
3871d4b028cb9d1cf35050a711ad6d6de8a3c4f5 — Adrian Cochrane 1 year, 1 month ago ad72934
Add reading-list support!
6 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

M Hearth.cabal
M app/Main.hs
M i18n/en.json
M src-lib/Hearth.hs
M src-lib/Hearth/TopSites.hs
M tpl/index.html
M Hearth.cabal => Hearth.cabal +3 -3
@@ 52,7 52,7 @@ build-type:         Simple
extra-doc-files:    CHANGELOG.md

-- Extra source files to be distributed with the package, such as examples, or a tutorial module.
extra-source-files: tpl/**.html, i18n/*.json
extra-source-files: tpl/**.html, i18n/*.json, history.tsv

common warnings
    ghc-options: -Wall

@@ 72,7 72,7 @@ library

    -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
    build-depends:    base ^>=, ginger>0.10 && <1, bytestring, text,
        file-embed, mtl, filepath, aeson, containers, network-uri, time
        file-embed, mtl, filepath, aeson, containers, network-uri, time, vector

    -- Directories containing source files.
    hs-source-dirs:   src-lib

@@ 96,7 96,7 @@ executable Hearth
    -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
        base ^>=,
        Hearth, file-embed, time, network-uri, aeson, directory,
        warp >= 3.3.31 && < 3.4, wai >= 3.2.3 && < 3.3,
        wai-extra >= 3.1 && < 4, http-types >= 0.12.3 && < 0.13,
        text >= 2.0.1 && < 2.1, bytestring >= 0.11 && < 1

M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +46 -12
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where

import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp

@@ 10,24 10,46 @@ import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict)
import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LTxt
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Hearth (renderPage, handleForm)
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601ParseM)
import Network.URI (parseURIReference)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

import Data.Aeson (decodeFileStrict, encodeFile, Value(..))
import qualified System.Directory as Dir

import Hearth (renderPage, handleForm, markAsRead, Link, utf8)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn ""
  runEnv 2019 servePage

dbFile :: FilePath
dbFile = "hearth.json"

servePage :: Application
servePage req respond = case requestMethod req of
  "GET" | Just resp <- renderPage (rawPathInfo req) (queryString req) (headerAcceptLang req) [] ->
    respond $ responseLBS status200 [] $ LTxt.encodeUtf8 $ fromStrict resp
  "POST" -> do
    (query, _) <- parseRequestBodyEx defaultParseRequestBodyOptions lbsBackEnd req
    redirect <- handleForm (rawPathInfo req) query
    respond $ responseLBS status301 [(hLocation, redirect)] ""
  _ -> respond $ responseLBS status404 [] "Page not found!"
servePage req respond = do
    hasDB <- Dir.doesFileExist dbFile
    db <- if hasDB then decodeFileStrict dbFile else return Nothing
    let db' = fromMaybe Null db
    case requestMethod req of
        "GET" | Just dest <- stripPrefix "/read/" $ rawPathInfo req -> do
                encodeFile dbFile $ markAsRead dest db'
                respond $ responseLBS status301 [(hLocation, dest)] ""
            | Just resp <- renderPage (rawPathInfo req) (queryString req)
                (headerAcceptLang req) history db' ->
            respond $ responseLBS status200 [] $ LTxt.encodeUtf8 $ fromStrict resp
        "POST" -> do
            (query, _) <- parseRequestBodyEx defaultParseRequestBodyOptions lbsBackEnd req
            (redirect, dbNew) <- handleForm (rawPathInfo req) query db'
            encodeFile dbFile dbNew
            respond $ responseLBS status301 [(hLocation, redirect)] ""
        _ -> respond $ responseLBS status404 [] "Page not found!"

headerAcceptLang :: Request -> [Txt.Text]
headerAcceptLang = parseAcceptLang . lookup hAcceptLanguage . requestHeaders

@@ 35,4 57,16 @@ parseAcceptLang :: Maybe ByteString -> [Txt.Text]
parseAcceptLang = map dropParam . Txt.splitOn "," . decodeUtf8 . fromMaybe "en"
    where dropParam = Txt.takeWhile (/= ';')

history :: [Link]
history = mapMaybe parseLine $ lines $
        utf8 $(makeRelativeToProject "history.tsv" >>= embedFile)
        stripL = dropWhile isSpace
        parseLine line | '#':_ <- stripL line = Nothing
            | [] <- stripL line = Nothing
            | Just url' <- parseURIReference url,
                Just date' <- iso8601ParseM date = Just (title, url', date')
            | otherwise = Nothing
            (url, titleDate) = break (== '\t') line
            (title, date) = break (== '\t') titleDate

M i18n/en.json => i18n/en.json +8 -1
@@ 1,5 1,12 @@
    "Homepage": "Homepage",
    "Web Address": "Web Address",
    "History": "History"
    "History": "History",
    "Name": "Name",
    "Reading List": "Reading List",
    "Add Bookmark": "Add Bookmark",
    "Read Later": "Read Later",
    "Favourite": "Favourite",
    "Remove": "Remove",
    "Description": "Description"

M src-lib/Hearth.hs => src-lib/Hearth.hs +43 -8
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hearth (renderPage, handleForm) where
module Hearth (renderPage, handleForm, markAsRead, utf8, Link) where

import Text.Ginger.Parse (parseGingerFile, SourcePos)
import Text.Ginger.Run (runGinger, makeContextHtml, Run)

@@ 15,15 15,19 @@ import Data.FileEmbed
import System.FilePath (normalise, (</>))

import qualified Data.Aeson as JS
import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as JS
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow) -- For error reporting!

import Hearth.TopSites
import Network.URI (uriToString)
import Data.Aeson (Value(..), Object, toJSON)

renderPage :: ByteString -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] -> [Txt.Text] -> [Link]
        -> Maybe Txt.Text
renderPage path query langs hist = case parseGingerFile resolveSource $ utf8 path of
renderPage :: ByteString -> [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)] -> [Txt.Text] ->
        [Link] -> Value -> Maybe Txt.Text
renderPage path query langs hist db = case parseGingerFile resolveSource $ utf8 path of
    Just (Right tpl) -> do
      Just $ htmlSource $ flip runGinger tpl $ makeContextHtml ctxt
    Just (Left err) -> traceShow err Nothing

@@ 31,6 35,7 @@ renderPage path query langs hist = case parseGingerFile resolveSource $ utf8 pat
    ctxt :: Txt.Text -> GVal (Run SourcePos (Writer Html) Html)
    ctxt "Q" = orderedDict [utf8' k~>v | (k, v) <- query]
    ctxt "D" = toGVal db
    ctxt "_" = toGVal $ translations langs
    ctxt "tops" = list' [hist2gval entry | entry <- take 20 $ topsites hist]
    ctxt "hist" = list' $ map hist2gval $ siteHistory hist

@@ 75,7 80,37 @@ list' = toGVal
--- Interactive features

handleForm :: ByteString -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> IO ByteString
handleForm "/" query = return $ fromMaybe "/" $ lookup "url" query
handleForm "/index.html" query = return $ fromMaybe "/" $ lookup "url" query
handleForm path _ = return path
markAsRead :: ByteString -> Value -> Value
markAsRead dest Null = markAsRead dest $ Object $ JS.empty
markAsRead dest (Object db) = Object $ JS.insert "readingList" readingList' db
    readingList' | Just (Array list) <- JS.lookup "readingList" db =
            toJSON $ V.filter isn'tDest list
        | otherwise = Array V.empty
    isn'tDest (Object record) = JS.lookup "href" record /= Just (String $ utf8' dest)
    isn'tDest _ = True
markAsRead _ db = db

handleForm :: ByteString -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Value -> IO (ByteString, Value)
handleForm path query Null = handleForm path query $ Object $ JS.empty
handleForm "/" query db = return (fromMaybe "/" $ lookup "url" query, db)
handleForm "/index.html" query db = return (fromMaybe "/" $ lookup "url" query, db)
handleForm "/bookmarks/read-later" query (Object db) =
    return ("/", Object $ insertConcat "readingList" (query2json query) db)
handleForm path _ db = return (path, db)

query2json :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Value
query2json query = Object $ JS.fromListWith gatherArray
        [(fromString $ utf8 k, toJSON $ utf8 v) | (k, v) <- query]
        gatherArray (Array a) (Array b) = Array $ b V.++ a
        gatherArray a (Array b) = Array $ V.snoc b a
        gatherArray (Array a) b = Array $ V.cons b a
        gatherArray a b = Array $ V.fromList [b, a]
insertConcat :: JS.Key -> Value -> Object -> Object
insertConcat key val = JS.insertWith prependJSON key (toJSON [val])
    prependJSON (Array a) (Array b) = Array $ a V.++ b
    prependJSON a (Array b) = Array $ V.cons a b
    prependJSON (Array a) b = Array $ V.snoc a b
    prependJSON a b = Array $ V.fromList [a, b]

M src-lib/Hearth/TopSites.hs => src-lib/Hearth/TopSites.hs +1 -0
@@ 8,6 8,7 @@ import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (ZonedTime)

type Link = (String, URI, ZonedTime)
link :: (a, b, c) -> b
link (_, ret, _) = ret
-- | Takes a reverse-chronologically-sorted list of labled links & hueristically
-- reorders them by weighted-frequency.

M tpl/index.html => tpl/index.html +8 -2
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@
  <meta charset=utf-8 />
  <title>{{ _["Homepage"] }}</title>
  <title>🏠️{{ _["Homepage"] }}</title>
  <form method="POST">

@@ 12,9 12,15 @@
      <h1><a href="history.html">⏳️{{ _["History"] }}</a></h1>
      <ul>{% for topsite in tops %}
        <li><a href="{{ topsite.href }}">{{ topsite.label }}</a></li>
        <li><a href="{{ topsite.href }}" title="{{ link.title }}">{{ topsite.label }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
    {% if D.readingList %}<section>
      <h1><a href="toread.html">📚️{{ _["Reading List"] }}</a></h1>
      <ul>{% for link in D.readingList|slice(0, 20) %}
        <li><a href="/read/{{ link.href }}" title="{{ link.title }}">{{ link.label }}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}</ul>
    </section>{% endif %}