
ff1079899e99faf229e747c333f34b5be822877c — Jaro 1 year, 10 months ago e1e85a2
Add unit tests for spanToRuns.
2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M balkon.cabal
M test/ParagraphLayoutTest.hs
M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +5 -5
@@ 52,13 52,13 @@ extra-doc-files:    CHANGELOG.md

    -- Modules exported by the library.
    exposed-modules:  Data.Text.ParagraphLayout

    -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
    other-modules:    Data.Text.Script

    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
    -- other-extensions:

M test/ParagraphLayoutTest.hs => test/ParagraphLayoutTest.hs +59 -2
@@ 2,16 2,31 @@ module Main (main) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font, GlyphInfo, GlyphPos, createFace, createFont)
import Data.Text.Glyphize
import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Golden
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run

type LayoutOutput = [[(GlyphInfo,GlyphPos)]]

emptySpan :: Font -> Span
emptySpan font = Span
    { spanText = pack ""
    , spanFont = font
    , spanLanguage = Nothing

czechHello :: Font -> Span
czechHello font = Span
    { spanText = pack "Ahoj, světe!"

@@ 19,6 34,13 @@ czechHello font = Span
    , spanLanguage = Just "cs"

serbianMixedScript :: Font -> Span
serbianMixedScript font = Span
    { spanText = pack "Vikipedija (Википедија)"
    , spanFont = font
    , spanLanguage = Just "sr"

prettyShow :: LayoutOutput -> String
prettyShow = showOutput

@@ 47,8 69,43 @@ main = do
    let face = createFace ttf 0
    let font = createFont face
    hspec $ do
        describe "spanToRuns" $ do
            it "handles span with no text" $ do
                spanToRuns (emptySpan font) `shouldBe` []
            it "handles Czech hello" $ do
                let inputSpan = czechHello font
                let runs = spanToRuns inputSpan
                runs `shouldBe`
                    [ Run
                        { runText = spanText inputSpan
                        , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                        , runScript = Just "Latn"
                        , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan
            it "handles Serbian with mixed script" $ do
                let inputSpan = serbianMixedScript font
                let runs = spanToRuns inputSpan
                runs `shouldBe`
                    [ Run
                        -- TODO: We might want both parentheses in the same run.
                        { runText = pack "Vikipedija ("
                        , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                        , runScript = Just "Latn"
                        , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan
                    , Run
                        { runText = pack "Википедија)"
                        , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                        , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                        , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan

        describe "layout" $ do
            it "handles empty input" $ do
            it "handles input with no spans" $ do
                layout [] `shouldBe` []
            it "handles one span with no text" $ do
                layout [emptySpan font] `shouldBe` []
            it "handles Czech hello" $ do
                layout [czechHello font] `shouldBeGolden` "czechHello"