
9882655af0f3c376271f16e5ea1dcec62ed275f9 — Jaro 1 year, 9 months ago 9bb873b
Fix documentation: references to non-imported names.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Fragment.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Fragment.hs +3 -3
@@ 35,9 35,9 @@ data Fragment = Fragment

    , fragmentPen :: (Int32, Int32)
    -- ^ Coordinates of the initial pen position, from which the first glyph
    -- should be drawn, relative to the origin of the `fragmentRect`.
    -- Each glyph's `x_advance` or `y_advance` are then used to move the pen
    -- position for the next glyph.
    -- should be drawn, relative to the origin of the `fragmentRect`. Each
    -- glyph's `Data.Text.Glyphize.x_advance` or `Data.Text.Glyphize.y_advance`
    -- are then used to move the pen position for the next glyph.

    , fragmentGlyphs :: [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
    -- ^ Glyphs contained in the fragment, as returned from HarfBuzz.

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Zipper.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Zipper.hs +2 -2
@@ 92,8 92,8 @@ measureI8 n t =

-- | /O(1)/ Unsafe recombination of two `Text`s.
-- Requires that both `Text`s are based on the same `Array` and adjacent to
-- each other.
-- Requires that both `Text`s are based on the same `Data.Text.Array`
-- and adjacent to each other.
recombine' :: Text -> Text -> Text
recombine' (Text _ _ 0) t = t
recombine' t (Text _ _ 0) = t