@@ 8,6 8,7 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.Break
( LineBreak (..)
, locale
+ , breaksAsc
, breaksDesc
, subOffsetsDesc
@@ 19,7 20,9 @@ import Data.Text.ICU
( Break
, Breaker
, LocaleName (Locale)
+ , breaks
, breaksRight
+ , brkBreak
, brkPrefix
, brkStatus
@@ 49,6 52,16 @@ locale lang lb = Locale $ (clean lang) ++ (lbKeyword lb)
-- This filter is here just to stop syntactically incorrect input.
clean = takeWhile (`elem` ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ "_-")
+-- | List of all breaks in the given text, with offsets in ascending order,
+-- including the status of the break if applicable.
+-- Excludes the start of the text (with offset 0).
+-- Includes the end of the text (with offset equal to the text length)
+-- as the last list item.
+breaksAsc :: Breaker a -> Text -> [(Int, a)]
+breaksAsc breaker input = map brkEndOffsetStatus $ breaks breaker input
-- | List of all breaks in the given text, with offsets in descending order,
-- including the status of the break if applicable.
@@ 61,12 74,21 @@ breaksDesc breaker input = map brkStartOffsetStatus $ breaksRight breaker input
brkStartOffsetStatus :: Break a -> (Int, a)
brkStartOffsetStatus brk = (brkStartOffset brk, brkStatus brk)
+brkEndOffsetStatus :: Break a -> (Int, a)
+brkEndOffsetStatus brk = (brkEndOffset brk, brkStatus brk)
-- | The ICU library returns "breaks" as slices of text with two boundaries.
-- This gives the smaller of the two distances from the start of the text
-- to the boundaries of the break.
brkStartOffset :: Break a -> Int
brkStartOffset brk = lengthWord8 (brkPrefix brk)
+-- | The ICU library returns "breaks" as slices of text with two boundaries.
+-- This gives the larger of the two distances from the start of the text
+-- to the boundaries of the break.
+brkEndOffset :: Break a -> Int
+brkEndOffset brk = lengthWord8 (brkPrefix brk) + lengthWord8 (brkBreak brk)
-- | Given a list of offsets into a text in descending order, produce a list of
-- corresponding offsets into a slice of the text starting at a given offset.
subOffsetsDesc :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]