M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +3 -0
@@ 115,6 115,9 @@ library balkon-internal
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich,
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.Paragraph,
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.ParagraphLayout,
A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich.hs +75 -0
@@ 0,0 1,75 @@
+module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich (layoutRich)
+import Control.Applicative (ZipList (ZipList), getZipList)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Text.ICU (Breaker, LocaleName, breakCharacter, breakLine)
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Break
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Layout
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphOptions
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan (WithSpan (WithSpan))
+import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan as RS
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.Paragraph
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.ParagraphLayout
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Run
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextOptions
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Tree
+-- | Lay out a rich text paragraph.
+layoutRich :: Paragraph d -> ParagraphLayout d
+layoutRich p@(Paragraph _ _ _ opts) = paragraphLayout $ map unwrap frags
+ where
+ unwrap (WithSpan rs frag) =
+ frag { fragmentUserData = RS.spanUserData rs }
+ frags = case nonEmpty wrappedRuns of
+ Just xs -> layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth xs
+ Nothing -> []
+ wrappedRuns = spansToRunsWrapped spans
+ maxWidth = paragraphMaxWidth opts
+ spans = resolveSpans p
+-- | Split a number of spans into a flat array of runs and add a wrapper
+-- so that each run can be traced back to its originating span.
+spansToRunsWrapped :: [RS.ResolvedSpan d] -> [WithSpan d Run]
+spansToRunsWrapped ss = concat $ map spanToRunsWrapped ss
+-- | Split a span into runs and add a wrapper
+-- so that each run can be traced back to its originating span.
+spanToRunsWrapped :: RS.ResolvedSpan d -> [WithSpan d Run]
+spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)
+resolveSpans :: Paragraph d -> [RS.ResolvedSpan d]
+resolveSpans p@(Paragraph _ pStart root _) = do
+ let leaves = flatten root
+ let sTexts = paragraphSpanTexts p
+ let sBounds = paragraphSpanBounds p
+ let sStarts = NonEmpty.init sBounds
+ let pText = paragraphText p
+ (i, leaf, sStart, sText) <- getZipList $ (,,,)
+ <$> ZipList [0 ..]
+ <*> ZipList leaves
+ <*> ZipList sStarts
+ <*> ZipList sTexts
+ let (TextLeaf userData _ textOpts _) = leaf
+ let lang = textLanguage textOpts
+ let lBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakLine pText lang
+ let cBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakCharacter pText lang
+ return RS.ResolvedSpan
+ { RS.spanUserData = userData
+ , RS.spanIndex = i
+ , RS.spanOffsetInParagraph = sStart - pStart
+ -- TODO: Consider adding checks for array bounds.
+ , RS.spanText = sText
+ , RS.spanTextOptions = textOpts
+ , RS.spanLineBreaks = subOffsetsDesc (sStart - pStart) lBreaks
+ , RS.spanCharacterBreaks = subOffsetsDesc (sStart - pStart) cBreaks
+ }
+paragraphBreaks :: (LocaleName -> Breaker a) -> Text -> String -> [(Int, a)]
+paragraphBreaks breakFunc txt lang =
+ breaksDesc (breakFunc (locale lang LBAuto)) txt
A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/Paragraph.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/Paragraph.hs +85 -0
@@ 0,0 1,85 @@
+module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.Paragraph
+ ( Paragraph (..)
+ , paragraphSpanBounds
+ , paragraphSpanTexts
+ , paragraphText
+ )
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Data.Text.Array (Array)
+import Data.Text.Internal (Text (Text))
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphOptions
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Tree
+-- | Text to be laid out as a single paragraph.
+-- May be divided into a hierarchy of boxes and spans.
+-- The input text must be encoded as UTF-8 in a contiguous byte array.
+-- You may need to use "Data.Text.Internal" in order to determine the byte
+-- array and the necessary offsets to construct the paragraph without copying
+-- data.
+data Paragraph d = Paragraph
+ Array
+ -- ^ A byte array containing the whole text to be laid out, in UTF-8.
+ --
+ -- This array will be passed to "Data.Text.Glyphize", which passes it to
+ -- [@hb_buffer_add_utf8()@]
+ -- (https://harfbuzz.github.io/harfbuzz-hb-buffer.html#hb-buffer-add-utf8).
+ --
+ -- In the output, `Data.Text.Glyphize.cluster` will be a byte offset of
+ -- the corresponding input character from this array.
+ Int
+ -- ^ Byte offset of the first text node from the start of the byte array.
+ -- Any characters preceding this offset will not be shaped, but may still
+ -- be used to influence the shape of neighbouring characters.
+ (RootNode d)
+ -- ^ Parts of the text to be laid out, represented as a tree.
+ -- The in-order walk of this tree corresponds to the logical order
+ -- of the text.
+ ParagraphOptions
+ -- ^ Options applying to the paragraph as a whole.
+-- | Calculate the offsets into the `Paragraph`'s underlying `Data.Text.Array`
+-- where each text node starts and ends, in ascending order. The resulting list
+-- will be one larger than the number of text nodes in the input.
+-- You can use this function to verify that Balkón will slice the input text
+-- correctly.
+paragraphSpanBounds :: Paragraph d -> NonEmpty Int
+paragraphSpanBounds (Paragraph _ initialOffset root _) =
+ -- TODO: Consider adding checks for array bounds.
+ NonEmpty.scanl (+) initialOffset $ map len $ flatten root
+ where
+ len (TextLeaf _ l _ _) = l
+-- | Turn each text node from the input `Paragraph` into a `Text`.
+-- You can use this function to verify that Balkón will slice the input text
+-- correctly.
+paragraphSpanTexts :: Paragraph d -> [Text]
+paragraphSpanTexts p@(Paragraph arr _ _ _) = zipWith toText sStarts sEnds
+ where
+ toText start end = Text arr start (end - start)
+ sStarts = NonEmpty.init sBounds
+ sEnds = NonEmpty.tail sBounds
+ sBounds = paragraphSpanBounds p
+-- | Turn all text nodes from the input `Paragraph` into one combined `Text`.
+-- You can use this function to verify that Balkón will slice the input text
+-- correctly.
+paragraphText :: Paragraph d -> Text
+paragraphText p@(Paragraph arr _ _ _) = Text arr start (end - start)
+ where
+ start = NonEmpty.head sBounds
+ end = NonEmpty.last sBounds
+ sBounds = paragraphSpanBounds p
A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/ParagraphLayout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich/ParagraphLayout.hs +66 -0
@@ 0,0 1,66 @@
+module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rich.ParagraphLayout
+ ( ParagraphLayout (..)
+ , appendFragments
+ , emptyParagraphLayout
+ , filterFragments
+ , mapFragments
+ , paragraphLayout
+ , paragraphOriginX
+ , paragraphOriginY
+ , shapedRuns
+ )
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphExtents
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rect
+-- | The resulting layout of the whole paragraph.
+data ParagraphLayout d = ParagraphLayout
+ { paragraphRect :: Rect Int32
+ -- ^ The containing block (CSS3).
+ , paragraphFragments :: [Fragment d]
+ -- ^ The resulting layout of all input text, divided into fragments as
+ -- required by the input structure, line breaking, text writing direction,
+ -- and changes of script.
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+-- | Wrap the given `Fragment`s and compute their containing rectangle.
+paragraphLayout :: [Fragment d] -> ParagraphLayout d
+paragraphLayout frags = ParagraphLayout pRect frags
+ where pRect = containRects $ map fragmentRect frags
+-- | A `ParagraphLayout` with no fragments.
+-- Useful as an identity element for `appendFragments`.
+emptyParagraphLayout :: ParagraphLayout a
+emptyParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout emptyRect []
+-- | Remove fragments that do not match the given predicate.
+-- The containing rectangle will be recalculated.
+filterFragments :: (Fragment d -> Bool) -> ParagraphLayout d ->
+ ParagraphLayout d
+filterFragments predicate (ParagraphLayout _ frags) =
+ paragraphLayout $ filter predicate frags
+-- | Run a mapping function over each fragment inside a `ParagraphLayout`.
+-- The containing rectangle will be recalculated.
+mapFragments :: (Fragment d -> Fragment d) -> ParagraphLayout d ->
+ ParagraphLayout d
+mapFragments mapFunc (ParagraphLayout _ frags) =
+ paragraphLayout $ map mapFunc frags
+-- | Combine fragments from two `ParagraphLayout`s.
+-- The containing rectangle will be recalculated.
+appendFragments :: ParagraphLayout d -> ParagraphLayout d -> ParagraphLayout d
+appendFragments (ParagraphLayout _ a) (ParagraphLayout _ b) =
+ paragraphLayout $ a ++ b
+-- | Return all shaped runs in the paragraph.
+shapedRuns :: ParagraphLayout d -> [ShapedRun]
+shapedRuns pl = map shapedRun $ paragraphFragments pl