
d1b417ef572d40cdb8dd7ad5fd83d9b62fdc48df — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago b89500d
Link to Span using a generic wrapper.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs +26 -19
@@ 87,6 87,12 @@ data ParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout
data SpanLayout = SpanLayout [Fragment]
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | Wrapper for temporarily mapping the relationship to a `Span`.
data WithSpan a = WithSpan RS.ResolvedSpan a

instance Functor WithSpan where
    fmap f (WithSpan s a) = WithSpan s (f a)

spanRects :: SpanLayout -> [Rect Int32]
spanRects (SpanLayout frags) = map fragmentRect frags

@@ 131,12 137,15 @@ addSpansH currentX rss = mapAccumL addSpanH currentX rss
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
addSpanH :: Int32 -> RS.ResolvedSpan -> (Int32, SpanLayout)
addSpanH currentX rs = (nextX, SpanLayout frags)
    where (nextX, frags) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX $ spanToRuns rs
    where (nextX, frags) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX $ spanToRunsWrapped rs

spanToRunsWrapped :: RS.ResolvedSpan -> [WithSpan Run]
spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)

-- | Calculate layout for the given run,
-- place the generated fragment horizontally at the given x_offset,
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
addRunH :: Int32 -> Run -> (Int32, Fragment)
addRunH :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> (Int32, Fragment)
addRunH currentX run = (nextX, nextFrag)
        frag = layoutRun run

@@ 145,14 154,13 @@ addRunH currentX run = (nextX, nextFrag)
        nextFrag = frag { fragmentRect = nextRect }
        nextRect = rect { x_origin = currentX }

-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
layoutRun :: Run -> Fragment
layoutRun run = Fragment rect (penX, penY) glyphs
layoutRun :: WithSpan Run -> Fragment
layoutRun (WithSpan rs run) = Fragment rect (penX, penY) glyphs
        rect = containGlyphsH lineHeight $ map snd $ glyphs
        penX = 0 -- for horizontal text
        penY = descent + leading `div` 2
        glyphs = shapeRun run
        glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
        lineHeight = case RS.spanLineHeight rs of
            Normal -> normalLineHeight
            Absolute h -> h

@@ 163,10 171,10 @@ layoutRun run = Fragment rect (penX, penY) glyphs
        extents = fontExtentsForDir font dir
        font = RS.spanFont rs
        dir = runDirection run
        rs = runOriginalSpan run

shapeRun :: Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
shapeRun run = shape font buffer features
-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
shapeRun :: WithSpan Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
shapeRun (WithSpan rs run) = shape font buffer features
        font = RS.spanFont rs
        -- TODO: Set beginsText / endsText.

@@ 178,18 186,17 @@ shapeRun run = shape font buffer features
            , language = Just $ RS.spanLanguage rs
        features = []
        rs = runOriginalSpan run

resolveSpans :: Paragraph -> [RS.ResolvedSpan]
resolveSpans (Paragraph arr off spans opts) = map resolve $ zip spans texts
        resolve (s, t) = RS.ResolvedSpan
            { RS.spanText = t
            , RS.spanFont = paragraphFont opts
            , RS.spanLineHeight = paragraphLineHeight opts
            , RS.spanLanguage = spanLanguage s
        texts = cuts arr off spans
resolveSpans (Paragraph arr off spans opts) = do
    let texts = cuts arr off spans
    (s, t) <- zip spans texts
    return RS.ResolvedSpan
        { RS.spanText = t
        , RS.spanFont = paragraphFont opts
        , RS.spanLineHeight = paragraphLineHeight opts
        , RS.spanLanguage = spanLanguage s

-- | Produce a list of `Text`s, defined by an initial offset and a list of
-- consecutive `Span`s, out of the underlying `Array`.

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Run.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Run.hs +0 -2
@@ 20,7 20,6 @@ data Run = Run
    { runText :: Text
    , runDirection :: Maybe Direction
    , runScript :: Maybe ScriptCode
    , runOriginalSpan :: ResolvedSpan
    deriving (Eq, Show)

@@ 56,7 55,6 @@ spanToRuns s = map run $ protoRuns zipper
            { runText = preceding z
            , runDirection = d
            , runScript = Just sc
            , runOriginalSpan = s

protoRuns :: Zipper -> [ProtoRun]

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RunSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RunSpec.hs +0 -3
@@ 22,7 22,6 @@ spec = do
                    { runText = spanText inputSpan
                    , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan
        it "handles Serbian with mixed script" $ \font -> do

@@ 34,12 33,10 @@ spec = do
                    { runText = pack "Vikipedija ("
                    , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan
                , Run
                    { runText = pack "Википедија)"
                    , runDirection = Just DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                    , runOriginalSpan = inputSpan