
72076d17d2d2d6a0db54aa168366fa9a6ab646e0 — Jaro 1 year, 6 months ago 92075f5
Internally mark hard line breaks.
M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Layout.hs +21 -6
@@ 246,12 246,22 @@ lastSpanBoxes xs = case reverse xs of
-- output list will contain a run of zero characters. This can be used to
-- correctly size an empty line.
-- If there is a hard line break in the input, the run containing it will have
-- its `runHardBreak` set to `True`.
-- If there is no hard line break in the input, the first output list will
-- contain the whole input, and the second output list will be empty.
hardSplit :: NonEmpty (WithSpan d Run) -> ([WithSpan d Run], [WithSpan d Run])
hardSplit runs = allowFstEmpty $ trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
hardSplit runs = case reverse hSplits of
    [] -> noSplit
    (splitRuns : _) -> forcedSplit splitRuns
        trimFst (runs1, runs2) = (trim runs1, runs2)
        noSplit =
            (NonEmpty.toList (trim runs), [])
        forcedSplit (runs1, runs2) =
            (NonEmpty.toList $ markHard $ trim runs1, runs2)
        markHard = mapLast markHard'
        markHard' (WithSpan rs x) = WithSpan rs x { runHardBreak = True }
            = trimTextsStartPreserve isStartSpace
            . trimTextsEndPreserve isEndSpace

@@ 259,13 269,17 @@ hardSplit runs = allowFstEmpty $ trimFst $ NonEmpty.last $ splits
        -- TODO: Consider optimising.
        --       We do not need to look for any line breaks further than the
        --       shortest hard break.
        splits = noSplit :| hSplits
        noSplit = (runs, [])
        hSplits = nonEmptyFsts $
            -- from longest to shortest
            splitTextsBy (map fst . filter isHard . runLineBreaks) runs
        isHard (_, status) = status == BreakStatus.Hard

-- | Apply a function to the last element of the non-empty list.
mapLast :: (a -> a) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
mapLast f xs = case NonEmpty.uncons xs of
    (x, Nothing) -> f x :| []
    (x, Just rest) -> NonEmpty.cons x $ mapLast f rest

-- | Treat a list of runs as a contiguous sequence,
-- and find all possible ways to split them into two non-empty lists,
-- using soft line break opportunities (typically after words) and then

@@ 312,10 326,11 @@ layoutRunsH runs = map layoutRunH runs
layoutRunH :: WithSpan d Run -> ProtoFragmentWithSpan d
layoutRunH (WithSpan rs run) = WithSpan rs pf
        pf = PF.protoFragmentH dir lvl glyphs
        pf = PF.protoFragmentH dir lvl glyphs hard
        glyphs = shapeRun (WithSpan rs run)
        dir = runDirection run
        lvl = runLevel run
        hard = runHardBreak run

-- | Calculate layout for the given run independently of its position.
shapeRun :: WithSpan d Run -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]

@@ 356,7 371,7 @@ runBreaksFromSpan :: Run -> [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
runBreaksFromSpan run spanBreaks =
    dropWhile (not . valid) $ subOffsetsDesc (runOffsetInSpan run) spanBreaks
        valid (off, _) = off < runLength
        valid (off, _) = off <= runLength
        runLength = lengthWord8 $ getText run

-- | Predicate for characters that can be potentially removed from the

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/ProtoFragment.hs +5 -3
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
module Data.Text.ParagraphLayout.Internal.ProtoFragment
    ( ProtoFragment (direction, advance, glyphs)
    ( ProtoFragment (direction, advance, glyphs, hardBreak)
    , protoFragmentH

@@ 20,13 20,15 @@ data ProtoFragment = ProtoFragment
    -- ^ Total advance of glyphs in this fragment,
    -- depending on the text direction.
    , glyphs :: [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)]
    , hardBreak :: Bool
    -- ^ Marks fragment that ends with a forced line break.

-- | Construct a `ProtoFragment`, automatically calculating the total advance
-- for a horizontal text direction.
protoFragmentH :: Direction -> BiDi.Level -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] ->
protoFragmentH :: Direction -> BiDi.Level -> [(GlyphInfo, GlyphPos)] -> Bool ->
protoFragmentH dir lvl gs = ProtoFragment dir lvl adv gs
protoFragmentH dir lvl gs hard = ProtoFragment dir lvl adv gs hard
        adv = sum $ map (x_advance . snd) gs

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Rich.hs +11 -5
@@ 66,8 66,8 @@ resolveSpans p = do
    let lang = textLanguage textOpts
    -- TODO: Allow BiDi embedding/isolation for inner nodes.
    let pLevels = textLevels (textDirection rootTextOpts) pText
    let lBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakLine pText lang
    let cBreaks = paragraphBreaks breakCharacter pText lang
    let lBreaks = paragraphBreaksDesc breakLine pText lang
    let cBreaks = paragraphBreaksDesc breakCharacter pText lang
    -- TODO: Optimise. This has time complexity O(n*s), where n is number of
    --       characters and s is number of resolved spans.
    --       Maybe include byte offsets in the TextLevels data structure?

@@ 85,6 85,12 @@ resolveSpans p = do
        , RS.spanCharacterBreaks = subOffsetsDesc (sStart - pStart) cBreaks

paragraphBreaks :: (LocaleName -> Breaker a) -> Text -> String -> [(Int, a)]
paragraphBreaks breakFunc txt lang =
    breaksDesc (breakFunc (locale lang LBAuto)) txt
paragraphBreaksDesc :: (LocaleName -> Breaker a) -> Text -> String -> [(Int, a)]
paragraphBreaksDesc breakFunc txt lang =
    -- Workaround: We are interested in the type of the end-of-text break
    --             (if it is hard, that line needs to be always visible),
    --             but `breaksDesc` does not provide it.
    -- TODO: Consider optimising by creating a custom reimplementation
    --       of `Data.Text.ICU.breaksRight`.
    reverse $ breaksAsc (breakFunc (locale lang LBAuto)) txt

M src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Run.hs => src/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/Run.hs +5 -0
@@ 25,6 25,10 @@ data Run = Run
    , runLevel :: Level
    , runDirection :: Direction
    , runScript :: Maybe ScriptCode
    , runHardBreak :: Bool
    -- ^ Marks run that ends with a forced line break.
    -- Those should prevent creation of invisible line boxes
    -- according to <https://www.w3.org/TR/css-inline-3/#invisible-line-boxes>.
    deriving (Eq, Show)

@@ 87,6 91,7 @@ spanToRuns s = snd $ mapAccumL run 0 $ protoRuns zipper levels
                , runLevel = PR.level pr
                , runDirection = levelDirectionH $ PR.level pr
                , runScript = Just $ PR.script pr
                , runHardBreak = False

M test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/RunSpec.hs => test/Data/Text/ParagraphLayout/Internal/RunSpec.hs +24 -0
@@ 60,6 60,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles Arabic hello" $ do

@@ 72,6 73,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles Serbian with mixed script" $ do

@@ 85,6 87,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 12

@@ 92,6 95,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles mixed direction with base LTR" $ do

@@ 105,6 109,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 7

@@ 112,6 117,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 13

@@ 119,6 125,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles mixed direction with base RTL" $ do

@@ 132,6 139,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 7

@@ 139,6 147,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 13

@@ 146,6 155,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles Arabic text with English inside" $ do

@@ 159,6 169,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 5

@@ 166,6 177,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 14

@@ 173,6 185,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 79

@@ 180,6 193,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 82

@@ 187,6 201,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Zyyy"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        it "handles English text with Arabic inside" $ do

@@ 200,6 215,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 13

@@ 207,6 223,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Arab"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                , Run
                    { runOffsetInSpan = 47

@@ 214,6 231,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 0
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
        -- Unrealistic example where text changes direction

@@ 229,6 247,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                -- direction change
                , Run

@@ 237,6 256,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                -- direction change
                , Run

@@ 245,6 265,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Latn"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                -- script change
                , Run

@@ 253,6 274,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                -- direction change
                , Run

@@ 261,6 283,7 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 2
                    , runDirection = DirLTR
                    , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                    , runHardBreak = False
                -- direction change
                , Run

@@ 269,5 292,6 @@ spec = do
                    , runLevel = 1
                    , runDirection = DirRTL
                    , runScript = Just "Cyrl"
                    , runHardBreak = False