
831fe4335d87b31eee0cf49d64e3d04b6b6186eb — Adrian Cochrane 2 years ago 3ed8e9c
Test and fix rendering of consecutive newlines.
3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M app/Main.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Text.hs
M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +16 -4
@@ 28,7 28,21 @@ main = do
    _ <- glCreateContext w

    let ttfName = "assets/Lora-Regular.ttf"
    text <- pack <$> unwords <$> getArgs
    args <- getArgs
    let text = pack $ case args of
          [] -> unlines [
            "Decoder Ring Theatre brings you the continuing adventures",
            "of Canada's greatest superhero, that scourage of the underworld,",
            "hunter of those who pray upon the innocent,",
            "that marvelous masked mystery man",
            "known only as The Red Panda!",
            "The Red Panda, masked crucader for justice, hides his secret identity",
            "as one of the city's wealthiest men in his neverending battle",
            "against crime & corruption. Only his trust driver, Kit Baxter",
            "who joins him in the guise of The Flying Squirrel,",
            "knows who wears the mask of The Red Panda!"]
          _ -> unwords args
    drawText <- makeDrawText' ttfName 0 (PixelSize 15 15) $ defaultSample { sampleText = text }
    runExceptT $ do
        drawText0 <- liftEither drawText

@@ 42,10 56,8 @@ main = do
            sz@(V2 dw dh) <- liftIO $ glGetDrawableSize w
            liftIO $ glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral dw) (fromIntegral dh)

            let offset = V2 0 $ fromIntegral dy
                V2 _ dy = arSize drawText'
            liftIO $ arDraw drawText' [
                TextTransformSpatial $ SpatialTransformTranslate $ fromIntegral dy
                TextTransformSpatial $ SpatialTransformTranslate $ fromIntegral 10
              ] (fromIntegral <$> sz)

            liftIO $ glSwapWindow w

M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs => src/Typograffiti/Store.hs +3 -2
@@ 87,8 87,9 @@ makeDrawTextCached store filepath index fontsize SampleText {..} = do
        (atlas:_) -> return atlas
        _ -> allocAtlas' (atlases font) (freetype font) glyphset

    return $ drawLinesWrapper tabwidth $ \RichText {..} -> drawGlyphs store atlas $
        shape (harfbuzz font) defaultBuffer { HB.text = text } []
    return $ drawLinesWrapper tabwidth minLineHeight $
        \RichText {..} -> drawGlyphs store atlas $
            shape (harfbuzz font) defaultBuffer { HB.text = text } []

-- | Opens & sizes the given font using both FreeType & Harfbuzz,
-- loading it into the `FontStore` before returning.

M src/Typograffiti/Text.hs => src/Typograffiti/Text.hs +14 -10
@@ 52,14 52,17 @@ data SampleText = SampleText {
    -- Defaults to ASCII, no ligatures.
    tabwidth :: Int,
    -- ^ How many spaces wide should a tab be rendered?
    -- Defaults to 4.
    fontOptions :: FontOptions
    -- Defaults to 4 spaces.
    fontOptions :: FontOptions,
    -- ^ Additional font options offered by Harfbuzz.
    minLineHeight :: Float
    -- ^ Number of pixels tall each line should be at minimum.
    -- Defaults to 10px.

-- | Constructs a `SampleText` with default values.
defaultSample :: SampleText
defaultSample = SampleText [] (pack $ map toEnum [32..126]) 4 defaultFontOptions
defaultSample = SampleText [] (pack $ map toEnum [32..126]) 4 defaultFontOptions 10
-- | Appends an OpenType feature callers may use to the `Sample` ensuring its
-- glyphs are available. Call after setting `sampleText`.
addSampleFeature :: String -> Word32 -> SampleText -> SampleText

@@ 145,8 148,9 @@ makeDrawText lib filepath index fontsize SampleText {..} = do
    liftFreetype $ ft_Done_Face font

    drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs
    return $ freeAtlasWrapper atlas $ drawLinesWrapper tabwidth $ \RichText {..} ->
        drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { HB.text = text } features
    return $ freeAtlasWrapper atlas $ drawLinesWrapper tabwidth minLineHeight
        $ \RichText {..} ->
            drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { HB.text = text } features
    x2 = (*2)
    float2fixed :: Float -> FT_Fixed

@@ 158,16 162,15 @@ makeDrawText' a b c d =

-- | Internal utility for rendering multiple lines of text & expanding tabs as configured.
type TextRenderer m = RichText -> m (AllocatedRendering [TextTransform])
drawLinesWrapper :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Int -> TextRenderer m -> TextRenderer m
drawLinesWrapper indent cb RichText {..} = do
drawLinesWrapper :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Int -> Float -> TextRenderer m -> TextRenderer m
drawLinesWrapper indent lineheight cb RichText {..} = do
    let features' = splitFeatures 0 features (Txt.lines text) ++ repeat []
    let cb' (a, b) = cb $ RichText a b
    liftIO $ print $ Txt.lines text
    renderers <- mapM cb' $ flip zip features' $ map processLine $ Txt.lines text
    let drawLine ts wsz y renderer = do
            arDraw renderer (move 0 y:ts) wsz
            let V2 _ height = arSize renderer
            return (y + toEnum height)
            return (y + max lineheight (toEnum height))
    let draw ts wsz = do
            foldM (drawLine ts wsz) 0 renderers
            return ()

@@ 195,7 198,8 @@ drawLinesWrapper indent cb RichText {..} = do
            splitFeatures (offset + toEnum n) features' lines'

    processLine :: Text -> Text
    processLine = expandTabs 0
    processLine "" = " " -- Prevent Harfbuzz from throwing errors.
    processLine cs = expandTabs 0 cs
    -- monospace tabshaping, good enough outside full line-layout.
    expandTabs n cs = case Txt.break (== '\t') cs of
        (tail, "") -> tail