
a4ff73944e8ba02f82dbfa8c7aaff20ac438ba2c — Jaro 1 year, 11 months ago 0c7129f
Remove (~) operator from ParagraphConstruction.

The tilde operator was causing compilation errors with older versions
of GHC, possibly due to a conflict with the lazy pattern match syntax.

It has been replaced by a pure Haskell alternative that uses function
M lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphConstruction.hs => lib/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphConstruction.hs +3 -2
@@ 1,7 1,9 @@
-- | Infix operators for construction of paragraphs with readable code.
-- Example construction:
-- @"ignored prefix" |\< en~"one two " \>|\< ja~"三四" \>| "ignored suffix"@
-- @en = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }@
-- @ja = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }@
-- @"ignored prefix" |\< en "one two " \>|\< ja "三四" \>| "ignored suffix"@
-- Special syntax for paragraphs with no contents:
-- @"ignored prefix" |<>| "ignored suffix"@

@@ 10,7 12,6 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphConstruction

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ParagraphConstruction.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ParagraphConstruction.hs +0 -6
@@ 3,7 3,6 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphConstruction

@@ 53,8 52,3 @@ prefix |< (oldText, spans) = Paragraph arr afterPrefix spans
infixr 5 |<>|
(|<>|) :: String -> String -> ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
prefix |<>| suffix = prefix |< (chunk (pack suffix) empty, [])

-- | Combine language with text.
infix 6 ~
(~) :: SpanOptions -> String -> (SpanOptions, String)
opts ~ txt = (opts, txt)

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphData.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ParagraphData.hs +21 -21
@@ 18,63 18,63 @@ import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout (Paragraph, ParagraphOptions, SpanOptions(..))
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ParagraphConstruction

-- | Span with text in the Czech language.
cs :: SpanOptions
cs = SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "cs" }
cs :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
cs = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "cs" }

-- | Span with text in the English language.
en :: SpanOptions
en = SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }
en :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
en = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "en" }

-- | Span with text in the Japanese language.
ja :: SpanOptions
ja = SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }
ja :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
ja = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "ja" }

-- | Span with text in the Serbian language.
sr :: SpanOptions
sr = SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "sr" }
sr :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
sr = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "sr" }

-- | Span with text in no language.
zxx :: SpanOptions
zxx = SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "zxx" }
zxx :: String -> (SpanOptions, String)
zxx = (,) SpanOptions { spanLanguage = "zxx" }

emptyParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
emptyParagraph = "x" |<>| "zzzzzzz"

emptySpanParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
emptySpanParagraph = "xx" |< en~"" >| "zzzzz"
emptySpanParagraph = "xx" |< en "" >| "zzzzz"

trivialParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
trivialParagraph = "xxx" |< en~"a" >| "zzz"
trivialParagraph = "xxx" |< en "a" >| "zzz"

ligatureParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
ligatureParagraph = "" |< en~"inefficient" >| ""
ligatureParagraph = "" |< en "inefficient" >| ""

-- | Fillter text using the Arabic script.
-- Source: <https://generator.lorem-ipsum.info/_arabic>
arabicFillerParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
arabicFillerParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx~"إعلان بأيدي وبغطاء هذه من. عرض غينيا يتمكن واعتلاء في. و فرنسا الثانية وفي, أسر إذ السبب ارتكبها مليارات. فكان الشتاء، ما حتى, غير أن وصغار الأخذ. في الصفحة لهيمنة وتتحمّل وتم, أن أما وبداية الغالي." >| "z"
arabicFillerParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx "إعلان بأيدي وبغطاء هذه من. عرض غينيا يتمكن واعتلاء في. و فرنسا الثانية وفي, أسر إذ السبب ارتكبها مليارات. فكان الشتاء، ما حتى, غير أن وصغار الأخذ. في الصفحة لهيمنة وتتحمّل وتم, أن أما وبداية الغالي." >| "z"

spannedArabicFillerParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
spannedArabicFillerParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx~"إعلان بأيدي وبغطاء " >|< zxx~"هذه من. عرض" >|< zxx~" غينيا يتمكن واعتلاء " >|< zxx~"في. و فرنسا" >|< zxx~" الثانية وفي, أسر " >|< zxx~"إذ السبب ارتكبها" >|< zxx~" مليارات. فكان الشتاء، " >|< zxx~"ما حتى, غير" >|< zxx~" أن وصغار الأخذ. " >|< zxx~"في الصفحة لهيمنة" >|< zxx~" وتتحمّل وتم, أن " >|< zxx~"أما وبداية الغالي." >| "z"
spannedArabicFillerParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx "إعلان بأيدي وبغطاء " >|< zxx "هذه من. عرض" >|< zxx " غينيا يتمكن واعتلاء " >|< zxx "في. و فرنسا" >|< zxx " الثانية وفي, أسر " >|< zxx "إذ السبب ارتكبها" >|< zxx " مليارات. فكان الشتاء، " >|< zxx "ما حتى, غير" >|< zxx " أن وصغار الأخذ. " >|< zxx "في الصفحة لهيمنة" >|< zxx " وتتحمّل وتم, أن " >|< zxx "أما وبداية الغالي." >| "z"

-- | Fillter text using the Latin script.
-- Source: <https://www.lipsum.com/>
loremIpsumParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
loremIpsumParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx~"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." >| "z"
loremIpsumParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." >| "z"

spannedLoremIpsumParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
spannedLoremIpsumParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx~"Lorem ipsum dolor " >|< zxx~"sit amet, consectetur" >|< zxx~" adipiscing elit, sed " >|< zxx~"do eiusmod tempor" >|< zxx~" incididunt ut labore " >|< zxx~"et dolore magna" >|< zxx~" aliqua. Ut enim " >|< zxx~"ad minim veniam," >|< zxx~" quis nostrud exercitation " >|< zxx~"ullamco laboris nisi" >|< zxx~" ut aliquip ex " >|< zxx~"ea commodo consequat." >|< zxx~" Duis aute irure " >|< zxx~"dolor in reprehenderit" >|< zxx~" in voluptate velit " >|< zxx~"esse cillum dolore" >|< zxx~" eu fugiat nulla " >|< zxx~"pariatur. Excepteur" >|< zxx~" sint occaecat cupidatat " >|< zxx~"non proident, sunt" >|< zxx~" in culpa qui " >|< zxx~"officia deserunt mollit" >|< zxx~" anim id est " >|< zxx~"laborum." >| "z"
spannedLoremIpsumParagraph = "xxxx" |< zxx "Lorem ipsum dolor " >|< zxx "sit amet, consectetur" >|< zxx " adipiscing elit, sed " >|< zxx "do eiusmod tempor" >|< zxx " incididunt ut labore " >|< zxx "et dolore magna" >|< zxx " aliqua. Ut enim " >|< zxx "ad minim veniam," >|< zxx " quis nostrud exercitation " >|< zxx "ullamco laboris nisi" >|< zxx " ut aliquip ex " >|< zxx "ea commodo consequat." >|< zxx " Duis aute irure " >|< zxx "dolor in reprehenderit" >|< zxx " in voluptate velit " >|< zxx "esse cillum dolore" >|< zxx " eu fugiat nulla " >|< zxx "pariatur. Excepteur" >|< zxx " sint occaecat cupidatat " >|< zxx "non proident, sunt" >|< zxx " in culpa qui " >|< zxx "officia deserunt mollit" >|< zxx " anim id est " >|< zxx "laborum." >| "z"

czechHelloParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
czechHelloParagraph = "xxxxx" |< cs~"Ahoj, světe!" >| "zz"
czechHelloParagraph = "xxxxx" |< cs "Ahoj, světe!" >| "zz"

mixedScriptSerbianParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
mixedScriptSerbianParagraph = "xxxxxx" |< sr~"Vikipedija (Википедија)" >| "zzzz"
mixedScriptSerbianParagraph = "xxxxxx" |< sr "Vikipedija (Википедија)" >| "zzzz"

-- | For testing line breaking on boundaries that are different from script
-- boundaries.
mixedScriptWordsParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
mixedScriptWordsParagraph = "xxxxxxx" |< zxx~"jjjжжжjjj jjjжжжjjj жжжjjjжжж жжжjjjжжж jжj jжj жjж жjж" >| "zzzzzzzz"
mixedScriptWordsParagraph = "xxxxxxx" |< zxx "jjjжжжjjj jjjжжжjjj жжжjjjжжж жжжjjjжжж jжj jжj жjж жjж" >| "zzzzzzzz"

mixedLanguageLTRParagraph :: ParagraphOptions -> Paragraph
mixedLanguageLTRParagraph = "Tak " |< cs~"jsem tady, " >|< ja~"世界!" >| "zzzzzz"
mixedLanguageLTRParagraph = "Tak " |< cs "jsem tady, " >|< ja "世界!" >| "zzzzzz"