
b27f00d9649dd8faafc91a2333818af233ea0b98 — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago 6cf2c7c
Implement "plain" interface.
R .golden/czechHello/golden => .golden/czechHelloParagraph/golden +6 -6
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 36, cluster = 0, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 663, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
ParagraphLayout {paragraphRect = Rect {x_origin = 0, y_origin = 0, x_size = 5274, y_size = 0}, spanLayouts = [
    SpanLayout [(Rect {x_origin = 0, y_origin = 0, x_size = 5274, y_size = 0},
        [(GlyphInfo {codepoint = 36, cluster = 0, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 663, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 75, cluster = 1, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 571, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 82, cluster = 2, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 590, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 77, cluster = 3, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 253, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),

@@ 11,6 11,6 @@
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 246, cluster = 8, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 559, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 87, cluster = 10, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 392, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 72, cluster = 11, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 559, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0}),
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 4, cluster = 12, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 276, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0})
        (GlyphInfo {codepoint = 4, cluster = 12, unsafeToBreak = False, unsafeToConcat = False, safeToInsertTatweel = False},GlyphPos {x_advance = 276, y_advance = 0, x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0})]

R .golden/exampleParagraph/golden => .golden/mixedLanguageLTRParagraph/golden +0 -0
M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +6 -2
@@ 99,8 99,10 @@ library

    -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
    other-modules:    Data.Text.Script

@@ 128,10 130,12 @@ test-suite balkon-test

    -- Test dependencies.

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout.hs +1 -51
@@ 1,52 1,2 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (Span(..), layout)
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout ()

import Data.Text.Glyphize

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Span

data Position = Beginning | Middle | End | Only
    deriving (Eq)

-- TODO: Add maximum line length as input.
-- TODO: Compute and return bounding box for each provided span.
--       More if implementing the CSS Box Model.
-- TODO: Also compute and return overall bounding box, in addition to individual
--       ones.
-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
layout :: [Span] -> [[(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]]
layout = layoutRuns . concat . map spanToRuns

layoutRuns :: [Run] -> [[(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]]
layoutRuns [] = []
layoutRuns [s] = [layoutOneRun Only s]
-- TODO: What if there are no visible characters in the edge runs?
layoutRuns (s1:s2:ss) = (layoutOneRun Beginning s1):(layoutRemainingRuns s2 ss)

layoutRemainingRuns :: Run -> [Run] -> [[(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]]
layoutRemainingRuns s [] = [layoutOneRun End s]
layoutRemainingRuns s1 (s2:ss) = (layoutOneRun Middle s1):(layoutRemainingRuns s2 ss)

layoutOneRun :: Position -> Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
layoutOneRun pos run = shape font buffer features
        originalSpan = runOriginalSpan run
        font = spanFont originalSpan
        lang = spanLanguage originalSpan
        buffer = defaultBuffer { text = runText run
                        , contentType = Just ContentTypeUnicode
                        , direction = runDirection run
                        , script = runScript run
                        , language = lang
                        , beginsText = pos == Beginning || pos == Only
                        , endsText = pos == End || pos == Only
        features = []

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs +116 -30
@@ 16,19 16,30 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain

import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Text.Array (Array)
import Data.Text.Foreign (I8)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font, GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)
import Data.Text.Glyphize
    ,GlyphPos(x_advance, y_advance)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text))
import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as Lazy

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan as RS
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Span

-- | Text to be laid out as a paragraph.

@@ 67,16 78,6 @@ data LineHeight
    | Relative Float
    -- ^ Set line height as a multiplier of the font's built-in value.

data Span = Span

    { spanLength :: I8
    -- ^ Byte offset to the next span or the end of the paragraph text.

    , spanLanguage :: String
    -- ^ Used for selecting the appropriate glyphs and line breaking rules.


-- | The resulting layout of the whole paragraph.
data ParagraphLayout = ParagraphLayout
    { paragraphRect :: Rect Int32

@@ 111,26 112,111 @@ type Box =
    , [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]

boxRect :: Box -> Rect Int32
boxRect = fst

spanRects :: SpanLayout -> [Rect Int32]
spanRects (SpanLayout boxes) = map boxRect boxes

base :: (Num a) => Rect a
base = Rect 0 0 0 0

containRects :: (Ord a, Num a) => [Rect a] -> Rect a
containRects = foldr union base

containGlyphs :: [GlyphPos] -> Rect Int32
containGlyphs ps = Rect
    { x_origin = 0
    , y_origin = 0
    , x_size = sum $ map x_advance ps
    , y_size = sum $ map y_advance ps -- TODO add line height

-- | Interface for basic plain text layout.
-- The entire paragraph will be assumed to have the same text direction and
-- will be shaped using a single font, aligned to the left for LTR text or to
-- the right for RTL text.
layoutPlain :: Paragraph -> ParagraphLayout
-- Stub implementation to make this a valid Haskell source.
-- Of course, this will eventually be replaced by an actual implementation. :)
layoutPlain (Paragraph _ _ spans _)
    = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) (map (\_ -> SpanLayout []) spans)

exampleArray :: Array
exampleOffset :: Int
(Text exampleArray exampleOffset _) = pack "Tak jsem tady, 世界!"

exampleParagraph :: Font -> Paragraph
exampleParagraph font = Paragraph
    (fromIntegral exampleOffset + 4)
    [Span 11 "cs" -- this will contain the text "jsem tady, "
    ,Span 7 "ja" -- this will contain the text "世界!"
    (ParagraphOptions font (Relative 1.5) 20000)
layoutPlain paragraph = ParagraphLayout pRect arrangedLayouts
        pRect = containRects allRects
        allRects = concat $ map spanRects arrangedLayouts
        arrangedLayouts = snd $ arrangeSpansH 0 $ layouts
        layouts = map layoutSpan spans
        spans = resolveSpans paragraph

-- TODO: Break lines.
-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
layoutSpan :: RS.ResolvedSpan -> SpanLayout
layoutSpan rs = SpanLayout (map layoutRun $ spanToRuns rs)

layoutRun :: Run -> Box
layoutRun run = (rect, glyphs)
        rs = runOriginalSpan run
        rect = containGlyphs $ map snd $ glyphs
        glyphs = shape font buffer features
        font = RS.spanFont rs
        -- TODO: Set beginsText / endsText.
        buffer = defaultBuffer
            { text = fromStrict $ runText run
            , contentType = Just ContentTypeUnicode
            , direction = runDirection run
            , script = runScript run
            , language = Just $ RS.spanLanguage rs
        features = []

resolveSpans :: Paragraph -> [RS.ResolvedSpan]
resolveSpans (Paragraph arr off spans opts) = map resolve $ zip spans texts
        resolve (s, t) = RS.ResolvedSpan
            { RS.spanText = t
            , RS.spanFont = paragraphFont opts
            , RS.spanLanguage = spanLanguage s
        texts = cuts arr off spans

-- | Produce a list of `Text`s, defined by an initial offset and a list of
-- consecutive `Span`s, out of the underlying `Array`.
-- TODO: Consider adding checks for array bounds.
cuts :: Array -> I8 -> [Span] -> [Text]
cuts arr initialOffset spans = snd $ mapAccumL (cut arr) initialOffset spans

-- | Produce a `Text`, defined by an initial offset and a `Span`, out of the
-- underlying `Array`.
cut :: Array -> I8 -> Span -> (I8, Text)
cut arr off s = (end, t)
        len = spanLength s
        end = off + len
        t = Text arr (fromIntegral off) (fromIntegral len)

-- | Arrange all boxes in multiple spans in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeSpansH :: Int32 -> [SpanLayout] -> (Int32, [SpanLayout])
arrangeSpansH currentX sls = mapAccumL arrangeSpanH currentX sls

-- | Arrange all boxes in one span in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeSpanH :: Int32 -> SpanLayout -> (Int32, SpanLayout)
arrangeSpanH currentX (SpanLayout boxes) = (nextX, SpanLayout newBoxes)
    where (nextX, newBoxes) = arrangeBoxesH currentX boxes

-- | Arrange boxes in one horizontal direction
-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
arrangeBoxesH :: Int32 -> [Box] -> (Int32, [Box])
arrangeBoxesH currentX boxes = mapAccumL arrangeBoxH currentX boxes

-- | Set the horizontal offset of the given box
-- and return the x coordinate of its other side for continuation.
arrangeBoxH :: Int32 -> Box -> (Int32, Box)
arrangeBoxH currentX (rect, glyphs) = (nextX, (newRect, glyphs))
        nextX = currentX + x_size rect
        newRect = rect { x_origin = currentX }

fromStrict :: Text -> Lazy.Text
fromStrict t = Lazy.Chunk t Lazy.Empty

A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ResolvedSpan.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ResolvedSpan.hs +14 -0
@@ 0,0 1,14 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan (ResolvedSpan(..))

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)

-- | Internal structure containing resolved values that may be shared with
-- other spans across the paragraph.
data ResolvedSpan = ResolvedSpan
    { spanText :: Text
    , spanFont :: Font
    , spanLanguage :: String
    deriving (Eq, Show)

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Run.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Run.hs +53 -25
@@ 1,13 1,14 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run (Run(..), spanToRuns)

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))
import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Char as ICUChar
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import Data.Text.Script (charScript)
import Data.Text.Zipper

import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Span
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan

type ScriptCode = String

@@ 19,43 20,70 @@ data Run = Run
    { runText :: Text
    , runDirection :: Maybe Direction
    , runScript :: Maybe ScriptCode
    , runOriginalSpan :: Span
    , runOriginalSpan :: ResolvedSpan
    deriving (Eq, Show)

type ProtoRun = (String, Maybe Direction, ScriptCode)
type ProtoRun = (Zipper, Maybe Direction, ScriptCode)

-- Represents a zipper that can advance by at least one character.
data ZipperChoice = ZipperChoice
    { nextChar :: Char
    , continuingRun :: Zipper
    -- ^ The zipper will advance over the next character,
    -- merging it with all preceding characters.
    , startingNewRun :: Zipper
    -- ^ The zipper will forget all preceding characters and then advance over
    -- the next character, making it the first character in a new run of text.

considerNext :: Zipper -> Maybe ZipperChoice
considerNext z = case next z of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just c -> Just ZipperChoice
        { nextChar = c
        , continuingRun = step z
        , startingNewRun = step $ start $ following z

data Merged a = Incompatible | Merged a

-- TODO: Optimise and preserve the Data.Text.Lazy structure.
spanToRuns :: Span -> [Run]
spanToRuns s = map run $ protoRuns chars
spanToRuns :: ResolvedSpan -> [Run]
spanToRuns s = map run $ protoRuns zipper
        chars = reverse $ Text.unpack $ spanText s
        run (t, d, sc) = Run
            { runText = Text.pack t
        zipper = start $ spanText s
        run (z, d, sc) = Run
            { runText = preceding z
            , runDirection = d
            , runScript = Just sc
            , runOriginalSpan = s

-- TODO: Try to avoid reversing.
protoRuns :: [Char] -> [ProtoRun]
protoRuns = reverse . map (\(t, d, s) -> (reverse t, d, s)) . foldr foldRun []
protoRuns :: Zipper -> [ProtoRun]
protoRuns z = reverse $ protoRuns' z []

protoRuns' :: Zipper -> [ProtoRun] -> [ProtoRun]
protoRuns' curZipper curRuns = case considerNext curZipper of
    Nothing -> curRuns
    Just choice ->
        let headRun@(nextZipper, _, _) :| tailRuns = foldRun choice curRuns
        in protoRuns' nextZipper (headRun:tailRuns)

foldRun :: ZipperChoice -> [ProtoRun] -> NonEmpty ProtoRun

-- If there are no runs, create a new run with a single character.
foldRun x [] = (continuingRun x, d, s) :| []
        d = charDirection (nextChar x)
        s = charScript (nextChar x)

foldRun :: Char -> [ProtoRun] -> [ProtoRun]
foldRun c [] =
    -- If there are no runs, create a new run with a single character.
    [([c], charDirection c, charScript c)]
foldRun c (r@(oldString, d1, s1):rs) =
foldRun x (previousRun@(_, d1, s1) : tailRuns) =
    case (mergeDirections d1 d2, mergeScripts s1 s2) of
        -- If direction & script are compatible, add to existing run.
        (Merged d, Merged s) -> ((c:oldString, d, s):rs)
        -- Otherwise create a new run.
        _ -> (([c], d2, s2):r:rs)
        (Merged d, Merged s) -> (continuingRun x, d, s) :| tailRuns
        _ -> (startingNewRun x, d2, s2) :| previousRun : tailRuns
        d2 = charDirection c
        s2 = charScript c
        d2 = charDirection (nextChar x)
        s2 = charScript (nextChar x)

-- Simplified detection of text direction for unidirectional text.
mergeDirections :: Maybe Direction -> Maybe Direction -> Merged (Maybe Direction)

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Span.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Span.hs +9 -8
@@ 1,10 1,7 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Span (Span(..))

import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)

type Language = String
import Data.Text.Foreign (I8)

-- Paragraph is broken into spans by the caller.

@@ 14,8 11,12 @@ type Language = String
-- TODO: Add all relevant attributes.
data Span = Span
    { spanText :: Text
    , spanFont :: Font
    , spanLanguage :: Maybe Language

    { spanLength :: I8
    -- ^ Byte offset to the next span or the end of the paragraph text.

    , spanLanguage :: String
    -- ^ Used for selecting the appropriate glyphs and line breaking rules.

    deriving (Eq, Show)
    deriving (Show)

A src/Data/Text/Zipper.hs => src/Data/Text/Zipper.hs +141 -0
@@ 0,0 1,141 @@
-- | Zipper API for reading text from start to end.
-- All measurements are in UTF-8 code points, each of which can be between
-- 1 and 4 bytes long (inclusive).
module Data.Text.Zipper
    -- TODO: Consider renaming the module to avoid conflict with text-zipper
    --       from Hackage.
    (Zipper(preceding, following)

import Data.Text (measureOff, null, uncons)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text), empty)
import Prelude
    ,Maybe(Just, Nothing)

-- | A type representing a number of UTF-8 code units, that is `Word8` units.
newtype I8 = I8 Int

-- | Represents a body of text with a read cursor which can be moved forward.
data Zipper = Zipper { preceding :: Text, following :: Text }
        ( Show
        , Eq
        -- ^ /O(n)/ Compare zippers by their contents. Mostly for tests.

-- | /O(1)/ Create a zipper located at the beginning of the given `Text`.
start :: Text -> Zipper
start = splitAt 0

-- | /O(n)/ Create a zipper located @n@ code points into the `Text`,
-- if possible, or located at the beginning or end of the `Text` otherwise.
-- Similar to `Data.Text.splitAt`, except the resulting structure holds both
-- halves of the original `Text` and can be moved forward.
splitAt :: Int -> Text -> Zipper
splitAt n t
    | n <= 0 =
        Zipper { preceding = empty, following = t }
    | otherwise = case measureI8 n t of
        Just m ->
            Zipper { preceding = takeWord8 m t, following = dropWord8 m t }
        Nothing ->
            Zipper { preceding = t, following = empty }

-- | /O(1)/ Move the zipper forward one code point, if possible.
step :: Zipper -> Zipper
step = advanceBy 1

-- | /O(n)/ Move the zipper forward at most @n@ code points.
advanceBy :: Int -> Zipper -> Zipper
advanceBy n z
    | n <= 0 = z
    | atEnd z = z
    | otherwise = case measureI8 n (following z) of
        Just m -> advanceByWord8 m z
        Nothing -> Zipper (recombine z) empty

-- | /O(1)/ Produce the original `Text`.
recombine :: Zipper -> Text
recombine (Zipper t1 t2) = recombine' t1 t2

-- | /O(1)/ Test whether the zipper is at the start of a `Text`.
atStart :: Zipper -> Bool
atStart = null . preceding

-- | /O(1)/ Test whether the zipper is at the end of a `Text`.
atEnd :: Zipper -> Bool
atEnd = null . following

-- | /O(1)/ Read the next code point.
next :: Zipper -> Maybe Char
next = fmap fst . uncons . following

-- | /O(n)/ If @t@ is long enough to contain @n@ characters, return their size
-- in `Word8`.
measureI8 :: Int -> Text -> Maybe I8
measureI8 n t =
    let m = measureOff n t in
    if m >= 0
        then Just (I8 m)
        else Nothing

-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe recombination of two `Text`s.
-- Requires that both `Text`s are based on the same `Array` and adjacent to
-- each other.
recombine' :: Text -> Text -> Text
recombine' (Text _ _ 0) t = t
recombine' t (Text _ _ 0) = t
recombine' (Text arr off len1) (Text _ _ len2) = Text arr off (len1 + len2)

-- | /O(1)/ Unsafely move the zipper forward @m@ `Word8` units.
advanceByWord8 :: I8 -> Zipper -> Zipper
advanceByWord8 (I8 m) z = Zipper (recombine' a b) c
        a = preceding z
        b = takeWord8 (I8 m) (following z)
        c = dropWord8 (I8 m) (following z)

-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe version of `Data.Text.Foreign.dropWord8`.
-- Return the prefix of the `Text` of @m@ `Word8` units in length.
-- Requires that @m@ be within the bounds of the `Text`, not at the beginning
-- or at the end, and not inside a code point.
takeWord8 :: I8 -> Text -> Text
takeWord8 (I8 m) (Text arr off _) = Text arr off m

-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe version of `Data.Text.Foreign.dropWord8`.
-- Return the suffix of the `Text`, with @m@ `Word8` units dropped from its
-- beginning.
-- Requires that @m@ be within the bounds of the `Text`, not at the beginning
-- or at the end, and not inside a code point.
dropWord8 :: I8 -> Text -> Text
dropWord8 (I8 m) (Text arr off len) = Text arr (off+m) (len-m)

A test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphData.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphData.hs +63 -0
@@ 0,0 1,63 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphData

import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.Internal (Text(Text))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain

emptyParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
emptyParagraph opts =
    let (Text arr off _) = pack ""
    in Paragraph
        (fromIntegral off)

emptySpanParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
emptySpanParagraph opts =
    let (Text arr off _) = pack ""
    in Paragraph
        (fromIntegral off)
        [Span 0 "en"]

czechHelloParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
czechHelloParagraph opts =
    let (Text arr off len) = pack "Ahoj, světe!"
    in Paragraph
        (fromIntegral off)
        [Span (fromIntegral len) "cs"]

mixedScriptSerbianParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
mixedScriptSerbianParagraph opts =
    let (Text arr off len) = pack "Vikipedija (Википедија)"
    in Paragraph
        (fromIntegral off)
        [Span (fromIntegral len) "sr"]

mixedLanguageLTRParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
mixedLanguageLTRParagraph opts =
    let (Text arr off _) = pack "Tak jsem tady, 世界!"
    in Paragraph
        (fromIntegral off + 4)
        [Span 11 "cs" -- this will contain the text "jsem tady, "
        ,Span 7 "ja" -- this will contain the text "世界!"

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/PlainSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/PlainSpec.hs +24 -4
@@ 1,12 1,14 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.PlainSpec (spec) where

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Golden
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphData
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Plain

prettyShow :: ParagraphLayout -> String
prettyShow (ParagraphLayout pr sls) = showParagraphLayout where

@@ 56,10 58,28 @@ shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
    , failFirstTime = False

emptyLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptyLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) []

emptySpanLayout :: ParagraphLayout
emptySpanLayout = ParagraphLayout (Rect 0 0 0 0) [SpanLayout []]

opts :: Font -> ParagraphOptions
opts font = ParagraphOptions font (Relative 1.5) 20000

spec :: Spec
spec = do
    -- Note: This font does not contain Japanese glyphs.
    describe "layoutPlain" $ before loadUbuntuRegular $ do
        it "stub works" $ \font -> do
            let result = layoutPlain (exampleParagraph font)
            result `shouldBeGolden` "exampleParagraph"
        it "handles input with no spans" $ \font -> do
            let result = layoutPlain $ emptyParagraph $ opts font
            result `shouldBe` emptyLayout
        it "handles one span with no text" $ \font -> do
            let result = layoutPlain $ emptySpanParagraph $ opts font
            result `shouldBe` emptySpanLayout
        it "handles Czech hello" $ \font -> do
            let result = layoutPlain $ czechHelloParagraph $ opts font
            result `shouldBeGolden` "czechHelloParagraph"
        it "handles mixed languages in LTR layout" $ \font -> do
            let result = layoutPlain $ mixedLanguageLTRParagraph $ opts font
            result `shouldBeGolden` "mixedLanguageLTRParagraph"

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RunSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/RunSpec.hs +2 -2
@@ 1,11 1,11 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.RunSpec (spec) where

import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)

import Test.Hspec
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.SpanData

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/SpanData.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/SpanData.hs +11 -11
@@ 5,27 5,27 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.SpanData

import Data.Text (pack)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (Font)
import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (Span(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan (ResolvedSpan(..))

emptySpan :: Font -> Span
emptySpan font = Span
emptySpan :: Font -> ResolvedSpan
emptySpan font = ResolvedSpan
    { spanText = pack ""
    , spanFont = font
    , spanLanguage = Nothing
    , spanLanguage = "en"

czechHello :: Font -> Span
czechHello font = Span
czechHello :: Font -> ResolvedSpan
czechHello font = ResolvedSpan
    { spanText = pack "Ahoj, světe!"
    , spanFont = font
    , spanLanguage = Just "cs"
    , spanLanguage = "cs"

serbianMixedScript :: Font -> Span
serbianMixedScript font = Span
serbianMixedScript :: Font -> ResolvedSpan
serbianMixedScript font = ResolvedSpan
    { spanText = pack "Vikipedija (Википедија)"
    , spanFont = font
    , spanLanguage = Just "sr"
    , spanLanguage = "sr"

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayoutSpec.hs +1 -40
@@ 1,45 1,6 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayoutSpec (spec) where

import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Text.Glyphize (GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)

import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Golden
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.FontLoader
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.SpanData

type LayoutOutput = [[(GlyphInfo,GlyphPos)]]

prettyShow :: LayoutOutput -> String
prettyShow = showOutput
        showOutput rs = concat ["[\n", showRuns rs, "\n]\n"]
        showRuns = concat . intersperse ",\n" . map showRun
        showRun gs = concat [indent1, "[\n", showGlyphs gs, "\n", indent1, "]"]
        showGlyphs = concat . intersperse ",\n" . map showGlyph
        showGlyph g = concat [indent2, show g]
        indent1 = "    "
        indent2 = indent1 ++ indent1

shouldBeGolden :: LayoutOutput -> FilePath -> Golden LayoutOutput
shouldBeGolden output_ name = Golden
    { output = output_
    , encodePretty = show
    , writeToFile = \path -> writeFile path . prettyShow
    , readFromFile = \path -> readFile path >>= return . read
    , goldenFile = ".golden" </> name </> "golden"
    , actualFile = Just (".golden" </> name </> "actual")
    , failFirstTime = False

spec :: Spec
spec = do
    describe "layout" $ before loadUbuntuRegular $ do
        it "handles input with no spans" $ \_ -> do
            layout [] `shouldBe` []
        it "handles one span with no text" $ \font -> do
            layout [emptySpan font] `shouldBe` []
        it "handles Czech hello" $ \font -> do
            layout [czechHello font] `shouldBeGolden` "czechHello"
spec = return ()

A test/Data/Text/ZipperSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ZipperSpec.hs +166 -0
@@ 0,0 1,166 @@
module Data.Text.ZipperSpec (spec) where

import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Text (Text, empty, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Test.Hspec
import qualified Data.Text.Zipper as Zipper

sampleText :: Text
sampleText =
    Text.dropEnd 6 $
    Text.drop 4 $
    pack "xxx Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. yyyyy"

sampleLength :: Int
sampleLength = 39

midPositions :: [Int]
midPositions = [1, 2, 5, 8, 38]

preMidPositions :: [Int]
preMidPositions = map pred midPositions

spec :: Spec
spec = do

    describe "start on empty text" $ do
        let z = Zipper.start empty
        it "is at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` True
        it "is at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` True
        it "has nothing preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has nothing following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has no next character" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Nothing
        it "recombines into empty text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` empty
        it "unchanged by step" $ do
            Zipper.step z `shouldBe` z
        it "unchanged by advance" $ do
            Zipper.advanceBy 999 z `shouldBe` z

    describe "start" $ do
        let z = Zipper.start sampleText
        it "is at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` True
        it "is not at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
        it "has nothing preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has everything following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` sampleText
        it "has next character 'P'" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Just 'P'
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "split at zero" $ do
        let z = Zipper.splitAt 0 sampleText
        it "is at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` True
        it "is not at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
        it "has nothing preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has everything following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` sampleText
        it "has next character 'P'" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Just 'P'
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "split at negative value" $ do
        let z = Zipper.splitAt (-3) sampleText
        it "is at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` True
        it "is not at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
        it "has nothing preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has everything following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` sampleText
        it "has next character 'P'" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Just 'P'
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    midPositions `forM_` \n ->
        describe ("split at " ++ (show n)) $ do
            let z = Zipper.splitAt n sampleText
            it "is not at start" $ do
                Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` False
            it "is not at end" $ do
                Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
            it ("preceding text has length " ++ show n) $ do
                Text.length (Zipper.preceding z) `shouldBe` n
            it ("following text has length " ++ show (sampleLength-n)) $ do
                Text.length (Zipper.following z) `shouldBe` (sampleLength-n)
            it "recombines into original text" $ do
                Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    preMidPositions `forM_` \n ->
        describe ("split at " ++ (show n) ++ " and step") $ do
            let z = Zipper.step $ Zipper.splitAt n sampleText
            it "is not at start" $ do
                Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` False
            it "is not at end" $ do
                Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` False
            it ("preceding text has length " ++ show (n+1)) $ do
                Text.length (Zipper.preceding z) `shouldBe` (n+1)
            it ("following text has length " ++ show (sampleLength-n-1)) $ do
                Text.length (Zipper.following z) `shouldBe` (sampleLength-n-1)
            it "recombines into original text" $ do
                Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "start and advance by 3" $ do
        let z = Zipper.advanceBy 3 $ Zipper.start sampleText
        it "should be the same as splitting at 3" $ do
            z `shouldBe` Zipper.splitAt 3 sampleText
        it "has next character 'l'" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Just 'l'
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "split at 4 and advance by 3" $ do
        let z = Zipper.advanceBy 3 $ Zipper.splitAt 4 sampleText
        it "should be the same as splitting at 7" $ do
            z `shouldBe` Zipper.splitAt 7 sampleText
        it "has next character z-caron" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Just 'ž'
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "split past text bounds" $ do
        let z = Zipper.splitAt 999 sampleText
        it "is not at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` False
        it "is at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` True
        it "has everything preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` sampleText
        it "has nothing following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has no next character" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Nothing
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText

    describe "split at 3 and advance past text bounds" $ do
        let z = Zipper.advanceBy sampleLength $ Zipper.splitAt 3 sampleText
        it "is not at start" $ do
            Zipper.atStart z `shouldBe` False
        it "is at end" $ do
            Zipper.atEnd z `shouldBe` True
        it "has everything preceding it" $ do
            Zipper.preceding z `shouldBe` sampleText
        it "has nothing following it" $ do
            Zipper.following z `shouldBe` empty
        it "has no next character" $ do
            Zipper.next z `shouldBe` Nothing
        it "recombines into original text" $ do
            Zipper.recombine z `shouldBe` sampleText