@@ 10,11 10,14 @@ import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
import Linear.V (toV, dim, Finite, Size)
import FreeType.Core.Base (FT_Library, FT_Face, FT_FaceRec(..), ft_Load_Glyph,
- FT_GlyphSlotRec(..), FT_Glyph_Metrics(..))
+ FT_GlyphSlotRec(..), FT_Glyph_Metrics(..),
+ ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes, ft_Set_Char_Size, ft_New_Face,
+ ft_With_FreeType, ft_Reference_Face, ft_Done_Face)
import qualified FreeType.Core.Base as FT
import FreeType.Core.Types (FT_Bitmap(..))
import Data.Text.Glyphize (GlyphInfo(..), GlyphPos(..),
- shape, Buffer(..), defaultBuffer, ftCreateFont)
+ shape, Buffer(..), defaultBuffer,
+ createFace, createFont)
import Graphics.GL as GL
import qualified Graphics.GL.Core32 as GL
@@ 24,6 27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import GHC.TypeNats (KnownNat)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Linear.V3 (V3(..))
import Linear.V4 (V4(..))
@@ 34,6 38,7 @@ import Data.List (foldl')
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.C.String (withCString, peekCAStringLen)
+import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, allocaArray, withArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
@@ 56,7 61,7 @@ data Atlas = Atlas {
atlasTextureSize :: V2 Int,
atlasMetrics :: IntMap GlyphMetrics,
atlasFilePath :: FilePath
+} deriving (Show)
emptyAtlas t = Atlas t 0 mempty ""
@@ 168,12 173,12 @@ makeCharQuad Atlas {..} (penx, peny, mLast) (GlyphInfo {codepoint=glyph}, GlyphP
V2 texL texT = f' <$> fst glyphTexBB
V2 texR texB = f' <$> snd glyphTexBB
- tl = (V2 (x) y, V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH))
- tr = (V2 (x+w) y, V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH))
- br = (V2 (x+w) (y+h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH))
- bl = (V2 (x) (y+h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH))
+ tl = (V2 (x) (y-h), V2 (texL/aszW) (texT/aszH))
+ tr = (V2 (x+w) (y-h), V2 (texR/aszW) (texT/aszH))
+ br = (V2 (x+w) y, V2 (texR/aszW) (texB/aszH))
+ bl = (V2 (x) y, V2 (texL/aszW) (texB/aszH))
- return (penx + f x_advance, peny + f y_advance,
+ return (penx + f x_advance/150, peny + f y_advance/150,
mLast ++ [tl, tr, br, tl, br, bl])
f :: Int32 -> Float
@@ 188,7 193,16 @@ stringTris' atlas glyphs = do
(_, _, ret) <- stringTris atlas glyphs
return ret
-makeDrawGlyphs getContextSize = do
+data AllocatedRendering t = AllocatedRendering
+ { arDraw :: t -> V2 CInt -> IO ()
+ -- ^ Draw the text with some transformation in some monad.
+ , arRelease :: IO ()
+ -- ^ Release the allocated draw function in some monad.
+ , arSize :: V2 Int
+ -- ^ The size (in pixels) of the drawn text.
+ }
+makeDrawGlyphs = do
let position = 0
uv = 1
vert <- liftGL $ compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER
@@ 214,10 228,9 @@ makeDrawGlyphs getContextSize = do
bufferGeometry uv uvbuf $ UV.fromList uvs
glBindVertexArray 0
- let draw ts = do
+ let draw ts wsz = do
let (mv, multVal) = transformToUniforms ts
glUseProgram prog
- wsz <- getContextSize
let pj = orthoProjection wsz
updateUniform prog pjU pj
updateUniform prog mvU mv
@@ 232,7 245,11 @@ makeDrawGlyphs getContextSize = do
withArray [vao] $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1
(tl, br) = boundingBox ps
size = br - tl
- return ()
+ return AllocatedRendering {
+ arDraw = draw,
+ arRelease = release,
+ arSize = round <$> size
+ }
vertexShader :: ByteString
vertexShader = B8.pack $ unlines
@@ 580,13 597,29 @@ boundingBox vs = foldl' f (br,tl) vs
--- Simple API (Abstracting Harfbuzz)
-makeDrawText font features sampletext getContextSize = do
- font' <- ftCreateFont font
+data GlyphSize = CharSize Float Float Int Int
+ | PixelSize Int Int
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+makeDrawText lib filepath index fontsize features sampletext = do
+ font <- ft_New_Face lib filepath index
+ case fontsize of
+ PixelSize w h -> ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes font (toEnum $ x2 w) (toEnum $ x2 h)
+ CharSize w h dpix dpiy -> ft_Set_Char_Size font (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * w)
+ (floor $ 26.6 * 2 * h)
+ (toEnum dpix) (toEnum dpiy)
+ bytes <- B.readFile filepath
+ let font' = createFont $ createFace bytes $ toEnum $ fromEnum index
let glyphs = map (codepoint . fst) $
shape font' defaultBuffer { text = sampletext } features
let glyphs' = map toEnum $ IS.toList $ IS.fromList $ map fromEnum glyphs
atlas <- allocAtlas (glyphRetriever font) glyphs'
+ ft_Done_Face font
- drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs getContextSize
+ drawGlyphs <- makeDrawGlyphs
return $ \string ->
drawGlyphs atlas $ shape font' defaultBuffer { text = string } features
+ where x2 = (*2)
+makeDrawText' a b c d e = ft_With_FreeType $ \ft -> makeDrawText ft a b c d e