
1a43ae6f85287fda4ca442b338313c60ee176a85 — Schell Scivally 6 years ago 132be4f
word cache
M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +104 -78
@@ 1,15 1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
module Main where

import           Control.Monad          (unless)
import           Control.Monad.Except   (runExceptT, withExceptT)
import           Control.Monad.Except   (MonadError, liftEither,
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import           Data.Bifunctor         (first)
import           Data.ByteString        (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as B8
import           Data.Function          (fix)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed    as UV
import           Foreign.Marshal.Array
import           Graphics.GL
import           SDL
import           System.FilePath        ((</>))

@@ 46,10 50,78 @@ fragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines

-- TODO: Word caching.
-- Somehow make it so it isn't bonded to one kind of
-- shader. It would be nice if users could write their own
-- shaders for this. At the same time, they shouldn't have to.
-- TODO: Include a default Cache.
-- That allows translation, scale, rotation and color.

instance Layout (V2 Float) where
  translate = (+)

  :: ( MonadIO m
     , MonadError TypograffitiError m
  => Window
  -> m (Atlas -> String -> m (AllocatedRendering (V2 Float) m))
makeAllocateWord window = do
  -- Compile our shader program
  let position = 0
      uv       = 1
      liftGL   = liftEither . first TypograffitiErrorGL
  vert <- liftGL =<< compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER
  frag <- liftGL =<< compileOGLShader fragmentShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
  prog <- liftGL =<< compileOGLProgram
    [ ("position", fromIntegral position)
    , ("uv", fromIntegral uv)
    [vert, frag]
  glUseProgram prog
  -- Get our uniform locations
  projection <- getUniformLocation prog "projection"
  modelview  <- getUniformLocation prog "modelview"
  tex        <- getUniformLocation prog "tex"
  -- Return a function that will generate new words
  return $ \atlas string -> do
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Allocating", string]
    vao   <- newBoundVAO
    pbuf  <- newBuffer
    uvbuf <- newBuffer
    -- Generate our string geometry
    geom <- stringTris atlas True string
    let (ps, uvs) = UV.unzip geom
    -- Buffer the geometry into our attributes
    bufferGeometry position pbuf  ps
    bufferGeometry uv       uvbuf uvs
    glBindVertexArray 0

    let draw (V2 x y) = do
          liftIO $ pPrint (string, V2 x y)
          glUseProgram prog
          wsz <- get (windowSize window)
          let pj :: M44 Float = orthoProjection wsz
              mv :: M44 Float = mat4Translate (V3 x y 0)
          updateUniform prog projection pj
          updateUniform prog modelview  mv
          updateUniform prog tex (0 :: Int)
          glBindVertexArray vao
          withBoundTextures [atlasTexture atlas] $ do
              (fromIntegral $ UV.length ps)
            glBindVertexArray 0
        release = liftIO $ do
          withArray [pbuf, uvbuf] $ glDeleteBuffers 2
          withArray [vao] $ glDeleteVertexArrays 1
        (tl, br) = boundingBox ps
        size = br - tl
    return AllocatedRendering
      { arDraw    = draw
      , arRelease = release
      , arSize    = round <$> size

main :: IO ()

@@ 68,57 140,26 @@ main = do
  _ <- glCreateContext w
  let ttfName = "assets" </> "Lora-Regular.ttf"

  (either fail return =<<) . runExceptT $ do
  e <- runExceptT $ do
    -- Get the atlas
    atlas <- withExceptT show
      $ allocAtlas
          (GlyphSizeInPixels 16 16)
    -- Compile our shader program
    let position = 0
        uv       = 1
    vert <- compileOGLShader vertexShader GL_VERTEX_SHADER
    frag <- compileOGLShader fragmentShader GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER
    prog <- compileOGLProgram
      [ ("position", fromIntegral position)
      , ("uv", fromIntegral uv)
      [vert, frag]
    glUseProgram prog
    -- Get our uniform locations
    projection <- getUniformLocation prog "projection"
    modelview  <- getUniformLocation prog "modelview"
    tex        <- getUniformLocation prog "tex"
    -- Generate our string geometry
    geom <- withExceptT show
      $ stringTris atlas True "Typograffiti from your head to your feetee."
    let (ps, uvs) = UV.unzip geom
    -- Buffer the geometry into our attributes
    textVao <- withVAO $ \vao -> do
      withBuffers 2 $ \[pbuf, uvbuf] -> do
        bufferGeometry position pbuf  ps
        bufferGeometry uv       uvbuf uvs
        return vao
    atlasVao <- withVAO $ \vao -> do
      withBuffers 2 $ \[pbuf, uvbuf] -> do
        let V2 w h = fromIntegral
              <$> atlasTextureSize atlas
        bufferGeometry position pbuf $ UV.fromList
          [ V2 0 0, V2 w 0, V2 w h
          , V2 0 0, V2 w h, V2 0 h
        bufferGeometry uv uvbuf $ UV.fromList
          [ V2 0 0, V2 1 0, V2 1 1
          , V2 0 0, V2 1 1, V2 0 1
        return vao

    -- Set our model view transform
    let mv :: M44 Float
        mv = mat4Translate (V3 0 16 0)
        mv2 :: M44 Float
        mv2 = mv !*! mat4Translate (V3 0 16 0)
    atlas <- allocAtlas
      (GlyphSizeInPixels 16 16)

    allocWord <- makeAllocateWord w

    (draw, _, cache) <-
        $ unlines
            [ "Hey there!"
            , "This is a test of the emergency word system."
            , "Quit at any time."

    -- Forever loop, drawing stuff
    fix $ \loop -> do

@@ 128,28 169,13 @@ main = do
      glClearColor 0 0 0 1

      dsz@(V2 dw dh) <- glGetDrawableSize w
      (V2 dw dh) <- glGetDrawableSize w
      glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral dw) (fromIntegral dh)

      wsz <- get (windowSize w)
      let pj :: M44 Float = orthoProjection wsz

      withBoundTextures [atlasTexture atlas] $ do
        updateUniform prog projection pj
        updateUniform prog modelview mv
        updateUniform prog tex (0 :: Int)
          (fromIntegral $ UV.length ps)

        updateUniform prog projection pj
        updateUniform prog modelview mv2
      draw $ V2 10 32
      glSwapWindow w
      unless (any (== QuitEvent) events) loop

      unless (QuitEvent `elem` events) loop
    _ <- unloadMissingWords cache ""
    return ()
  either (fail . show) return e

M src/Typograffiti.hs => src/Typograffiti.hs +6 -102
@@ 15,111 15,15 @@ module Typograffiti
  , CharSize (..)
  , TypograffitiError (..)
  , Atlas (..)
  , WordCache (..)
  , AllocatedRendering (..)
  , Layout (..)
  , asciiChars
  , stringTris
  , loadText
  , unloadMissingWords
  ) where

import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.Cache
import           Typograffiti.Glyph

-- WordMap

-- Picture
-- | Constructs a 'TexturePictureT' of one word in all red.
-- V4ization can then be done using 'setReplacementV4' in the picture
-- computation, or by using 'redChannelReplacement' and passing that to the
-- renderer after compilation, at render time. Keep in mind that any new word
-- geometry will be discarded, since this computation does not return a new 'Atlas'.
-- For that reason it is advised that you load the needed words before using this
-- function. For loading words, see 'loadWords'.
-- This is used in 'freetypeFontRendering' to construct the geometry of each word.
-- 'freetypeFontRendering' goes further and stores these geometries, looking them up
-- and constructing a string of word renderers for each input 'String'.
--  :: MonadIO m
--  => Atlas
--  -- ^ The 'Atlas' from which to read font textures word geometry.
--  -> String
--  -- ^ The word to render.
--  -> m FontRendering
--  -- ^ Returns a textured picture computation representing the texture and
--  -- geometry of the input word.
--freetypePicture atlas@Atlas{..} str = do
--  eKerning <- withFreeType (Just atlasLibrary) $ hasKerning atlasFontFace
--  setTextures [atlasTexture]
--  let useKerning = either (const False) id eKerning
--  setGeometry $ triangles $ stringTris atlas useKerning str
-- Performance FontRendering
-- | Constructs a 'FontRendering' from the given color and string. The 'WordMap'
-- record of the given 'Atlas' is used to construct the string geometry, greatly
-- improving performance and allowing longer strings to be compiled and renderered
-- in real time. To create a new 'Atlas' see 'allocAtlas'.
-- Note that since word geometries are stored in the 'Atlas' 'WordMap' and multiple
-- renderers can reference the same 'Atlas', the returned 'FontRendering' contains a
-- clean up operation that does nothing. It is expected that the programmer
-- will call 'freeAtlas' manually when the 'Atlas' is no longer needed.
--  :: MonadIO m
--  => SomeProgram
--  -- ^ The V2(backend, to) use for compilation.
--  -> Atlas
--  -- ^ The 'Atlas' to read character textures from and load word geometry
--  -- into.
--  -> V4 Float
--  -- ^ The solid color to render the string with.
--  -> String
--  -- ^ The string to render.
--  -- This string can contain newlines, which will be respected.
--  -> m (FontRendering, V2 Float, Atlas)
--  -- ^ Returns the 'FontRendering', the size of the text and the new
--  -- 'Atlas' with the loaded geometry of the string.
--freetypeFontRendering b atlas0 color str = do
--  atlas <- loadWords b atlas0 str
--  let glyphw  = glyphWidth $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
--      spacew  = fromMaybe glyphw $ do
--        metrcs <- IM.lookup (fromEnum ' ') $ atlasMetrics atlas
--        let (x, _) = glyphAdvance metrcs
--        return $ fromIntegral x
--      glyphh = glyphHeight $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
--      spaceh = glyphh
--      isWhiteSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
--      renderWord :: [FontTransform] -> V2 Float -> String -> IO ()
--      renderWord _ _ ""       = return ()
--      renderWord rs (V2 _ y) ('\n':cs) = renderWord rs (V2 0 (y + spaceh)) cs
--      renderWord rs (V2 x y) (' ':cs) = renderWord rs (V2 (x + spacew) y) cs
--      renderWord rs (V2 x y) cs       = do
--        let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
--            rest = drop (length word) cs
--        case M.lookup word (atlasWordMap atlas) of
--          Nothing          -> renderWord rs (V2 x y) rest
--          Just (V2 w _, r) -> do
--            let ts = [move x y, redChannelReplacementV4 color]
--            snd r $ ts ++ rs
--            renderWord rs (V2 (x + w) y) rest
--      rr t = renderWord t 0 str
--      measureString :: (V2 Float, V2 Float) -> String -> (V2 Float, V2 Float)
--      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) ""        = (V2 x y, V2 w h)
--      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w _) (' ':cs)  =
--        let nx = x + spacew in measureString (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y) cs
--      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) ('\n':cs) =
--        let ny = y + spaceh in measureString (V2 x ny, V2 w (max h ny)) cs
--      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) cs        =
--        let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
--            rest = drop (length word) cs
--            n    = case M.lookup word (atlasWordMap atlas) of
--                     Nothing          -> (V2 x y, V2 w h)
--                     Just (V2 ww _, _) -> let nx = x + ww
--                                          in (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y)
--        in measureString n rest
--      (szw, szh) = snd $ measureString (0,0) str
--  return ((return (), rr), V2 szw (max spaceh szh), atlas)

M src/Typograffiti/Atlas.hs => src/Typograffiti/Atlas.hs +4 -66
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@
-- License:    MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- This module provides easy freetype2 font rendering without having to mess with
-- This module provides a font-character atlas to use in font rendering with
-- opengl.
module Typograffiti.Atlas where

@@ 15,11 15,8 @@ module Typograffiti.Atlas where
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except                              (MonadError (..))
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Data.Bifunctor                                    (bimap)
import           Data.IntMap                                       (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap                                       as IM
import           Data.Map                                          (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                                          as M
import           Data.Vector.Unboxed                               (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed                               as UV
import           Foreign.Marshal.Utils                             (with)

@@ 34,36 31,18 @@ import           Typograffiti.Glyph
import           Typograffiti.Utils

data TypograffitiError =
    TypograffitiErrorNoGlyphMetricsForChar Char
  -- ^ The are no glyph metrics for this character. This probably means
  -- the character has not been loaded into the atlas.
  | TypograffitiErrorFreetype String String
  -- ^ There was a problem while interacting with the freetype2 library.
  | TypograffitiErrorGL String
  -- ^ There was a problem while interacting with OpenGL.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

data SpatialTransform = SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 Float)
                      | SpatialTransformScale (V2 Float)
                      | SpatialTransformRotate Float

data FontTransform = FontTransformAlpha Float
                   | FontTransformMultiply (V4 Float)
                   | FontTransformReplaceRed (V4 Float)
                   | FontTransformSpatial SpatialTransform

data FontRendering = FontRendering
  { fontRenderingDraw    :: [FontTransform] -> IO ()
  , fontRenderingRelease :: IO ()
  , fontRenderingSize    :: V2 Int

type WordMap = Map String (V2 Float, FontRendering)

-- Atlas

@@ 236,47 215,6 @@ freeAtlas a = liftIO $ do
  with (atlasTexture a) $ \ptr -> glDeleteTextures 1 ptr

-- | Load a string of words into the 'Atlas'.
--  :: MonadIO m
--  => _program
--  -- ^ The V2(backend, needed) to render font glyphs.
--  -> Atlas
--  -- ^ The atlas to load the words into.
--  -> String
--  -- ^ The string of words to load, with each word separated by spaces.
--  -> m Atlas
--loadWords b atlas str = do
--  wm <- liftIO $ foldM loadWord (atlasWordMap atlas) $ words str
--  return atlas{atlasWordMap=wm}
--  where loadWord wm word
--          | M.member word wm = return wm
--          | otherwise = do
--              let pic = do freetypePicture atlas word
--                           _pictureSize2 fst
--              (sz,r) <- _compilePictureT b pic
--              return $ M.insert word (sz,r) wm

-- | Unload any words not contained in the source string.
--  :: MonadIO m
--  => Atlas
--  -- ^ The 'Atlas' to unload words from.
--  -> String
--  -- ^ The source string.
--  -> m Atlas
--unloadMissingWords atlas str = do
--  let wm = atlasWordMap atlas
--      ws = M.fromList $ zip (words str) [(0::Int)..]
--      missing = M.difference wm ws
--      retain  = M.difference wm missing
--      dealoc  = liftIO . fontRenderingRelease . snd
--                  <$> missing
--  sequence_ dealoc
--  return atlas{atlasWordMap=retain}

-- | Construct the geometry needed to render the given character.
  :: ( MonadIO m

A src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs => src/Typograffiti/Cache.hs +165 -0
@@ 0,0 1,165 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
-- |
-- Module:     Typograffiti.Cache
-- Copyright:  (c) 2018 Schell Scivally
-- License:    MIT
-- Maintainer: Schell Scivally <schell@takt.com>
-- This module provides a method of caching rendererd text, making it suitable
-- for interactive rendering. You can use the defaultCache or provide your own.
module Typograffiti.Cache where

import           Control.Monad          (foldM)
import qualified Data.IntMap            as IM
import           Data.Map               (Map)
import qualified Data.Map               as M
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           Linear

import           Typograffiti.Atlas
import           Typograffiti.Glyph

--data SpatialTransform = SpatialTransformTranslate (V2 Float)
--                      | SpatialTransformScale (V2 Float)
--                      | SpatialTransformRotate Float
--data FontTransform = FontTransformAlpha Float
--                   | FontTransformMultiply (V4 Float)
--                   | FontTransformReplaceRed (V4 Float)
--                   | FontTransformSpatial SpatialTransform

-- | Generic operations for text layout.
class Layout t where
  translate :: t -> V2 Float -> t

-- | Holds an allocated draw function for some amount of text. The function
-- takes one parameter that can be used to transform the text in various ways.
-- This type is generic and can be used to take advantage of your own font
-- rendering shaders.
data AllocatedRendering t m = AllocatedRendering
  { arDraw    :: t -> m ()
    -- ^ Draw the text with some transformation in some monad.
  , arRelease :: m ()
    -- ^ Release the allocated draw function in some monad.
  , arSize    :: V2 Int
    -- ^ The size (in pixels) of the drawn text.

newtype WordCache t m = WordCache
  { unWordCache :: Map String (AllocatedRendering t m) }
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)

-- | Load a string of words into the WordCache.
  :: Monad m
  => (Atlas -> String -> m (AllocatedRendering t m))
  -- ^ Operation used to allocate a word.
  -> Atlas
  -- ^ The character atlas that holds our letters, which is used to generate
  -- the word geometry.
  -> WordCache t m
  -- ^ The atlas to load the words into.
  -> String
  -- ^ The string of words to load, with each word separated by spaces.
  -> m (WordCache t m)
loadWords f atlas (WordCache cache) str = do
  wm <- foldM loadWord cache (words str)
  return $ WordCache wm
  where loadWord wm word
          | M.member word wm = return wm
          | otherwise = do
              w <- f atlas word
              return $ M.insert word w wm

-- | Unload any words from the cache that are not contained in the source string.
  :: Monad m
  => WordCache t m
  -- ^ The WordCache to unload words from.
  -> String
  -- ^ The source string.
  -> m (WordCache t m)
unloadMissingWords (WordCache cache) str = do
  let ws      = M.fromList $ zip (words str) (repeat ())
      missing = M.difference cache ws
      retain  = M.difference cache missing
  sequence_ $ arRelease <$> missing
  return $ WordCache retain

-- | Constructs a 'Renderer2' from the given color and string. The 'WordMap'
-- record of the given 'Atlas' is used to construct the string geometry, greatly
-- improving performance and allowing longer strings to be compiled and renderered
-- in real time. To create a new 'Atlas' see 'allocAtlas'.
-- Note that since word geometries are stored in the 'Atlas' 'WordMap' and multiple
-- renderers can reference the same 'Atlas', the returned 'Renderer2' contains a
-- clean up operation that does nothing. It is expected that the programmer
-- will call 'freeAtlas' manually when the 'Atlas' is no longer needed.
  :: forall m t. (Monad m, Layout t)
  => (Atlas -> String -> m (AllocatedRendering t m))
  -- ^ Operation used to allocate a word.
  -> Atlas
  -- ^ The character atlas that holds our letters.
  -> WordCache t m
  -- ^ The WordCache to load AllocatedRenderings into.
  -> String
  -- ^ The string to render.
  -- This string may contain newlines, which will be respected.
  -> m (t -> m (), V2 Int, WordCache t m)
  -- ^ Returns a function for rendering the text, the size of the text and the
  -- new WordCache with the allocated renderings of the text.
loadText f atlas wc@(WordCache cache) str = do
  wc1@(WordCache cache1) <- loadWords f atlas wc str
  let glyphw  = round $ pixelWidth $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
      spacew  :: Int
      spacew  = fromMaybe glyphw $ do
        metrcs <- IM.lookup (fromEnum ' ') $ atlasMetrics atlas
        let V2 x _ = glyphAdvance metrcs
        return x
      glyphh = pixelHeight $ atlasGlyphSize atlas
      spaceh = round glyphh
      isWhiteSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
      renderWord :: t -> V2 Int -> String -> m ()
      renderWord _ _ ""       = return ()
      renderWord t (V2 _ y) ('\n':cs) = renderWord t (V2 0 (y + spaceh)) cs
      renderWord t (V2 x y) (' ':cs)  = renderWord t (V2 (x + spacew) y) cs
      renderWord t v@(V2 x y) cs               = do
        let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
            rest = drop (length word) cs
        case M.lookup word cache1 of
          Nothing -> renderWord t v rest
          Just ar -> do
            let t1 = translate t $ fromIntegral <$> v
                V2 w _ = arSize ar
                pen = V2 (x + fromIntegral w) y
            arDraw ar t1
            renderWord t pen rest
      rr t = renderWord t 0 str
      measureString :: (V2 Int, V2 Int) -> String -> (V2 Int, V2 Int)
      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) ""        = (V2 x y, V2 w h)
      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w _) (' ':cs)  =
        let nx = x + spacew in measureString (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y) cs
      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) ('\n':cs) =
        let ny = y + spaceh in measureString (V2 x ny, V2 w (max h ny)) cs
      measureString (V2 x y, V2 w h) cs        =
        let word = takeWhile (not . isWhiteSpace) cs
            rest = drop (length word) cs
            n    = case M.lookup word cache of
                     Nothing -> (V2 x y, V2 w h)
                     Just ar -> let V2 ww _ = arSize ar
                                    nx      = x + ww
                                in (V2 nx y, V2 (max w nx) y)
        in measureString n rest
      V2 szw szh = snd $ measureString (0,0) str
  return (rr, V2 szw (max spaceh szh), wc1)

M src/Typograffiti/GL.hs => src/Typograffiti/GL.hs +85 -57
@@ 4,8 4,7 @@
module Typograffiti.GL where

import           Control.Exception      (assert)
import           Control.Monad          (forM_, when)
import           Control.Monad.Except   (MonadError (..))
import           Control.Monad          (forM_, when, replicateM)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..))
import           Data.ByteString        (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as B8

@@ 25,43 24,56 @@ import           Linear
import           Linear.V               (Finite, Size, dim, toV)

allocAndActivateTex :: GLenum -> IO GLuint
allocAndActivateTex :: MonadIO m => GLenum -> m GLuint
allocAndActivateTex u = do
    [t] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
        glGenTextures 1 ptr
        peekArray 1 ptr
    glActiveTexture u
    glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D t
    return t
  [t] <- liftIO $ allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
    glGenTextures 1 ptr
    peekArray 1 ptr
  glActiveTexture u
  glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D t
  return t

clearErrors :: String -> IO ()
clearErrors :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
clearErrors str = do
    err' <- glGetError
    when (err' /= 0) $ do
      putStrLn $ unwords [str, show err']
      assert False $ return ()
  err' <- glGetError
  when (err' /= 0) $ do
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords [str, show err']
    assert False $ return ()

withVAO :: MonadIO m => (GLuint -> IO b) -> m b
withVAO f = liftIO $ do
  [vao] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
  :: MonadIO m => m GLuint
newBoundVAO = do
  [vao] <- liftIO $ allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
      glGenVertexArrays 1 ptr
      peekArray 1 ptr
  glBindVertexArray vao
  return vao

withVAO :: MonadIO m => (GLuint -> IO b) -> m b
withVAO f = liftIO $ do
  vao <- newBoundVAO
  r <- f vao
  clearErrors "withVAO"
  glBindVertexArray 0
  return r

withBuffers :: Int -> ([GLuint] -> IO b) -> IO b
withBuffers n f = do
  bufs <- allocaArray n $ \ptr -> do
      glGenBuffers (fromIntegral n) ptr
      peekArray (fromIntegral n) ptr
  f bufs
  :: MonadIO m
  => m GLuint
newBuffer = liftIO $ do
  [b] <- allocaArray 1 $ \ptr -> do
    glGenBuffers 1 ptr
    peekArray 1 ptr
  return b

withBuffers :: MonadIO m => Int -> ([GLuint] -> m b) -> m b
withBuffers n = (replicateM n newBuffer >>=)

-- | Buffer some geometry into an attribute.

@@ 72,6 84,7 @@ bufferGeometry
     , Storable (f Float)
     , Finite f
     , KnownNat (Size f)
     , MonadIO m
  => GLuint
  -- ^ The attribute location.

@@ 79,7 92,7 @@ bufferGeometry
  -- ^ The buffer identifier.
  -> UV.Vector (f Float)
  -- ^ The geometry to buffer.
  -> IO ()
  -> m ()
bufferGeometry loc buf as
  | UV.null as = return ()
  | otherwise = do

@@ 87,7 100,7 @@ bufferGeometry loc buf as
        asize = UV.length as * sizeOf v
        n     = fromIntegral $ dim $ toV v
    glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buf
    SV.unsafeWith (convertVec as) $ \ptr ->
    liftIO $ SV.unsafeWith (convertVec as) $ \ptr ->
      glBufferData GL_ARRAY_BUFFER (fromIntegral asize) (castPtr ptr) GL_STATIC_DRAW
    glEnableVertexAttribArray loc
    glVertexAttribPointer loc n GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 nullPtr

@@ 131,17 144,17 @@ drawVAO program vao mode num = liftIO $ do

  :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m)
  :: MonadIO m
  => ByteString
     -- ^ The shader source
  -> GLenum
  -- ^ The shader type (vertex, frag, etc)
  -> m GLuint
  -> m (Either String GLuint)
  -- ^ Either an error message or the generated shader handle.
compileOGLShader src shType = do
  shader <- liftIO $ glCreateShader shType
  if shader == 0
    then throwError "Could not create shader"
    then return $ Left "Could not create shader"
    else do
      success <- liftIO $ do
        withCString (B8.unpack src) $ \ptr ->

@@ 166,17 179,15 @@ compileOGLShader src shType = do
                             , B8.unpack src
                             , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
          throwError err
        else return shader
          return $ Left err
        else return $ Right shader

  :: ( MonadIO m
     , MonadError String m
  :: MonadIO m
  => [(String, Integer)]
  -> [GLuint]
  -> m GLuint
  -> m (Either String GLuint)
compileOGLProgram attribs shaders = do
  (program, success) <- liftIO $ do
     program <- glCreateProgram

@@ 194,20 205,21 @@ compileOGLProgram attribs shaders = do
     return (program, success)

  if success == GL_FALSE
  then do
    err <- liftIO $ with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
      glGetProgramiv program GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
      logsize <- peek ptr
      infoLog <- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
        glGetProgramInfoLog program logsize nullPtr logptr
        peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr
      return $ unlines [ "Could not link program"
                        , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
    throwError err
  then liftIO $ with (0 :: GLint) $ \ptr -> do
    glGetProgramiv program GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH ptr
    logsize <- peek ptr
    infoLog <- allocaArray (fromIntegral logsize) $ \logptr -> do
      glGetProgramInfoLog program logsize nullPtr logptr
      peekArray (fromIntegral logsize) logptr
      $ Left
      $ unlines
          [ "Could not link program"
          , map (toEnum . fromEnum) infoLog
  else do
    liftIO $ forM_ shaders glDeleteShader
    return program
    return $ Right program


@@ 233,25 245,28 @@ class UniformValue a where
    -> m ()

clearUniformUpdateError :: Show a => GLuint -> GLint -> a -> IO ()
clearUniformUpdateError :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => GLuint -> GLint -> a -> m ()
clearUniformUpdateError prog loc val = glGetError >>= \case
  0 -> return ()
  e -> do
    let buf = replicate 256 ' '
    ident <- withCString buf
    ident <- liftIO $ withCString buf
      $ \strptr -> with 0
      $ \szptr  -> do
        glGetActiveUniformName prog (fromIntegral loc) 256 szptr strptr
        sz <- peek szptr
        peekCAStringLen (strptr, fromIntegral sz)
    putStrLn $ unwords [ "Could not update uniform"
                        , ident
                        , "with value"
                        , show val
                        , ", encountered error (" ++ show e ++ ")"
                        , show (GL_INVALID_OPERATION :: Integer, "invalid operation" :: String)
                        , show (GL_INVALID_VALUE :: Integer, "invalid value" :: String)
      $ putStrLn
      $ unwords
          [ "Could not update uniform"
          , ident
          , "with value"
          , show val
          , ", encountered error (" ++ show e ++ ")"
          , show (GL_INVALID_OPERATION :: Integer, "invalid operation" :: String)
          , show (GL_INVALID_VALUE :: Integer, "invalid value" :: String)
    assert False $ return ()

@@ 337,3 352,16 @@ orthoProjection
orthoProjection (V2 ww wh) =
  let (hw,hh) = (fromIntegral ww, fromIntegral wh)
  in ortho 0 hw hh 0 0 1

boundingBox :: (Unbox a, Real a, Fractional a) => UV.Vector (V2 a) -> (V2 a, V2 a)
boundingBox vs
  | UV.null vs = (0,0)
  | otherwise = UV.foldl' f (br,tl) vs
  where mn a = min a . realToFrac
        mx a = max a . realToFrac
        f (a, b) c = (mn <$> a <*> c, mx <$> b <*> c)
        inf = 1/0
        ninf = (-1)/0
        tl = V2 ninf ninf
        br = V2 inf inf

M src/Typograffiti/Glyph.hs => src/Typograffiti/Glyph.hs +8 -8
@@ 23,24 23,24 @@ data GlyphSize = GlyphSizeByChar CharSize
               deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

pixelWidth :: GlyphSize -> Int
pixelWidth :: GlyphSize -> Float
pixelWidth (GlyphSizeInPixels w h)
  | w == 0 = h
  | otherwise = w
  | w == 0 = fromIntegral h
  | otherwise = fromIntegral w
pixelWidth (GlyphSizeByChar (CharSize w h xdpi ydpi)) =
  let dpi = if xdpi == 0 then ydpi else xdpi
      sz  = if w == 0 then h else w
  in round $ fromIntegral sz * fromIntegral dpi / 72
  in fromIntegral sz * fromIntegral dpi / 72

pixelHeight :: GlyphSize -> Int
pixelHeight :: GlyphSize -> Float
pixelHeight (GlyphSizeInPixels w h)
  | h == 0 = w
  | otherwise = h
  | h == 0 = fromIntegral w
  | otherwise = fromIntegral h
pixelHeight (GlyphSizeByChar (CharSize w h xdpi ydpi)) =
  let dpi = if ydpi == 0 then xdpi else ydpi
      sz  = if h == 0 then w else h
  in round $ fromIntegral sz * fromIntegral dpi / 72
  in fromIntegral sz * fromIntegral dpi / 72

-- | https://www.freetype.org/freetype2/docs/tutorial/step2.html