M balkon.cabal => balkon.cabal +1 -0
@@ 100,6 100,7 @@ library
+ Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ProtoFragment
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Plain.hs +47 -42
@@ 40,6 40,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Fragment
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.LineHeight
+import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ProtoFragment as PF
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Rect
import qualified Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ResolvedSpan as RS
import Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Run
@@ 111,14 112,6 @@ base = Rect 0 0 0 0
containRects :: (Ord a, Num a) => [Rect a] -> Rect a
containRects = foldr union base
-containGlyphsH :: Int32 -> [GlyphPos] -> Rect Int32
-containGlyphsH lineHeight ps = Rect
- { x_origin = 0
- , y_origin = 0
- , x_size = sum $ map x_advance ps
- , y_size = lineHeight
- }
-- | Interface for basic plain text layout.
-- The entire paragraph will be assumed to have the same text direction and
@@ 129,47 122,36 @@ layoutPlain paragraph = ParagraphLayout pRect layouts
pRect = containRects allRects
allRects = concat $ map spanRects layouts
- layouts = snd $ addSpansH 0 spans
- spans = resolveSpans paragraph
--- | Calculate layout for all given spans,
--- arrange them in one horizontal direction starting from the given x_offset,
--- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
-addSpansH :: Int32 -> [RS.ResolvedSpan] -> (Int32, [SpanLayout])
-addSpansH currentX rss = mapAccumL addSpanH currentX rss
--- TODO: Break lines.
--- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
+ layouts = layoutSpans $ resolveSpans paragraph
--- | Calculate layout for the given span, arrange each of its fragments
--- in one horizontal direction starting from the given x_offset,
--- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
-addSpanH :: Int32 -> RS.ResolvedSpan -> (Int32, SpanLayout)
-addSpanH currentX rs = (nextX, SpanLayout frags)
- where (nextX, frags) = mapAccumL addRunH currentX $ spanToRunsWrapped rs
+layoutSpans :: [RS.ResolvedSpan] -> [SpanLayout]
+layoutSpans spans = map SpanLayout fragsBySpan
+ where
+ fragsBySpan = take (length spans) $ splitBySpanIndex indexedPfs
+ indexedPfs = layoutSingleLine $ concat $ map spanToRunsWrapped spans
spanToRunsWrapped :: RS.ResolvedSpan -> [WithSpan Run]
spanToRunsWrapped s = map (WithSpan s) (spanToRuns s)
--- | Calculate layout for the given run,
--- place the generated fragment horizontally at the given x_offset,
--- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
-addRunH :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> (Int32, Fragment)
-addRunH currentX run = (nextX, nextFrag)
+-- TODO: Break lines.
+layoutSingleLine :: [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan Fragment]
+layoutSingleLine runs = indexedFrags
- frag = layoutRun run
- rect = fragmentRect frag
- nextX = currentX + x_size rect
- nextFrag = frag { fragmentRect = nextRect }
- nextRect = rect { x_origin = currentX }
-layoutRun :: WithSpan Run -> Fragment
-layoutRun (WithSpan rs run) = Fragment rect (penX, penY) glyphs
+ indexedFrags = map (alignFragmentH originY) pfs
+ pfs = addRunsH originX runs
+ originX = 0
+ originY = 0
+-- TODO: Allow a run across multiple spans (e.g. if they only differ by colour).
+-- | Align the given horizontal fragment vertically on a line,
+-- using `originY` as its bottom edge.
+alignFragmentH :: Int32 -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment -> WithSpan Fragment
+alignFragmentH originY (WithSpan rs pf) = WithSpan rs (Fragment rect (penX, penY) (PF.glyphs pf))
- rect = containGlyphsH lineHeight $ map snd $ glyphs
- penX = 0 -- for horizontal text
+ rect = Rect (PF.offset pf) originY (PF.advance pf) lineHeight
+ penX = 0
penY = descent + leading `div` 2
- glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
lineHeight = case RS.spanLineHeight rs of
Normal -> normalLineHeight
Absolute h -> h
@@ 177,8 159,31 @@ layoutRun (WithSpan rs run) = Fragment rect (penX, penY) glyphs
normalLineHeight = ascent + descent
ascent = ascender extents
descent = - descender extents
- extents = fontExtentsForDir font dir
+ extents = fontExtentsForDir font (PF.direction pf)
font = RS.spanFont rs
+-- | Calculate layout for multiple runs on the same line,
+-- arrange them in one horizontal direction starting from the given x_offset.
+addRunsH :: Int32 -> [WithSpan Run] -> [WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment]
+addRunsH currentX runs = snd $ mapAccumL addRunH currentX runs
+-- | Calculate layout for the given run,
+-- place the generated fragment horizontally at the given x_offset in a line,
+-- and return the final x_offset for continuation.
+addRunH :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> (Int32, WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment)
+addRunH currentX run = (nextX, WithSpan rs pf)
+ where
+ WithSpan rs pf = layoutRun currentX run
+ nextX = currentX + PF.advance pf
+-- | Calculate layout for the given run and position it in a line.
+layoutRun :: Int32 -> WithSpan Run -> WithSpan PF.ProtoFragment
+layoutRun originX (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
+ where
+ pf = PF.ProtoFragment dir originX totalX glyphs
+ glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
+ positions = map snd glyphs
+ totalX = sum $ map x_advance positions
dir = runDirection run
-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
A src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ProtoFragment.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/ProtoFragment.hs +18 -0
@@ 0,0 1,18 @@
+module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.ProtoFragment (ProtoFragment(..))
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Data.Text.Glyphize (Direction, GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)
+-- | A box fragment positioned within an indeterminate line.
+data ProtoFragment = ProtoFragment
+ { direction :: Maybe Direction
+ -- ^ Text direction, which is constant within a fragment.
+ , offset :: Int32
+ -- ^ Distance from the start of the line,
+ -- depending on the text direction.
+ , advance :: Int32
+ -- ^ Total advance of glyphs in this fragment,
+ -- depending on the text direction.
+ , glyphs :: [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
+ }