
ca4b08b080c75d50615f1d7229e0217b4a17f302 — Jaro 1 year, 9 months ago bf8d44a
Convert plain layout to a wrapper over rich layout.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs +60 -62
@@ 1,75 1,73 @@
-- | Legacy plain text layout interface.
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain (layoutPlain)

import Control.Applicative (ZipList (ZipList), getZipList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.ICU (Breaker, LocaleName, breakCharacter, breakLine)

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Break
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Layout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BoxOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.Paragraph
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan (WithSpan (WithSpan))
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan as RS
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Run
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.Paragraph as P
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.ParagraphLayout as P
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich (layoutRich)
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.Paragraph as R
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.ParagraphLayout as R
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Span
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Tree

-- | Lay out a paragraph of plain text using a single font.
layoutPlain :: P.Paragraph d -> P.ParagraphLayout d
layoutPlain p@(P.Paragraph _ _ spans _) =
    richLayoutToPlain (length spans) $ layoutRich $ plainToRich p

-- | Lay out a paragraph of plain, unidirectional text using a single font.
layoutPlain :: Paragraph d -> ParagraphLayout d
layoutPlain p@(Paragraph _ _ _ opts) = paragraphLayout sls
-- | Convert a legacy plain text paragraph to a rich text paragraph.
-- Each plain text span is converted to a box with one text node inside.
-- Span indexes are added to the user data internally, then used to split the
-- resulting fragments according to their corresponding spans.
plainToRich :: P.Paragraph d -> R.Paragraph (Int, d)
plainToRich (P.Paragraph arr off spans opts) = R.Paragraph arr off rootNode opts
        sls = map SpanLayout fragsBySpan
        fragsBySpan = take (length spans) $ RS.splitBySpanIndex frags
        frags = case nonEmpty wrappedRuns of
            Just xs -> layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth xs
            Nothing -> []
        wrappedRuns = spansToRunsWrapped spans
        maxWidth = paragraphMaxWidth opts
        spans = resolveSpans p
        rootNode = RootBox rootBox
        rootBox = Box spanNodes baseOpts
        spanNodes = map spanNode indexedSpans
        spanNode (i, s) = InlineBox
            (i, spanUserData s)
            (boxFromPlain baseOpts i s)
        indexedSpans = zip [0 ..] spans
        baseOpts = defaultTextOptions
            { textFont = paragraphFont opts
            , textLineHeight = paragraphLineHeight opts

-- | Split a number of spans into a flat array of runs and add a wrapper
-- so that each run can be traced back to its originating span.
spansToRunsWrapped :: [RS.ResolvedSpan d] -> [WithSpan d Run]
spansToRunsWrapped ss = concat $ map spanToRunsWrapped ss
-- | Convert a legacy `Span` to a rich text box with one text node inside.
-- Add the given index to the user data, so that it can be extracted later.
boxFromPlain :: TextOptions -> Int -> Span d -> Box (Int, d)
boxFromPlain baseOpts i s = Box [TextSequence (i, spanUserData s) len] opts
        len = spanLength s
        opts = baseOpts { textLanguage = spanLanguage $ spanOptions s }

-- | Split a span into runs and add a wrapper
-- so that each run can be traced back to its originating span.
spanToRunsWrapped :: RS.ResolvedSpan d -> [WithSpan d Run]
spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)
-- | Convert a rich paragraph layout with span indexes into the legacy paragraph
-- layout with an array of spans.
richLayoutToPlain :: Int -> R.ParagraphLayout (Int, d) -> P.ParagraphLayout d
richLayoutToPlain numSpans pl = P.paragraphLayout sls
        sls = map SpanLayout fragsBySpan
        fragsBySpan = take numSpans $ splitBySpanIndex frags
        frags = R.paragraphFragments pl

resolveSpans :: Paragraph d -> [RS.ResolvedSpan d]
resolveSpans p@(Paragraph _ pStart spans pOpts) = do
    let sBounds = paragraphSpanBounds p
    let sTexts = paragraphSpanTexts p
    let pText = paragraphText p
    let sStarts = NonEmpty.init sBounds
splitBySpanIndex :: [Fragment (Int, d)] -> [[Fragment d]]
splitBySpanIndex frags = [getBySpanIndex i frags | i <- [0 ..]]

    (i, s, sStart, sText) <- getZipList $ (,,,)
        <$> ZipList [0 ..]
        <*> ZipList spans
        <*> ZipList sStarts
        <*> ZipList sTexts
    let lang = spanLanguage $ spanOptions s
    let lBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakLine pText lang
    let cBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakCharacter pText lang
    return RS.ResolvedSpan
        { RS.spanUserData = spanUserData s
        , RS.spanIndex = i
        , RS.spanOffsetInParagraph = sStart - pStart
        , RS.spanText = sText
        , RS.spanTextOptions = defaultTextOptions
            { textFont = paragraphFont pOpts
            , textLineHeight = paragraphLineHeight pOpts
            , textLanguage = lang
        , RS.spanLineBreaks = subOffsetsDesc (sStart - pStart) lBreaks
        , RS.spanCharacterBreaks = subOffsetsDesc (sStart - pStart) cBreaks
getBySpanIndex :: Int -> [Fragment (Int, d)] -> [Fragment d]
getBySpanIndex idx = map stripSpanIndex . filter ((== idx) . getSpanIndex)

getSpanIndex :: Fragment (Int, d) -> Int
getSpanIndex Fragment { fragmentUserData = (i, _) } = i

paragraphBreaks :: (LocaleName -> Breaker a) -> Text -> String -> [(Int, a)]
paragraphBreaks breakFunc txt lang =
    breaksDesc (breakFunc (locale lang LBAuto)) txt
stripSpanIndex :: Fragment (Int, d) -> Fragment d
stripSpanIndex f = case fragmentUserData f of
    (_, d) -> f { fragmentUserData = d }

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ResolvedSpan.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ResolvedSpan.hs +0 -10
@@ 1,7 1,6 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan
    ( ResolvedSpan (..)
    , WithSpan (WithSpan)
    , splitBySpanIndex

@@ 48,12 47,3 @@ instance SeparableTextContainer a => SeparableTextContainer (WithSpan d a) where

instance WithLevel a => WithLevel (WithSpan d a) where
    level (WithSpan _ x) = level x

splitBySpanIndex :: [WithSpan d a] -> [[a]]
splitBySpanIndex xs = [getBySpanIndex i xs | i <- [0 ..]]

getBySpanIndex :: Int -> [WithSpan d a] -> [a]
getBySpanIndex idx xs = map contents $ filter matchingIndex $ xs
        matchingIndex (WithSpan rs _) = (spanIndex rs) == idx
        contents (WithSpan _ x) = x