
924bcdcbb55270f059795fd87cb28dae6e6d05e7 — Jaro 1 year, 7 months ago 13b3a63
Separate vertical alignment from horizontal positioning.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs +9 -8
@@ 114,8 114,10 @@ positionLineH dir align maxWidth originY (num, pl) = (nextY, frags)
        nextY = minimum $ fmap y_min rects
        rects = fmap (\ (WithSpan _ r) -> fragmentRect r) frags
        (_, frags) = mapAccumL (positionFragmentH num originY) originX wpfs
        wpfs = PL.applyBoxes pl
        (_, frags) = mapAccumL (positionFragmentH num) originX wpfs
        wpfs = PL.applyBoxes verticallyAlignedLine
        verticallyAlignedLine = PL.mapFragments setOrigin pl
        setOrigin = PF.mapVerticalOffsets (VO.alignLayoutTop originY)
        originX = paragraphOriginX + if lineWidth > maxWidth
            then overflowingLineOffset dir (lineWidth - maxWidth)
            else fittingLineOffset align dir (maxWidth - lineWidth)

@@ 155,12 157,11 @@ rightAlignOffset slack = slack
centreAlignOffset :: Int32 -> Int32
centreAlignOffset slack = slack `div` 2

-- | Position the given horizontal fragment on a line,
-- using @originY@ as its top edge and @originX@ as its left edge,
-- returning the X coordinate of its right edge for continuation.
positionFragmentH :: Int -> Int32 -> Int32 -> ProtoFragmentWithBoxes d ->
-- | Position the given horizontal fragment on a line, using @originX@ as its
-- left edge, returning the X coordinate of its right edge for continuation.
positionFragmentH :: Int -> Int32 -> ProtoFragmentWithBoxes d ->
    (Int32, FragmentWithSpan d)
positionFragmentH line originY originX (WithBoxes lbs (WithSpan rs pf) rbs) =
positionFragmentH line originX (WithBoxes lbs (WithSpan rs pf) rbs) =
    (nextX, WithSpan rs frag)
        nextX = contentX + contentWidth + rightSpacing

@@ 189,7 190,7 @@ positionFragmentH line originY originX (WithBoxes lbs (WithSpan rs pf) rbs) =
            , VO.baseline = baseline
            , VO.fontBottom = fontBottom
            , VO.layoutBottom = layoutBottom
            } = VO.alignLayoutTop originY $ PF.verticalOffsets pf
            } = PF.verticalOffsets pf

    :: [RB.ResolvedBox d]

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs +9 -0
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ProtoFragment
    ( ProtoFragment (direction, verticalOffsets, advance, glyphs, hardBreak)
    , protoFragmentH
    , mapVerticalOffsets

@@ 40,5 41,13 @@ protoFragmentH dir lvl vo gs hard = ProtoFragment dir lvl vo adv gs hard
        adv = sum $ map (x_advance . snd) gs

-- | Apply the given function to the `verticalOffsets` in the given fragment.
    :: (VO.VerticalOffsets -> VO.VerticalOffsets)
    -> ProtoFragment
    -> ProtoFragment
mapVerticalOffsets mapFunc pf =
    pf { verticalOffsets = mapFunc $ verticalOffsets pf }

instance BiDi.WithLevel ProtoFragment where
    level = level -- BiDi.level = ProtoFragment.level

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoLine.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoLine.hs +12 -0
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ProtoLine
    , visible
    , width
    , applyBoxes
    , mapFragments

@@ 93,3 94,14 @@ boxesStart pl = allBoxes (protoFragments pl) `diff` prevOpenBoxes pl
-- | Boxes that end on the given line.
boxesEnd :: (Foldable f, Functor f) => ProtoLine f d -> [ResolvedBox d]
boxesEnd pl = allBoxes (protoFragments pl) `diff` nextOpenBoxes pl

-- | Apply a function to every fragment on the line.
-- (`ResolvedSpan` is intentionally not passed to the mapping function,
-- to avoid the need for recalculating `prevOpenBoxes` and `nextOpenBoxes`).
mapFragments :: Functor f =>
    (ProtoFragment -> ProtoFragment) -> ProtoLine f d -> ProtoLine f d
mapFragments mapFunc pl =
    pl { protoFragments = fmap mapFunc' $ protoFragments pl }
        mapFunc' (WithSpan rs pf) = WithSpan rs $ mapFunc pf