M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +1 -0
@@ 121,6 121,7 @@ library balkon-internal
-- Modules used purely internally and not in any tests.
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Layout,
A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs +276 -0
@@ 0,0 1,276 @@
+-- | Implementation of paragraph layout, decoupled from external interfaces.
+module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Layout
+ ( FragmentWithSpan
+ , layoutAndAlignLines
+ )
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Data.List (mapAccumL)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), nonEmpty, (<|))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
+import Data.Text.Glyphize
+ ( Buffer (..)
+ , ContentType (ContentTypeUnicode)
+ , FontExtents (..)
+ , GlyphInfo
+ , GlyphPos
+ , defaultBuffer
+ , fontExtentsForDir
+ , shape
+ )
+import qualified Data.Text.ICU as BreakStatus (Line (Hard))
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BiDiReorder
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Break
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.LineHeight
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphExtents
+import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ProtoFragment as PF
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rect
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan (WithSpan (WithSpan))
+import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan as RS
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Run
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer
+-- This is redundant.
+-- TODO: Consider using `ResolvedSpan` as `fragmentUserData`, then swapping it
+-- for the actual `spanUserData` before returning it to the user.
+type FragmentWithSpan d = WithSpan d (Fragment d)
+-- | Create a multi-line layout from the given runs, splitting them as
+-- necessary to fit within the requested line width.
+-- The output is a flat list of fragments positioned in both dimensions.
+layoutAndAlignLines :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
+ [FragmentWithSpan d]
+layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth runs = frags
+ where
+ frags = concatMap NonEmpty.toList fragsInLines
+ (_, fragsInLines) = mapAccumL positionLineH originY numberedLines
+ numberedLines = zip [1 ..] canonicalLines
+ canonicalLines = fmap reorder logicalLines
+ logicalLines = nonEmptyItems $ layoutLines maxWidth runs
+ originY = paragraphOriginY
+nonEmptyItems :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
+nonEmptyItems = catMaybes . map nonEmpty . toList
+-- | Create a multi-line layout from the given runs, splitting them as
+-- necessary to fit within the requested line width.
+-- The output is a two-dimensional list of fragments positioned along the
+-- horizontal axis.
+layoutLines ::
+ Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) -> NonEmpty [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment]
+layoutLines maxWidth runs = case nonEmpty rest of
+ -- Everything fits. We are done.
+ Nothing -> fitting :| []
+ -- Something fits, the rest goes on the next line.
+ Just rest' -> fitting <| layoutLines maxWidth rest'
+ where
+ (fitting, rest) = layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs
+-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
+-- | Position all the given horizontal fragments on the same line,
+-- using @originY@ as its top edge, and return the bottom edge for continuation.
+-- Glyphs will be aligned by their ascent line, similar to the behaviour of
+-- @vertical-align: top@ in CSS.
+-- TODO: For rich text, allow other types of vertical alignment.
+positionLineH :: Int32 -> (Int, NonEmpty (WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment)) ->
+ (Int32, NonEmpty (FragmentWithSpan d))
+positionLineH originY (line, pfs) = (nextY, frags)
+ where
+ nextY = maximum $ fmap y_min rects
+ rects = fmap (\ (WithSpan _ r) -> fragmentRect r) frags
+ (_, frags) = mapAccumL (positionFragmentH line originY) originX pfs
+ originX = paragraphOriginX
+-- | Position the given horizontal fragment on a line,
+-- using @originY@ as its top edge and @originX@ as its left edge,
+-- returning the X coordinate of its right edge for continuation.
+positionFragmentH :: Int -> Int32 -> Int32 -> WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment ->
+ (Int32, FragmentWithSpan d)
+positionFragmentH line originY originX (WithSpan rs pf) =
+ (nextX, WithSpan rs frag)
+ where
+ nextX = originX + PF.advance pf
+ frag = Fragment userData line rect (penX, penY) (PF.glyphs pf)
+ userData = RS.spanUserData rs
+ rect = Rect originX originY (PF.advance pf) (-lineHeight)
+ penX = 0
+ penY = descent + leading `div` 2 - lineHeight
+ lineHeight = case RS.spanLineHeight rs of
+ Normal -> normalLineHeight
+ Absolute h -> h
+ leading = lineHeight - normalLineHeight
+ normalLineHeight = ascent + descent
+ ascent = ascender extents
+ descent = - descender extents
+ extents = fontExtentsForDir font (PF.direction pf)
+ font = RS.spanFont rs
+-- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs, breaking them as necessary
+-- to fit as much content as possible without exceeding the maximum line width,
+-- and return the remaining runs to be placed on other lines.
+layoutAndWrapRunsH :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
+ ([WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan d Run])
+layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs = NonEmpty.head $ validLayouts
+ where
+ validLayouts = dropWhile1 tooLong layouts
+ tooLong (pfs, _) = totalAdvances pfs > maxWidth
+ layouts = fmap layoutFst splits
+ layoutFst (runs1, runs2) = (layoutRunsH runs1, runs2)
+ -- TODO: Consider optimising.
+ -- We do not need to look for soft breaks further than the
+ -- shortest hard break.
+ splits = hardSplit runs :| softSplits runs
+-- | Treat a list of runs as a contiguous sequence, and split them into two
+-- lists so that the first list contains as many non-whitespace characters as
+-- possible without crossing a hard line break (typically after a newline
+-- character).
+-- If the input is non-empty and starts with a hard line break, then the first
+-- output list will contain a run of zero characters. This can be used to
+-- correctly size an empty line.
+-- If there is no hard line break in the input, the first output list will
+-- contain the whole input, and the second output list will be empty.
+hardSplit :: NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) -> ([WithSpan d Run], [WithSpan d Run])
+hardSplit runs = allowFstEmpty $ trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
+ where
+ trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
+ trim
+ = trimTextsStartPreserve isStartSpace
+ . trimTextsEndPreserve isEndSpace
+ . trimTextsEndPreserve isNewline
+ -- TODO: Consider optimising.
+ -- We do not need to look for any line breaks further than the
+ -- shortest hard break.
+ splits = noSplit :| map allowSndEmpty hSplits
+ noSplit = (runs, [])
+ hSplits = -- from longest to shortest
+ splitTextsBy (map fst . filter isHard . runLineBreaks) runs
+ isHard (_, status) = status == BreakStatus.Hard
+-- | Treat a list of runs as a contiguous sequence,
+-- and find all possible ways to split them into two non-empty lists,
+-- using soft line break opportunities (typically after words) and then
+-- using character boundaries.
+-- Runs of zero characters will not be created. If line breaking would result
+-- in a line that consists entirely of whitespace, this whitespace will be
+-- skipped, so an empty line is not created.
+-- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered so that items
+-- closer to the start of the list are preferred for line breaking, but without
+-- considering overflows.
+softSplits :: NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
+ [([WithSpan d Run], [WithSpan d Run])]
+softSplits runs = map (allowSndEmpty . trimFst) splits
+ where
+ trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
+ trim = trimTextsStart isStartSpace . trimTextsEnd isEndSpace
+ splits = lSplits ++ cSplits
+ lSplits = splitTextsBy (map fst . runLineBreaks) runs
+ -- TODO: Consider optimising.
+ -- We do not need to look for character breaks further than the
+ -- shortest line break.
+ cSplits = splitTextsBy (map fst . runCharacterBreaks) runs
+allowFstEmpty :: (NonEmpty a, b) -> ([a], b)
+allowFstEmpty (a, b) = (NonEmpty.toList a, b)
+allowSndEmpty :: (a, NonEmpty b) -> (a, [b])
+allowSndEmpty (a, b) = (a, NonEmpty.toList b)
+-- | The suffix remaining after removing the longest prefix of the list for
+-- which the predicate holds, except always including at least the last element
+-- of the original list.
+dropWhile1 :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
+dropWhile1 p list = case NonEmpty.uncons list of
+ (_, Nothing) -> list
+ (x, Just xs) -> if p x
+ then dropWhile1 p xs
+ else list
+-- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs on the same line, without
+-- any breaking.
+layoutRunsH :: [WithSpan d Run] -> [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment]
+layoutRunsH runs = map layoutRunH runs
+-- | Sum of all advances within the given fragments.
+totalAdvances :: [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment] -> Int32
+totalAdvances pfs = sum $ map (\ (WithSpan _ pf) -> PF.advance pf) pfs
+-- | Calculate layout for the given horizontal run and attach extra information.
+layoutRunH :: WithSpan d Run -> WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment
+layoutRunH (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
+ where
+ pf = PF.protoFragmentH dir glyphs
+ glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
+ dir = runDirection run
+-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
+shapeRun :: WithSpan d Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
+shapeRun (WithSpan rs run) = shape font buffer features
+ where
+ font = RS.spanFont rs
+ buffer = defaultBuffer
+ { text = Lazy.fromStrict $ runText run
+ , contentType = Just ContentTypeUnicode
+ , direction = runDirection run
+ , script = runScript run
+ , language = Just $ RS.spanLanguage rs
+ -- Perhaps counter-intuitively, the `beginsText` and `endsText`
+ -- flags refer to everything that "Data.Text.Glyphize" can see,
+ -- not just the current run.
+ --
+ -- Since all runs are cut from a single continuous `Text` that
+ -- represents the entire paragraph, and "Data.Text.Glyphize" peeks
+ -- at the whole underlying byte array, HarfBuzz will be able to see
+ -- both the beginning and the end of the paragraph at all times,
+ -- so these flags can always be set.
+ , beginsText = True
+ , endsText = True
+ }
+ features = []
+runLineBreaks :: WithSpan d Run -> [(Int, BreakStatus.Line)]
+runLineBreaks (WithSpan rs run) =
+ runBreaksFromSpan run $ RS.spanLineBreaks rs
+runCharacterBreaks :: WithSpan d Run -> [(Int, ())]
+runCharacterBreaks (WithSpan rs run) =
+ runBreaksFromSpan run $ RS.spanCharacterBreaks rs
+-- | Constrain span breaks to a selected run and adjust offsets.
+runBreaksFromSpan :: Run -> [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
+runBreaksFromSpan run spanBreaks =
+ dropWhile (not . valid) $ subOffsetsDesc (runOffsetInSpan run) spanBreaks
+ where
+ valid (off, _) = off < runLength
+ runLength = lengthWord8 $ getText run
+-- | Predicate for characters that can be potentially removed from the
+-- beginning of a line according to the CSS Text Module.
+isStartSpace :: Char -> Bool
+isStartSpace c = c `elem` [' ', '\t']
+-- | Predicate for characters that can be potentially removed from the end of
+-- a line according to the CSS Text Module.
+isEndSpace :: Char -> Bool
+isEndSpace c = c `elem` [' ', '\t', '\x1680']
+-- | Predicate for characters that should be removed from the end of a line in
+-- the case of a hard line break.
+isNewline :: Char -> Bool
+isNewline c = c == '\n'
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Plain.hs +2 -263
@@ 2,48 2,20 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain (layoutPlain)
import Control.Applicative (ZipList (ZipList), getZipList)
-import Data.Foldable (toList)
-import Data.Int (Int32)
-import Data.List (mapAccumL)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), nonEmpty, (<|))
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
-import Data.Text.Foreign (lengthWord8)
-import Data.Text.Glyphize
- ( Buffer (..)
- , ContentType (ContentTypeUnicode)
- , FontExtents (..)
- , GlyphInfo
- , GlyphPos
- , defaultBuffer
- , fontExtentsForDir
- , shape
- )
import Data.Text.ICU (Breaker, LocaleName, breakCharacter, breakLine)
-import qualified Data.Text.ICU as BreakStatus (Line (Hard))
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.BiDiReorder
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Break
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Fragment
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.LineHeight
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphExtents
+import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Layout
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ParagraphOptions
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.Paragraph
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Plain.ParagraphLayout
-import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ProtoFragment as PF
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Rect
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan (WithSpan (WithSpan))
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ResolvedSpan as RS
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Run
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Span
-import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.TextContainer
--- This is redundant.
--- TODO: Consider using `ResolvedSpan` as `fragmentUserData`, then swapping it
--- for the actual `spanUserData` before returning it to the user.
-type FragmentWithSpan d = WithSpan d (Fragment d)
-- | Lay out a paragraph of plain, unidirectional text using a single font.
layoutPlain :: Paragraph d -> ParagraphLayout d
@@ 68,208 40,6 @@ spansToRunsWrapped ss = concat $ map spanToRunsWrapped ss
spanToRunsWrapped :: RS.ResolvedSpan d -> [WithSpan d Run]
spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)
--- | Create a multi-line layout from the given runs, splitting them as
--- necessary to fit within the requested line width.
--- The output is a flat list of fragments positioned in both dimensions.
-layoutAndAlignLines :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
- [FragmentWithSpan d]
-layoutAndAlignLines maxWidth runs = frags
- where
- frags = concatMap NonEmpty.toList fragsInLines
- (_, fragsInLines) = mapAccumL positionLineH originY numberedLines
- numberedLines = zip [1 ..] canonicalLines
- canonicalLines = fmap reorder logicalLines
- logicalLines = nonEmptyItems $ layoutLines maxWidth runs
- originY = paragraphOriginY
-nonEmptyItems :: Foldable t => t [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
-nonEmptyItems = catMaybes . map nonEmpty . toList
--- | Create a multi-line layout from the given runs, splitting them as
--- necessary to fit within the requested line width.
--- The output is a two-dimensional list of fragments positioned along the
--- horizontal axis.
-layoutLines ::
- Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) -> NonEmpty [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment]
-layoutLines maxWidth runs = case nonEmpty rest of
- -- Everything fits. We are done.
- Nothing -> fitting :| []
- -- Something fits, the rest goes on the next line.
- Just rest' -> fitting <| layoutLines maxWidth rest'
- where
- (fitting, rest) = layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs
--- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
--- | Position all the given horizontal fragments on the same line,
--- using @originY@ as its top edge, and return the bottom edge for continuation.
--- Glyphs will be aligned by their ascent line, similar to the behaviour of
--- @vertical-align: top@ in CSS.
--- TODO: For rich text, allow other types of vertical alignment.
-positionLineH :: Int32 -> (Int, NonEmpty (WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment)) ->
- (Int32, NonEmpty (FragmentWithSpan d))
-positionLineH originY (line, pfs) = (nextY, frags)
- where
- nextY = maximum $ fmap y_min rects
- rects = fmap (\ (WithSpan _ r) -> fragmentRect r) frags
- (_, frags) = mapAccumL (positionFragmentH line originY) originX pfs
- originX = paragraphOriginX
--- | Position the given horizontal fragment on a line,
--- using @originY@ as its top edge and @originX@ as its left edge,
--- returning the X coordinate of its right edge for continuation.
-positionFragmentH :: Int -> Int32 -> Int32 -> WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment ->
- (Int32, FragmentWithSpan d)
-positionFragmentH line originY originX (WithSpan rs pf) =
- (nextX, WithSpan rs frag)
- where
- nextX = originX + PF.advance pf
- frag = Fragment userData line rect (penX, penY) (PF.glyphs pf)
- userData = RS.spanUserData rs
- rect = Rect originX originY (PF.advance pf) (-lineHeight)
- penX = 0
- penY = descent + leading `div` 2 - lineHeight
- lineHeight = case RS.spanLineHeight rs of
- Normal -> normalLineHeight
- Absolute h -> h
- leading = lineHeight - normalLineHeight
- normalLineHeight = ascent + descent
- ascent = ascender extents
- descent = - descender extents
- extents = fontExtentsForDir font (PF.direction pf)
- font = RS.spanFont rs
--- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs, breaking them as necessary
--- to fit as much content as possible without exceeding the maximum line width,
--- and return the remaining runs to be placed on other lines.
-layoutAndWrapRunsH :: Int32 -> NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
- ([WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment], [WithSpan d Run])
-layoutAndWrapRunsH maxWidth runs = NonEmpty.head $ validLayouts
- where
- validLayouts = dropWhile1 tooLong layouts
- tooLong (pfs, _) = totalAdvances pfs > maxWidth
- layouts = fmap layoutFst splits
- layoutFst (runs1, runs2) = (layoutRunsH runs1, runs2)
- -- TODO: Consider optimising.
- -- We do not need to look for soft breaks further than the
- -- shortest hard break.
- splits = hardSplit runs :| softSplits runs
--- | Treat a list of runs as a contiguous sequence, and split them into two
--- lists so that the first list contains as many non-whitespace characters as
--- possible without crossing a hard line break (typically after a newline
--- character).
--- If the input is non-empty and starts with a hard line break, then the first
--- output list will contain a run of zero characters. This can be used to
--- correctly size an empty line.
--- If there is no hard line break in the input, the first output list will
--- contain the whole input, and the second output list will be empty.
-hardSplit :: NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) -> ([WithSpan d Run], [WithSpan d Run])
-hardSplit runs = allowFstEmpty $ trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
- where
- trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
- trim
- = trimTextsStartPreserve isStartSpace
- . trimTextsEndPreserve isEndSpace
- . trimTextsEndPreserve isNewline
- -- TODO: Consider optimising.
- -- We do not need to look for any line breaks further than the
- -- shortest hard break.
- splits = noSplit :| map allowSndEmpty hSplits
- noSplit = (runs, [])
- hSplits = -- from longest to shortest
- splitTextsBy (map fst . filter isHard . runLineBreaks) runs
- isHard (_, status) = status == BreakStatus.Hard
--- | Treat a list of runs as a contiguous sequence,
--- and find all possible ways to split them into two non-empty lists,
--- using soft line break opportunities (typically after words) and then
--- using character boundaries.
--- Runs of zero characters will not be created. If line breaking would result
--- in a line that consists entirely of whitespace, this whitespace will be
--- skipped, so an empty line is not created.
--- The results in the form (prefix, suffix) will be ordered so that items
--- closer to the start of the list are preferred for line breaking, but without
--- considering overflows.
-softSplits :: NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) ->
- [([WithSpan d Run], [WithSpan d Run])]
-softSplits runs = map (allowSndEmpty . trimFst) splits
- where
- trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
- trim = trimTextsStart isStartSpace . trimTextsEnd isEndSpace
- splits = lSplits ++ cSplits
- lSplits = splitTextsBy (map fst . runLineBreaks) runs
- -- TODO: Consider optimising.
- -- We do not need to look for character breaks further than the
- -- shortest line break.
- cSplits = splitTextsBy (map fst . runCharacterBreaks) runs
-allowFstEmpty :: (NonEmpty a, b) -> ([a], b)
-allowFstEmpty (a, b) = (NonEmpty.toList a, b)
-allowSndEmpty :: (a, NonEmpty b) -> (a, [b])
-allowSndEmpty (a, b) = (a, NonEmpty.toList b)
--- | The suffix remaining after removing the longest prefix of the list for
--- which the predicate holds, except always including at least the last element
--- of the original list.
-dropWhile1 :: (a -> Bool) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
-dropWhile1 p list = case NonEmpty.uncons list of
- (_, Nothing) -> list
- (x, Just xs) -> if p x
- then dropWhile1 p xs
- else list
--- | Calculate layout for multiple horizontal runs on the same line, without
--- any breaking.
-layoutRunsH :: [WithSpan d Run] -> [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment]
-layoutRunsH runs = map layoutRunH runs
--- | Sum of all advances within the given fragments.
-totalAdvances :: [WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment] -> Int32
-totalAdvances pfs = sum $ map (\ (WithSpan _ pf) -> PF.advance pf) pfs
--- | Calculate layout for the given horizontal run and attach extra information.
-layoutRunH :: WithSpan d Run -> WithSpan d PF.ProtoFragment
-layoutRunH (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
- where
- pf = PF.protoFragmentH dir glyphs
- glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
- dir = runDirection run
--- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
-shapeRun :: WithSpan d Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
-shapeRun (WithSpan rs run) = shape font buffer features
- where
- font = RS.spanFont rs
- buffer = defaultBuffer
- { text = Lazy.fromStrict $ runText run
- , contentType = Just ContentTypeUnicode
- , direction = runDirection run
- , script = runScript run
- , language = Just $ RS.spanLanguage rs
- -- Perhaps counter-intuitively, the `beginsText` and `endsText`
- -- flags refer to everything that "Data.Text.Glyphize" can see,
- -- not just the current run.
- --
- -- Since all runs are cut from a single continuous `Text` that
- -- represents the entire paragraph, and "Data.Text.Glyphize" peeks
- -- at the whole underlying byte array, HarfBuzz will be able to see
- -- both the beginning and the end of the paragraph at all times,
- -- so these flags can always be set.
- , beginsText = True
- , endsText = True
- }
- features = []
resolveSpans :: Paragraph d -> [RS.ResolvedSpan d]
resolveSpans p@(Paragraph _ pStart spans pOpts) = do
let sBounds = paragraphSpanBounds p
@@ 300,34 70,3 @@ resolveSpans p@(Paragraph _ pStart spans pOpts) = do
paragraphBreaks :: (LocaleName -> Breaker a) -> Text -> String -> [(Int, a)]
paragraphBreaks breakFunc txt lang =
breaksDesc (breakFunc (locale lang LBAuto)) txt
-runLineBreaks :: WithSpan d Run -> [(Int, BreakStatus.Line)]
-runLineBreaks (WithSpan rs run) =
- runBreaksFromSpan run $ RS.spanLineBreaks rs
-runCharacterBreaks :: WithSpan d Run -> [(Int, ())]
-runCharacterBreaks (WithSpan rs run) =
- runBreaksFromSpan run $ RS.spanCharacterBreaks rs
--- | Constrain span breaks to a selected run and adjust offsets.
-runBreaksFromSpan :: Run -> [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
-runBreaksFromSpan run spanBreaks =
- dropWhile (not . valid) $ subOffsetsDesc (runOffsetInSpan run) spanBreaks
- where
- valid (off, _) = off < runLength
- runLength = lengthWord8 $ getText run
--- | Predicate for characters that can be potentially removed from the
--- beginning of a line according to the CSS Text Module.
-isStartSpace :: Char -> Bool
-isStartSpace c = c `elem` [' ', '\t']
--- | Predicate for characters that can be potentially removed from the end of
--- a line according to the CSS Text Module.
-isEndSpace :: Char -> Bool
-isEndSpace c = c `elem` [' ', '\t', '\x1680']
--- | Predicate for characters that should be removed from the end of a line in
--- the case of a hard line break.
-isNewline :: Char -> Bool
-isNewline c = c == '\n'