@@ 57,8 57,10 @@ data TypograffitiError =
data GlyphMetrics = GlyphMetrics {
glyphTexBB :: (V2 Int, V2 Int),
-- ^ Bounding box of the glyph in the texture.
- glyphSize :: V2 Int
+ glyphSize :: V2 Int,
-- ^ Size of the glyph onscreen.
+ glyphOffset :: V2 Int
+ -- ^ Left & top bearings.
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Cache of rendered glyphs to be composited into place on the GPU.
@@ 150,11 152,10 @@ texturize cb xymap atlas@Atlas{..} glyph
canon = floor . (* 0.5) . (* 0.015625) . realToFrac . fromIntegral
vecsz = canon <$> V2 (gmWidth metrics) (gmHeight metrics)
vecxb = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriBearingX metrics) (gmHoriBearingY metrics)
- vecyb = canon <$> V2 (gmVertBearingX metrics) (gmVertBearingY metrics)
- vecad = canon <$> V2 (gmHoriAdvance metrics) (gmVertAdvance metrics)
mtrcs = GlyphMetrics {
glyphTexBB = (pos, pos + vecwh),
- glyphSize = vecsz
+ glyphSize = vecsz,
+ glyphOffset = vecxb
return atlas { atlasMetrics = IM.insert (fromEnum glyph) mtrcs atlasMetrics }
| otherwise = do
@@ 207,14 208,16 @@ makeCharQuad Atlas {..} (penx, peny, mLast) (GlyphInfo {codepoint=glyph}, GlyphP
let x = penx + f x_offset*fst atlasScale
y = peny + f y_offset*snd atlasScale
V2 w h = f' <$> glyphSize
+ V2 dx dy = f' <$> glyphOffset
+ (x', y') = (x + dx, y - dy)
V2 aszW aszH = f' <$> atlasTextureSize
V2 texL texT = f' <$> fst glyphTexBB
V2 texR texB = f' <$> snd glyphTexBB
- tl = (V2 (x) (y-h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH))
- tr = (V2 (x+w) (y-h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH))
- br = (V2 (x+w) y, V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH))
- bl = (V2 (x) y, V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH))
+ tl = (V2 (x') (y'), V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH))
+ tr = (V2 (x'+w) (y'), V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH))
+ br = (V2 (x'+w) (y'+h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH))
+ bl = (V2 (x') (y'+h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH))
return (penx + f x_advance*fst atlasScale, peny + f y_advance*snd atlasScale,
UV.fromList [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl] : mLast)