M lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Rich.hs => lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Rich.hs +1 -0
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rich
-- * Input paragraph
( Paragraph (Paragraph)
+ , constructParagraph
, BoxSpacing (BoxSpacingLeftRight)
, LineHeight (Absolute, Normal)
, ParagraphOptions
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/Paragraph.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/Paragraph.hs +20 -2
@@ 24,6 24,8 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Tree
-- You may need to use "Data.Text.Internal" in order to determine the byte
-- array and the necessary offsets to construct the paragraph without copying
-- data.
+-- Alternatively, you can use `constructParagraph` with piecewise text.
data Paragraph d = Paragraph
@@ 49,8 51,24 @@ data Paragraph d = Paragraph
-- ^ Options applying to the paragraph as a whole.
-constructParagraph :: Text -> RootNode Text d -> Text -> ParagraphOptions ->
- Paragraph d
+-- | Construct a `Paragraph` from a tree containing individual pieces of text,
+-- plus an optional prefix and suffix, all encoded as UTF-8.
+-- This internally concatenates all input text into one contiguous byte array.
+-- Alternatively, you can construct a `Paragraph` directly to avoid copying
+-- data.
+ :: Text
+ -- ^ Optional prefix. Will not be laid out but may affect the output.
+ -> RootNode Text d
+ -- ^ Parts of the text to be laid out, represented as a tree.
+ -> Text
+ -- ^ Optional suffix. Will not be laid out but may affect the output.
+ -> ParagraphOptions
+ -- ^ Options to apply to the paragraph as a whole.
+ -> Paragraph d
+ -- ^ Constructed paragraph that can be passed to `layoutRich`.
constructParagraph prefix root suffix = Paragraph arr afterPrefix root'
(Text arr beforePrefix _) = txt