
fffb8325acf5c5778937c26c792cb40aed7bc788 — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago 7b9e4ec
Remove unnecessary default implementation.
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/TextContainer.hs
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/TextContainer.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/TextContainer.hs +0 -1
@@ 18,7 18,6 @@ class TextContainer a where
-- of `Word8` units from the start of the text.
class TextContainer a => SeparableTextContainer a where
    splitTextAt8 :: Int -> a -> (a, a)
    splitTextAt8 _ _ = error "container cannot be split"

-- | Treat a list of text containers as a contiguous sequence,
-- and make a split at the given number of `Word8` from the beginning