
611a9b485d62d4f54f9e2a02d12c59c3928d2bc0 — Adrian Cochrane 3 years ago 9e66acb
Expose highlevel API for italic & bold text.
2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Utils.hs
M src/Typograffiti/Store.hs => src/Typograffiti/Store.hs +64 -1
@@ 28,7 28,15 @@ import           Linear
import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.Cache
import           Typograffiti.Glyph
import           Typograffiti.Utils     (FT_Face, FT_GlyphSlot, FreeTypeIO(..))

-- For font registration APIs
import           Typograffiti.Utils
import           FreeType.Support.Bitmap.Internal
import           FreeType.Support.Outline.Internal
import           FreeType.Support.Outline
import           FreeType.Core.Types
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           System.IO

-- | A pre-rendered bit of text, ready to display given

@@ 187,3 195,58 @@ registerFont store key fce sz cb = do
    $ putTMVar mvar
    $ s{ textRenderingDataFontMap = M.insert (key, sz') font fontmap }
  return font

  :: ( MonadIO m
     , MonadError TypograffitiError m
     , Layout t
  => FontStore t
  -> String
  -- ^ Key by which to identify this styled font
  -> FilePath
  -- ^ Path to the raw fontfile
  -> FT_Pos
  -- ^ How much to embolden the font
  -- Negative values lighten the font.
  -> Maybe FT_Pos
  -- ^ How much to embolden the font vertically, if different from horizontally.
  -> FT_Fixed
  -- ^ How much to slant the font, approximating italics.
  -> GlyphSize
  -- ^ The desired fontsize
  -> m (Font t)
-- | Registers font under the given key modified to approximate the desired boldness & obliqueness.
-- Adds negligable CPU latency,
-- but best results always come from giving the font designing full artistic control.
-- Obliqueness isn't currently supported on bitmap fonts.
registerStyledFont store key file weight vweight slant sz = do
    e <- liftIO $ runFreeType $ do
      lib <- getLibrary
      fce <- newFace file
      registerFont store key fce (Just sz) $ modifyGlyph lib

      (throwError . TypograffitiErrorFreetype "cannot alloc atlas")
      (return . fst)
    modifyGlyph lib glyf = do
      glyf' <- liftIO $ peek glyf
      case gsrFormat glyf' of
        FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE -> modifyOutline glyf
        FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP -> modifyBitmap lib glyf
        x -> liftIO $ do
          hPrint stderr "Unsupported glyph format:"
          hPrint stderr x
    modifyOutline glyf = do
      let outline = gsrOutline' glyf
      runIOErr "ft_Outline_EmboldenXY" $
          ft_Outline_EmboldenXY' outline weight $ fromMaybe weight vweight
      liftIO $ ft_Outline_Transform outline $ FT_Matrix 1 slant 0 1
      renderGlyph glyf
    modifyBitmap lib glyf = do
      let bitmap = gsrBitmap' glyf
      runIOErr "ft_Bitmap_Embolden" $
          ft_Bitmap_Embolden' lib bitmap weight $ fromMaybe weight vweight
      -- FreeType doesn't have a transform method on bitmaps.

M src/Typograffiti/Utils.hs => src/Typograffiti/Utils.hs +12 -0
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ module Typograffiti.Utils (
   module FT
 , FreeTypeT
 , FreeTypeIO
 , runIOErr
 , getAdvance
 , getCharIndex
 , getLibrary

@@ 23,6 24,8 @@ module Typograffiti.Utils (
 , gsrOutline'
 , gsrBitmap'
) where

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

@@ 32,9 35,11 @@ import           Control.Monad (unless)
import           FreeType.Core.Base                                     as FT
import           FreeType.Core.Base.Internal                            as FT
import           FreeType.Core.Types                                    as FT
import           FreeType.Support.Outline                               as FT
import           Foreign                                                as FT
import           Foreign.C.String                                       as FT
import           Unsafe.Coerce
import           Foreign.Ptr                                            (Ptr(..), plusPtr)

-- TODO: Tease out the correct way to handle errors.
-- They're kinda thrown all willy nilly.

@@ 164,3 169,10 @@ getAdvance slot = do
  slot' <- liftIO $ peek slot
  let FT_Vector vx vy = gsrAdvance slot'
  return (fromIntegral vx, fromIntegral vy)

-- Offsets taken from: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/freetype2-0.2.0/docs/src/FreeType.Circular.Types.html#line-372
gsrOutline' :: FT_GlyphSlot -> Ptr FT_Outline
gsrOutline' slot = plusPtr slot 200

gsrBitmap' :: FT_GlyphSlot -> Ptr FT_Bitmap
gsrBitmap' slot = plusPtr slot 152