@@ 0,0 1,169 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Border(Border(..), BorderStyle(..),
+ topColour, rightColour, bottomColour, leftColour) where
+import Stylist (PropertyParser(..), parseUnorderedShorthand, parseOperands)
+import Data.CSS.Syntax.Tokens (Token(..))
+import Graphics.Rendering.Rect.CSS.Colour (ColourPallet(foreground), parseColour)
+import Data.Colour (AlphaColour)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+data Border = Border {
+ borderPallet :: ColourPallet,
+ topStyle :: BorderStyle,
+ topColour' :: Maybe (AlphaColour Float),
+ rightStyle :: BorderStyle,
+ rightColour' :: Maybe (AlphaColour Float),
+ bottomStyle :: BorderStyle,
+ bottomColour' :: Maybe (AlphaColour Float),
+ leftStyle :: BorderStyle,
+ leftColour' :: Maybe (AlphaColour Float)
+} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
+resolveColour :: Border -> Maybe (AlphaColour Float) -> AlphaColour Float
+resolveColour self = fromMaybe $ foreground $ borderPallet self
+topColour, rightColour, bottomColour, leftColour :: Border -> AlphaColour Float
+topColour self = resolveColour self $ topColour' self
+rightColour self = resolveColour self $ rightColour' self
+bottomColour self = resolveColour self $ bottomColour' self
+leftColour self = resolveColour self $ leftColour' self
+data BorderStyle = None | Solid | Dashed | Dotted | Double
+ | Groove | Ridge | Inset | Outset deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum)
+style :: Token -> Maybe BorderStyle
+style (Ident "initial") = Just None
+style (Ident "none") = Just None
+style (Ident "hidden") = Just None
+style (Ident "solid") = Just Solid
+style (Ident "dashed") = Just Dashed
+style (Ident "dotted") = Just Dotted
+style (Ident "double") = Just Double
+style (Ident "groove") = Just Groove
+style (Ident "ridge") = Just Ridge
+style (Ident "inset") = Just Inset
+style (Ident "outset") = Just Outset
+style _ = Nothing
+instance PropertyParser Border where
+ temp = Border {
+ borderPallet = temp,
+ topStyle = None,
+ topColour' = Nothing,
+ rightStyle = None,
+ rightColour' = Nothing,
+ bottomStyle = None,
+ bottomColour' = Nothing,
+ leftStyle = None,
+ leftColour' = Nothing
+ }
+ inherit = const temp
+ priority = const []
+ longhand _ s "border-top-style" [t] | Just v <- style t = Just s {topStyle=v}
+ longhand _ s "border-right-style" [t] | Just v<-style t=Just s {rightStyle=v}
+ longhand _ s "border-bottom-style" [t]|Just v<-style t=Just s {bottomStyle=v}
+ longhand _ s "border-left-style" [t] | Just v<-style t = Just s {leftStyle=v}
+ longhand _ self@Border { borderPallet = cc } "border-top-colour" ts
+ | Just ([], v) <- parseColour cc ts = Just self { topColour' = Just v }
+ longhand _ self@Border { borderPallet = cc } "border-right-colour" ts
+ | Just ([], v) <- parseColour cc ts = Just self { rightColour' = Just v }
+ longhand _ self@Border { borderPallet = cc } "border-bottom-colour" ts
+ | Just ([], v) <- parseColour cc ts = Just self { bottomColour' = Just v }
+ longhand _ self@Border { borderPallet = cc } "border-left-colour" ts
+ | Just ([], v) <- parseColour cc ts = Just self { bottomColour' = Just v }
+ -- Should be handled by caller, but for the sake of shorthands...
+ longhand _ self "border-top-width" [Dimension _ _ "px"] = Just self
+ longhand _ self "border-right-width" [Dimension _ _ "px"] = Just self
+ longhand _ self "border-bottom-width" [Dimension _ _ "px"] = Just self
+ longhand _ self "border-left-width" [Dimension _ _ "px"] = Just self
+ longhand _ _ _ _ = Nothing
+ shorthand self "border-width" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
+ [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
+ ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ -- Define other border shorthands here to properly handle border-widths
+ shorthand self "border" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-color", "border-style", "border-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-top" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-top-color", "border-top-style", "border-top-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-right" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-right-color", "border-right-style", "border-right-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-bottom" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-bottom-color", "border-bottom-style", "border-bottom-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-left" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-left-color", "border-left-style", "border-left-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-inline-color", "border-inline-style", "border-inline-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-inline-start-color", "border-inline-start-style",
+ "border-inline-start-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-inline-end-color", "border-inline-end-style",
+ "border-inline-end-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-block" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-block-color", "border-block-style", "border-block-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-block-start" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-block-start-color", "border-block-start-style",
+ "border-block-start-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-block-end" toks = parseUnorderedShorthand self [
+ "border-block-end-color", "border-block-end-style",
+ "border-block-end-width"] toks
+ shorthand self "border-color" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-top-color") x =
+ [("border-top-color", top), ("border-right-color", right),
+ ("border-bottom-color", bottom), ("border-left-color", left)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-style" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-top-style") x =
+ [("border-top-style", top), ("border-right-style", right),
+ ("border-bottom-style", bottom), ("border-left-style", left)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-width" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 4, (top:right:bottom:left:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-top-width") x =
+ [("border-top-width", top), ("border-right-width", right),
+ ("border-bottom-width", bottom), ("border-left-width", left)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline-color" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-inline-start-color") x =
+ [("border-inline-start-color", s), ("border-inline-end-color", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline-style" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-inline-start-style") x =
+ [("border-inline-start-style", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-inline-width" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-inline-start-width") x =
+ [("border-inline-start-width", s), ("border-inline-end-style", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-block-color" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-block-start-color") x =
+ [("border-block-start-color", s), ("border-block-end-color", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-block-style" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-block-start-style") x =
+ [("border-block-start-style", s), ("border-block-end-style", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self "border-block-width" toks
+ | length x > 0 && length x <= 2, (s:e:_) <- cycle x,
+ all (validProp self "border-block-start-width") x =
+ [("border-block-start-width", s), ("border-block-end-width", e)]
+ where x = parseOperands toks
+ shorthand self k v | Just _ <- longhand self self k v = [(k, v)]
+ | otherwise = []
+validProp :: PropertyParser a => a -> Text -> [Token] -> Bool
+validProp self key value = isJust $ longhand self self key value