
ee0a24c8917abf3e2ebc85033c4b7d6634012367 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 7 months ago cf3ffa1
Add support for background-position.
M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/Backgrounds.hs +8 -5
@@ 25,9 25,10 @@ imageFragmentShader = B8.pack $ unlines [
    "#version 330 core",
    "in vec2 coord;",
    "out vec4 fcolour;",
    "uniform vec2 pos;",
    "uniform sampler2D image;",
    "uniform vec2 size;",
    "void main() { fcolour = texture(image, coord/size); }"
    "void main() { fcolour = texture(image, coord/size - pos/size); }"

linearFragmentShader :: B8.ByteString

@@ 160,7 161,7 @@ renderBackgrounds :: (MonadIO m, MonadIO n) =>
    n (Backgrounds Texture -> Rects -> M44 Float -> m ())
renderBackgrounds = do
    base <- renderRectWith baseFragmentShader ["colour"]
    layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size"]
    layer <- renderRectWith imageFragmentShader ["size", "pos"]
    linear <- renderRectWith linearFragmentShader ["size", "angle",
            "stops", "stopPoints", "nStops"]
    ellipse <- renderRectWith radialFragmentShader ["size", "extent", "center",

@@ 175,10 176,12 @@ renderBackgrounds = do
        let layers = image self `zip` (clip self ++ repeat borderBox)
                `zip` (bgSize self ++ repeat (Size Auto Auto))
                `zip` (origin self ++ repeat paddingBox)
        _ <- forM layers $ \(((pat0, clip0), size0), origin0) -> case pat0 of
                `zip` (bgPos self ++ repeat (Absolute 0, Absolute 0))
        _ <- forM layers $ \((((pat0, clip0), size0), origin0), pos0) -> case pat0 of
            None -> return ()
            Img img0 -> layer [img0] [
                    u $ v2 $ resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0
            Img img0 -> let sz = resolveSize (size $ clip0 a) (texSize img0) size0
                in layer [img0] [
                    u $ v2 $ sz, u $ v2 $ l2f' pos0 sz
                ] clip0 origin0 a b
            Linear angle stops -> let size' = size $ clip0 a in linear [] [
                    u $ v2 $ size', u angle, cs 10 $ map fst stops,

M lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs => lib/Graphics/Rendering/Rect/CSS/Backgrounds.hs +34 -24
@@ 19,6 19,7 @@ data Backgrounds img = Backgrounds {
    clip :: [Rects -> Rect],
    origin :: [Rects -> Rect],
    image :: [Pattern img],
    bgPos :: [(Length, Length)],
    bgSize :: [Resize]
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)

@@ 39,7 40,8 @@ data Length = Absolute Float | Scale Float | Auto deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
    temp = Backgrounds {
        pallet = temp, background = transparent, clip = [borderBox],
        image = [None], bgSize = [Size Auto Auto], origin = [paddingBox]
        image = [None], bgSize = [Size Auto Auto], origin = [paddingBox],
        bgPos = [(Absolute 0, Absolute 0)]
    inherit _ = temp
    priority _ = []

@@ 156,30 158,10 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where

        angularUnits = [("deg",pi/180),("grad",pi/200),("rad",1),("turn",2*pi)]
        center = (Scale 0.5, Scale 0.5)
        position (x:y:ts) = position' x y ts *> position' y x ts
        position _ = Nothing
        position' x y ts = case ((case x of
                Ident "left" -> Scale 0
                Ident "center" -> Scale 0.5
                Ident "right" -> Scale 1
                Percentage _ a -> p' a
                Dimension _ a "px" -> f' a
                _ -> Auto,
            case y of
                Ident "top" -> Scale 0
                Ident "center" -> Scale 0.5
                Ident "right" -> Scale 1
                Percentage _ a -> p' a
                Dimension _ a "px" -> f' a
                _ -> Auto),
            ts) of
                ((Auto, _), _) -> Nothing
                ((_, Auto), _) -> Nothing
                ret -> Just ret
        p' = Scale . p
        f' = Absolute . f
    longhand _ self "background-origin" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList box t =
        Just self { origin = reverse val }
    longhand _ self "background-position" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList position t,
        all (null . snd) val = Just self { bgPos = reverse $ map fst val }
    longhand _ self "background-size" t | val@(_:_) <- parseCSSList inner t =
        Just self { bgSize = reverse val }
      where -- TODO: Add shorthand support, after background-position.

@@ 210,7 192,8 @@ instance PropertyParser (Backgrounds Text) where
            -- Shouldn't happen, `inner` expands all props at least to "initial"!
            | otherwise = (key, val)
        inner toks | ret@(_:_) <- parseUnorderedShorthand self [
                "background-color", "background-clip", "background-image"
                "background-color", "background-clip", "background-image",
                "background-origin", "background-position"
              ] toks = Just ret
          | otherwise = Nothing
    shorthand self key val | Just _ <- longhand self self key val = [(key, val)]

@@ 223,6 206,29 @@ box [Ident "border-box"] = Just borderBox
box [Ident "initial"] = Just borderBox -- To aid shorthand implementation.
box _ = Nothing

position :: [Token] -> Maybe ((Length, Length), [Token])
position (x:y:ts) = position' x y ts *> position' y x ts
position _ = Nothing
position' :: Token -> Token -> [Token] -> Maybe ((Length, Length), [Token])
position' x y ts = case ((case x of
        Ident "left" -> Scale 0
        Ident "center" -> Scale 0.5
        Ident "right" -> Scale 1
        Percentage _ a -> p' a
        Dimension _ a "px" -> f' a
        _ -> Auto,
    case y of
        Ident "top" -> Scale 0
        Ident "center" -> Scale 0.5
        Ident "right" -> Scale 1
        Percentage _ a -> p' a
        Dimension _ a "px" -> f' a
        _ -> Auto),
    ts) of
        ((Auto, _), _) -> Nothing
        ((_, Auto), _) -> Nothing
        ret -> Just ret

colourStops :: ColourPallet
        -> [Token] -> Maybe [(AlphaColour Float, Length)]
colourStops _ [RightParen] = Just []

@@ 253,6 259,10 @@ p :: NumericValue -> Float
p (NVInteger x) = fromInteger x / 100
-- Do the division while we're in base-10!
p (NVNumber x) = toRealFloat (x/scientific 1 2)
p' :: NumericValue -> Length
p' = Scale . p
f' :: NumericValue -> Length
f' = Absolute . f

--- Utils taken from HappStack