False
- valid '\'' = False
- valid '/' = False
- valid ';' = False
- valid '#' = False
- valid c = not $ isXMLSpace c
-isXMLSpace :: Char -> Bool
-isXMLSpace ' ' = True
-isXMLSpace '\t' = True
-isXMLSpace '\r' = True
-isXMLSpace '\n' = True
-isXMLSpace _ = False
-pQName isWildcard = pSpaced $ do
- ns <- option Nothing $ do
- ret <- pNCName' isWildcard
- char ':'
- return $ Just ret
- name <- pNCName' isWildcard
- return $ Name name Nothing ns
-pURIQualifiedName isWildcard = pSpaced $ do
- ns <- pBracedURILiteral
- name <- pNCName' isWildcard
- return $ Name name (Just ns) Nothing
---- Type Modelling
-data Quantifier = None | One | Many
-parseQuantity '?' = (None, One)
-parseQuantity '*' = (None, Many)
-parseQuantity '+' = (One, Many)
-data Quantity = Quantity XType Quantifier Quantifier
-emptySequence = Quantity TypeItem None None
-data MaybePair a b = Nothing' | Some' a b
-data XType = TypeDocument XType |
- TypeElement (Maybe Name) (Maybe Name) |
- TypeArray (Maybe Quantity) |
- TypeMap (MaybePair XType Quantity) |
- TypeFunction (MaybePair [Quantity] Quantity) |
- TypeSchemaElement Name |
- TypeNode |
- TypeNamespaceNode |
- TypeText |
- TypeComment |
- TypePI (Maybe Text) |
- TypeSchemaAttribute Name |
- TypeAttribute (Maybe Name) (Maybe Name) |
- TypeAtomic Name |
- TypeItem
---- Abstract Syntax Tree
-data Expression = ExprFor [(Name, Expression)] Expression |
- ArgPlaceholder |
- ExprLet [(Name, Expression)] Expression |
- ExprSome [(Name, Expression)] Expression |
- ExprEvery [(Name, Expression)] Expression |
- ExprIf [Expression] Expression Expression |
- ExprOr [Expression] |
- ExprAnd [Expression] |
- ExprStrConcat [Expression] |
- ExprRange Expression Expression |
- ExprNegate Expression |
- ExprSum [Expression] |
- ExprArray [Expression] |
- ExprFollows Expr Expr | ExprPrecedes Expr Expr | ExprIs Expr Expr |
- ExprGe Expr Expr | ExprGt Expr Expr | ExprLe Expr Expr | ExprLt Expr Expr | ExprNe Expr Expr | ExprEq Expr Expr |
- ExprGe' Expr Expr | ExprGt' Expr Expr | ExprLe' Expr Expr | ExprLt' Expr Expr | ExprNe' Expr Expr | ExprEq' Expr Expr |
- ExprMode Expr Expr | ExprIDiv Expr Expr | ExprDiv Expr Expr | ExprMul Expr Expr |
- ExprUnion [Expression] | ExprIntersect Expr Expr | ExprExcept Expr Expr |
- ExprArrow Expression Arrow [Expression] |
- ExprCastAs Expr Quantity | ExprCastableAs Expr Quantity | ExprTreatAs Expr Quantity | ExprInstanceOf Expr Quantity |
- ExprMap Expression Expression |
- ExprPath [PathComp]
-type Expr = Expression
-data Arrow = ArrowName Name | ArrowVar Name | ArrowExpr [Expression]
-data PathComp = PostExpr PrimaryExpr [PostExpr] | PathStep (Axis', Either XType Name) [[Expression]]
-data PrimaryExpr = Literal Value | VarRef Name | Expr [Expression] | ContextItem |
- FunctionCall Name [Expression] | FunctionItem Name Int |
- MapConstruct [(Expr, Expr)] | ArrayConstruct Expression | UnaryLookup Key
-data PostExpr = PostFilter [Expression] | PostCall [Expression] | PostLookup Key
-data Key = KeyName Text | KeyInt Int | KeyExpr [Expression] | KeyWildcard
-data Axis' = Axis Axis | Attribute | Namespace
---- Runtime
-data Value = Number Double | String String | Nodes [Node] | Array [Value] -- | ...
-self cursor = [cursor]
+ inner (from:_) (to:_) = map Number [from..to]
+ inner _ _ = []
+eval ctx (ExprUnion exps) = nub $ concat $ map (eval ctx) exps
+eval ctx (ExprIntersect a b) = let b' = eval ctx b in
+ [v | v <- eval ctx a, v `elem` b' || isErr v] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
+eval ctx (ExprExcept a b) = let b' = eval ctx b in
+ [v | v <- eval ctx a, v `notElem` b' || isErr v] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
+eval ctx (ExprSum exps) = let (errs, xs) = partitionEithers $ map (num . eval ctx) exps in
+ if null errs then [Number $ sum xs] else concat errs
+eval ctx (ExprMul a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \x y -> [Number (x*y)]
+eval ctx (ExprDiv a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \x y -> [Number (x/y)]
+eval ctx (ExprIDiv a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $
+ \x y -> [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `div` floor y)]
+eval ctx (ExprMod a b) = withNum2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $
+ \x y -> [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `rem` floor y)]
+eval ctx (ExprNegate a) = case num $ eval ctx a of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right x -> [Number $ negate x]
+eval ctx (ExprStrConcat texts) = let (errs, texts') = partitionEithers $ map (text . eval ctx) texts
+ in if null errs then [String $ concat $ map concat texts'] else concat errs
+eval ctx (ExprGe' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' >= b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' >= b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprGt' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' > b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' > b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprLe' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' <= b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' <= b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprLt' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' < b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' < b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprNe' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' /= b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' /= b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprEq' a b)
+ | (Number a':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx a, (Number b':_) <- atomsize $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' == b')]
+ | Right a' <- num $ eval ctx a, Right b' <- num $ eval ctx b = [Bool (a' == b')]
+ | a' <- num $ eval ctx a, b' <- num $ eval ctx b = fromLeft [] a' ++ fromLeft [] b'
+eval ctx (ExprGe a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (maximum a' >= minimum b')]
+eval ctx (ExprGt a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (maximum a' > minimum b')]
+eval ctx (ExprLe a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (minimum a' <= maximum b')]
+eval ctx (ExprLt a b) = withNums2 (eval ctx a) (eval ctx b) $ \a' b' -> [Bool (minimum a' < maximum b')]
+eval ctx (ExprNe a b) = let (a', b') = (atomsize $ eval ctx a, atomsize $ eval ctx b)
+ in if any isErr a' || any isErr b' then [err | err <- a', isErr err] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
+ else [Bool $ any (`notElem` b') a']
+eval ctx (ExprEq a b) = let (a', b') = (atomsize $ eval ctx a, atomsize $ eval ctx b)
+ in if any isErr a' || any isErr b' then [err | err <- a', isErr err] ++ [err | err <- b', isErr err]
+ else [Bool $ any (`elem` b') a']
+-- TODO node order comparisons.
+eval ctx (ExprAnd exps) = let (errs, bools) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . eval ctx) exps
+ in if null errs then [Bool $ and bools] else concat errs
+eval ctx (ExprOr exps) = let (errs, bools) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . eval ctx) exps
+ in if null errs then [Bool $ or bools] else concat errs
+eval ctx (ExprInstanceOf a type_) = [Bool $ instanceOf' type_ $ eval ctx a]
+eval ctx (ExprTreatAs a type_) | instanceOf' type_ $ eval ctx a = eval ctx a
+ | otherwise = [Error "err:XPDY0050" "Expression not of expected type" ("Expected " ++ show type_)]
+eval ctx (ExprCastAs a type_) = cast' type_ $ eval ctx a
+eval ctx (ExprCastableAs a type_) = let val = eval ctx a in if any isErr val
+ then [err | err <- val, isErr err] else [Bool $ not $ any isErr $ cast' type_ val]
+eval ctx (ExprFor name expr body) = concat $ map inner $ eval ctx expr
+ where inner subitem = eval ctx { vars = M.insert name [subitem] $ vars ctx } body
+eval ctx (ExprLet name expr body) = eval ctx { vars = vars' } body
+ where vars' = M.insert name (eval ctx expr) $ vars ctx
+eval ctx (ExprIf cond pass fail) = case bool $ evals ctx cond of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right cond' -> eval ctx $ if cond' then pass else fail
+eval ctx (ExprQuantified variant tests) =
+ let (errs, res) = partitionEithers $ map (\x -> bool [x]) $ eval ctx tests
+ in if null errs then [Bool $ (case variant of {Some -> or; Every -> and }) res]
+ else concat errs
+eval ctx (ExprMap a b) = concatMap (\a' -> eval ctx { item = [a'] } b) $ eval ctx a
+eval ctx (ExprArrow self func args) =
+ evalPostfix ctx { item = [retrieveArrow ctx func $ succ $ length args] } $ PostCall (self:args)
+eval ctx (ExprPath (path:paths)) = eval ctx { item = evalPath ctx path } $ ExprPath paths
+eval ctx (ExprPath []) = item ctx
+eval _ _ = [] -- TODO
+retrieveArrow _ (ArrowName n) arity = FuncRef n arity
+retrieveArrow ctx (ArrowVar n) _ | Just [ret] <- n `M.lookup` vars ctx = ret
+ | otherwise = Error "err:XPST0008" "Undefined name" $ show n
+retrieveArrow ctx (ArrowExpr exps) _ | [ret] <- evals ctx exps = ret
+ | otherwise = Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many (or no) items in collection identifying function to call" ""
+evalPrimary _ (Literal x) = [x]
+evalPrimary ctx (VarRef n) | Just val <- n `M.lookup` vars ctx = val
+ | otherwise = [Error "err:XPST0008" "Undefined name" $ show n]
+evalPrimary ctx (Expr exprs) = evals ctx exprs
+evalPrimary ctx ContextItem | null $ item ctx = [Error "err:XPDY0002" "Absent context item" ""]
+ | otherwise = item ctx
+evalPrimary ctx (FunctionCall n args)
+ | Just cb <- (n, length args) `M.lookup` funcs ctx = cb ctx $ map (eval ctx) args
+ | otherwise = [Error "err:XPST0017" "Undefined function" (show n ++ '#':show (length args))]
+-- NOTE: No recursion! Great! Not Turing Complete, hopefully!
+evalPrimary ctx (FunctionItem args retty body) = [Function args retty body $ vars ctx]
+evalPrimary ctx (MapConstruct entries)
+ | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . fst) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . fst) entries
+ | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . snd) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx . snd) entries
+ | otherwise = [Map $ M.fromList $ map buildEntry entries]
+ where buildEntry (key, val) = (concat $ fromRight [] $ text $ eval ctx key, eval ctx val)
+evalPrimary ctx (ArrayConstruct entries)
+ | any isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx) entries = filter isErr $ concat $ map (eval ctx) entries
+ | otherwise = [Array $ map (eval ctx) entries]
+evalPrimary ctx (UnaryLookup key) = evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup key) -- Both the same, both operating on `item ctx`
+-- It's a little tricky to get errors thrown correctly this branch...
+evalPostfix ctx (PostFilter cond) = concatMap inner $ zip [0..] $ item ctx
+ where
+ inner (i, item) = case evals ctx { item = [item] } cond of
+ [Number x] -> test (x == i)
+ v -> case bool v of
+ Left ret -> ret
+ Right ret -> test ret
+ where test cond = if cond then [item] else []
+evalPostfix ctx (PostCall _) | length (item ctx) /= 1 = [
+ Error "err:XPTY0004" "Function calls require singleton values" (show (length $ item ctx) ++ " items")]
+ | not $ null [1 | Error _ _ _ <- item ctx] = [err | err@(Error _ _ _) <- item ctx]
+evalPostfix ctx (PostCall args) | not $ null [1 | ArgPlaceholder <- args] = [PartialFunc args $ head $ item ctx]
+evalPostfix ctx (PostCall args) = case head $ item ctx of
+ Array vals | [arg] <- args -> case nums $ eval ctx arg of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right [i] | i >= 1.0 && floor i <= length vals -> vals !! floor i
+ Right [i] -> [Error "err:FOAY0001" "Array index out of bounds" $ show i]
+ Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in index" $ show $ length items]
+ Map m | [arg] <- args -> case text $ eval ctx arg of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right [key] -> fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key m
+ Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
+ PartialFunc tpl val -> case expandPartial tpl args of
+ Left False -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too few arguments to partial" $ show $ length args]
+ Left True -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many arguments to partial" $ show $ length args]
+ Right args' -> evalPostfix ctx { item = [val] } $ PostCall args'
+ FuncRef name arity | arity /= length args -> [
+ Error "err:XPTY0004" "Wrong number of args to referenced function." (show arity ++ " not " ++ show (length args))]
+ FuncRef name arity | Just cb <- (name, arity) `M.lookup` funcs ctx -> cb ctx $ map (eval ctx) args
+ FuncRef name arity -> [Error "err:XPST0017" "Undfined function" (show name ++ '#':show arity)]
+ Function params retty body closure -> case assignArgs params args closure ctx of
+ Left False -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too few arguments to dynamic function" $ show $ length args]
+ Left True -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many arguments to dynamic function" $ show $ length args]
+ Right vars -> cast' retty $ evals ctx { item = [], vars = vars } body
+ _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid function type" ""]
+evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup (KeyExpr exprs)) = case atomsize $ evals ctx exprs of
+ [key] -> evalPostfix ctx $ PostLookup $ KeyLiteral key
+ items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
+evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup KeyWildcard) = case item ctx of
+ [Array vals] -> concat $ vals
+ [Map m] -> concat $ M.elems m
+ _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid collection type or arity" ""]
+evalPostfix ctx (PostLookup (KeyLiteral k)) = case item ctx of
+ [Array vals] -> case nums [k] of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right [i] | i >= 1.0 && floor i <= length vals -> vals !! floor i
+ Right [i] -> [Error "err:FOAY0001" "Array index out of bounds" $ show i]
+ Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in index" $ show $ length items]
+ [Map m] -> case text [k] of
+ Left errs -> errs
+ Right [key] -> fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup key m
+ Right items -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Too many items in key" $ show $ length items]
+ _ -> [Error "err:XPTY0004" "Invalid collection type or arity" ""]
+evalPostfix' ctx (op:ops) = evalPostfix' ctx { item = evalPostfix ctx op } ops
+evalPostfix' ctx [] = item ctx
+evalPath ctx (PostExpr primary postfix) = evalPostfix' ctx { item = evalPrimary ctx primary } postfix
+evalPath ctx (PathStep (Axis axis, test) filters) =
+ [n | Node n <- item ctx] >>=
+ axis >>=
+ check (case test of {Left type_ -> instanceOf type_ . Node; Right name -> hasName name . node }) >>=
+ return . Node >>=
+ filter' filters ctx
+evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Right n) filters) =
+ [node n | Node n <- item ctx] >>= attribute' n >>= filter' filters ctx
+evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Left (TypeAttribute (Just n) type_)) filters) =
+ [node n | Node n <- item ctx] >>= attribute' n >>= tryCast' type_ >>= filter' filters ctx
+evalPath ctx (PathStep (Attribute, Left (TypeAttribute Nothing type_)) filters) =
+ [String $ Txt.unpack val |
+ Node n <- item ctx,
+ NodeElement (Element _ attrs _) <- [node n],
+ (_, val) <- M.toList attrs] >>=
+ tryCast' type_ >>=
+ filter' filters ctx
+evalPath _ (PathStep (Attribute, Left _) _) = []
+evalPath _ (PathStep (Namespace, _) _) = [Error "err:XPST0010" "Namespace axis is unsupported" ""]
+filter' filters ctx v =
+ let (errs, pred) = partitionEithers $ map (bool . evals ctx {item = [v]}) filters
+ in [v | and pred] ++ concat errs
+---- Dynamic function call support
+expandPartial (ArgPlaceholder:tpls) (arg:args) = (arg:) <$> expandPartial tpls args
+expandPartial (ArgPlaceholder:_) [] = Left False
+expandPartial (tpl:tpls) args = (tpl:) <$> expandPartial tpls args
+expandPartial [] (_:_) = Left True
+expandPartial [] [] = Right []
+assignArgs ((name, type_):params) (arg:args) vars ctx =
+ let vars' = M.insert name (cast' type_ $ eval ctx arg) vars
+ in assignArgs params args vars' ctx
+assignArgs (_:_) [] _ _ = Left False
+assignArgs [] (_:_) _ _ = Left True
+assignArgs [] [] vars _ = Right vars
+fromLeft _ (Left ret) = ret
+fromLeft ret (Right _) = ret
+fromRight _ (Right ret) = ret
+fromRight ret (Left _) = ret
+--- standard library
+stdLib :: M.Map (Name, Int) (Context -> [[Value]] -> [Value])
+stdLib = M.fromList [
+ (("fn:node-name", 1), fnNodeName),
+ (("fn:node-name", 0), fnNodeName),
+-- (("fn:nilled", 1), fnNilled),
+-- (("fn:nilled", 0), fnNilled),
+ (("fn:string", 1), fnString),
+ (("fn:string", 0), fnString),
+ (("fn:data", 1), fnData),
+ (("fn:data", 0), fnData),
+-- (("fn:base-uri", 1), fnBaseURI),
+-- (("fn:document-uri", 1), fnDocumentURI),
+ (("fn:error", 0), fnError),
+ (("fn:error", 1), fnError),
+ (("fn:error", 2), fnError),
+ (("fn:error", 3), fnError),
+ (("op:numeric-add", 2), fnNumericAdd),
+ (("op:numeric-subtract", 2), fnNumericSubtract),
+ (("op:numeric-multiply", 2), fnNumericMultiply),
+ (("op:numeric-divide", 2), fnNumericDivide),
+ (("op:numeric-integer-divide", 2), fnNumericIntegerDivide),
+ (("op:numeric-mod", 2), fnNumericMod),
+ (("op:numeric-unary-plus", 1), fnNumericUnaryPlus),
+ (("op:numeric-unary-minus", 1), fnNumericUnaryMinus),
+ (("op:numeric-equal", 2), opNumericEqual),
+ (("op:numeric-less-than", 2), opNumericLessThan),
+ (("op:numeric-greater-than", 2), opNumericGreaterThan),
+ (("fn:abs", 1), fnAbs),
+ (("fn:ceiling", 1), fnCeiling),
+ (("fn:floor", 1), fnFloor),
+ (("fn:round", 1), fnRound),
+ (("fn:round-half-to-even", 1), fnRoundToEven),
+ (("fn:number", 1), fnNumericUnaryPlus),
+-- (("fn:format-integer", 2), fnFormatInteger),
+-- (("fn:format-integer", 3), fnFormatInteger),
+-- (("fn:format-number", 2), fnFormatNumber),
+-- (("fn:format-number", 3), fnFormatNumber),
+ (("math:pi", 0), fnMathPi),
+ (("math:exp", 1), fnMathExp),
+ (("math:exp10", 1), fnMathExp10),
+ (("math:log", 1), fnMathLog),
+ (("math:log10", 1), fnMathLog10),
+ (("math:pow", 2), fnMathPow),
+ (("math:sqrt", 1), fnMathSqrt),
+ (("math:sin", 1), fnMathSin),
+ (("math:cos", 1), fnMathCos),
+ (("math:tan", 1), fnMathTan),
+ (("math:asin", 1), fnMathASin),
+ (("math:acos", 1), fnMathACos),
+ (("math:atan", 1), fnMathATan),
+ (("math:atan2", 2), fnMathATan2)
+ ]
+typeError = [Error "fn:XPTY0004" "Invalid type signature for function" ""]
+fnNodeName _ [[Node c]] | NodeElement (Element name _ _) <- node c = [String $ show name]
+ | otherwise = typeError
+fnNodeName ctx [] = fnNodeName ctx [item ctx]
+fnNodeName _ _ = typeError
+fnString _ [[Node c]] = [String $ Txt.unpack $ nodeText $ node c]
+fnString ctx [] = fnString ctx [item ctx]
+fnString _ _ = typeError
+fnData _ [val] = atomsize val
+fnData ctx [] = atomsize $ item ctx
+fnData _ _ = typeError
+fnError _ [] = [Error "err:user" "" ""]
+fnError _ [code'] | Right [code] <- text code' =
+ [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) "" ""]
+fnError _ [code', msg'] | Right [code] <- text code', Right [msg] <- text msg' =
+ [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) msg ""]
+fnError _ [code', msg', items] | Right [code] <- text code', Right [msg] <- text msg' =
+ [Error (fromRight "err:user" $ parseQName $ Txt.pack code) msg $ concat $ fromRight [] $ text items]
+fnError _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericAdd _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x + y)]
+fnNumericAdd _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericSubtract _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x - y)]
+fnNumericSubtract _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericMultiply _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x * y)]
+fnNumericMultiply _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericDivide _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x / y)]
+fnNumericDivide _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericIntegerDivide _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `div` floor y)]
+fnNumericIntegerDivide _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericMod _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ fromIntegral (floor x `rem` floor y)]
+fnNumericMod _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericUnaryPlus _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number x]
+fnNumericUnaryPlus _ _ = typeError
+fnNumericUnaryMinus _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ negate x]
+fnNumericUnaryMinus _ _ = typeError
+opNumericEqual _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x == y)]
+opNumericEqual _ _ = typeError
+opNumericLessThan _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x < y)]
+opNumericLessThan _ _ = typeError
+opNumericGreaterThan _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Bool (x > y)]
+opNumericGreaterThan _ _ = typeError
+fnAbs _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ abs x]
+fnAbs _ _ = typeError
+fnCeiling _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ ceiling x]
+fnCeiling _ _ = typeError
+fnFloor _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ floor x]
+fnFloor _ _ = typeError
+fnRound _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ round x]
+fnRound _ _ = typeError
+fnRoundToEven _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ fromIntegral $ toEven $ round x]
+ where toEven y = if even y then y else succ y
+fnRoundToEven _ _ = typeError
+fnMathPi _ [] = [Number pi]
+fnMathPi _ _ = typeError
+fnMathExp _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ exp x]
+fnMathExp _ _ = typeError
+fnMathExp10 _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number (10 ** x)]
+fnMathExp10 _ _ = typeError
+fnMathLog _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ log x]
+fnMathLog _ _ = typeError
+fnMathLog10 _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ logBase 10 x]
+fnMathLog10 _ _ = typeError
+fnMathPow _ [x', y'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number (x ** y)]
+fnMathPow _ _ = typeError
+fnMathSqrt _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ sqrt x]
+fnMathSqrt _ _ = typeError
+fnMathSin _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ sin x]
+fnMathSin _ _ = typeError
+fnMathCos _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ cos x]
+fnMathCos _ _ = typeError
+fnMathTan _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ tan x]
+fnMathTan _ _ = typeError
+fnMathASin _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ asin x]
+fnMathASin _ _ = typeError
+fnMathACos _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ acos x]
+fnMathACos _ _ = typeError
+fnMathATan _ [x'] | Right x <- num x' = [Number $ atan x]
+fnMathATan _ _ = typeError
+fnMathATan2 _ [y', x'] | Right x <- num x', Right y <- num y' = [Number $ atan2 y x]
+fnMathATan2 _ _ = typeError